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FL DOE/BEESS and FDLRS Network Updates

FL DOE/BEESS and FDLRS Network Updates. Fall Function Forum November 15, 2005. Topics To Discuss. DOE Leadership Emphasis on Strategic Imperatives DOE Priorities for 2005-06 BEESS Task Force Committees and Workgroups Additional BEESS Priorities Impact of Priority Areas on FDLRS Services.

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FL DOE/BEESS and FDLRS Network Updates

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  1. FL DOE/BEESS and FDLRS Network Updates Fall Function Forum November 15, 2005

  2. Topics To Discuss • DOE Leadership • Emphasis on Strategic Imperatives • DOE Priorities for 2005-06 • BEESS Task Force Committees and Workgroups • Additional BEESS Priorities • Impact of Priority Areas on FDLRS Services

  3. DOE Leadership • New K-12 Chancellor Dr. Cheri Yecke • Deputy Chancellors Mary Janet Tappen, K-12 Deputy Chancellor for Student Achievement Pam Stewart, K-12 Deputy Chancellor for Educator Quality • Bambi Lockman, Bureau Chief, Bureau of Exceptional Education and Student Services (BEESS)

  4. BEESS Leadership

  5. BEESS Leadership FDLRS Lead Team Karen Morris, Technology Rachael Spanjer, Child Find Kathy Burton, Parent Services Mary Ann Ahearn, HRD New Member: David Davis! Personnel Development Management Project (PDMP) (Includes FDLRS HRDCU) Mary AnnAhearn Sue Kupchunas Lori Massey 19 FDLRS Associate Centers 5 Specialized Centers 5 Regional Tech Labs 5 University Centers FDLRS Related Info Only

  6. Increased Emphasis On… • Strategic Imperatives ~ Eight to be Great! • Increase Supply of Highly Effective Teachers • Set, Align, And Apply Academic Curricular & Testing Standards • Improve Student Rates of Learning • Improve the Quality of Instructional Leadership • Increase the Quantity and Improve the Quality of Education Options • Align Workforce Education Programs with Skill Requirements of the New Economy • Align Financial Resources with Performance • Coordinate Efforts to Improve Higher Student Learning

  7. Continuous Emphasis On… • Commissioner Winn’s Goals • Highest Student Achievement • Seamless Articulation and Maximum Access • Skilled Workforce and Economic Development • Quality Efficient Services

  8. A++ Secondary Reform DELTA Mentoring and Coaching Compulsory Attendance Speech/Language as a Related Service (and educational interpreters) Scholarship Program Accountability Career Education FCAT Substitutes and Concordance Data Quality DOE Priorities for 2005-2006

  9. Alternate Assessment Paperwork Reduction/IEP Task Force LD Task Force Access and Opportunity Work Group SSS Workgroup Disproportionality Workgroup Charter School Task Force Additional BEESS Priorities, Task Force Committees, and Work Groups

  10. Data Collection ESE Program and Rule Revisions Partnering with Other Bureaus Review of Discretionary Projects Personnel Development Advisory Committee Program Contact Meetings FCAT Rigorous Reading Highly Qualified Parent Activities Transition Activities Gifted Activities Parentally Placed Private School Children with Disabilities Co-Teaching and Class Size DJJ and Charter Schools Additional Priority Areas

  11. Federal Oversight & Accountability • Activities with OSEP • 1999-2000 Federal monitoring visit to Florida resulted in 9 areas of noncompliance • Annual State Improvement Plans • September 2003 Verification Visit • Annual Performance Report (APR) • State Performance Plan (December 05) • Compliance Issues • Reduced areas down from 9 to 5 • Resulted in special conditions attached to Part B Grant Award – July 1, 2004

  12. Federal Oversight & AccountabilityContinued Special Conditions: • Provision of Psychological Counseling (Cleared) • Resolution of State Complaints within 60 day timeline (Cleared) • Provision of Speech/Language Pathology as a related service (Continues) • Public agencies failed to provide speech and language pathology as a related service to children with disabilities who need that service to benefit from special education. Actions: monitoring, designated task force, legislative action, quarterly reports to OSEP

  13. BEESS Monitoring and Accountability • Between 2001-07 BEESS will have: • Conducted 105 monitoring visits for 67 districts • Visited all 67 districts, FSDB, 4 Lab Schools and 30 Dept. of Corrections Institutions • Verification visits will have been completed for 38 of the 67 districts (57%) • All monitoring visits incorporate compliance components: • Key Data Indicators: • Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) • Dropout Rates • Standard Diploma Percentages • Participation in Statewide Assessment

  14. BEESS Monitoring Findings • Access to the general curriculum • Counseling services not provided to or documented on IEPs of SED students • Transition • Not noted as purpose of IEP meeting • Agencies not invited to IEP meetings • Prior written notice of change of placement • Statewide assessment decision not based on SBE rule • Students placed in a more restrictive setting based on: limited consideration of supports/services needed to remain in gen.ed. Or administrative convenience/scheduling issues • IEPs did not address key elements of a student’s disability • Gifted: no individualization of services, lack of approp. Services, students dismissed prior to entering high school

  15. Let’s Not Forget Our Priorities! Human Resource Development • Utilize collaborative needs assessment process to identify alignment of professional development activities with CIM (Continuous Improvement Model), Florida Strategic Imperatives, Evaluation Protocol, K-12 Reform Efforts, Highly Qualified and Just Read Florida • Coordinate and provide multi-level, research-based professional development to include, but not limited to: five areas of reading, differentiated instruction, SIM (Strategic Instruction Model), DIBELS (Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills), Instructional Strategies, Accommodations/Modifications, Collaborative Teaching Model, Peer Coaching, Action Research, Professional Study Groups, Classroom/Behavior Management, Social Skills Algebraic Thinking, Class Act, Transition, CBM (Curriculum Based Measurement), Quality IEPs, Matrix, and ESE related issues • Provide relevant information, materials and other resources related to professional development and promising practices, that support the attainment of state/district professional development goals related to ESE programs and services • Support development and implementation of effective online/distance learning professional development activities to include PDA-ESE (Professional Development Alternatives for Exceptional Student Educators), Middle Grades Integrated Curriculum Online Content Review Module, Online Instructional Development Tool, etc.

  16. Let’s Not Forget Our Priorities! Technology • Provide and document training on digital text awareness, Just Read, Florida!, and other state initiatives to local assistive technology specialists (LATS) exceptional student education teachers, and other school based personnel. • Promote the use of assistive and instructional technology to assist students in increased academic and functional performance, and to assist schools in meeting Individual with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEIA) requirements. • Participate in and use as an instructional strategy video-conferencing and online instruction to promote awareness of distance learning options. • Participate in regional technology meetings and related collaborative activities.

  17. Let’s Talk About the Importance of Partnering with Other K-12 Bureaus

  18. How does all of this apply to…. Tech HRD Parent Child Find

  19. Roundtable Ruckus Any light bulbs go off?

  20. Thanks for all you do..You are truly the best!

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