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Il S.I.M. nella Moda

Il S.I.M. nella Moda. Urbino 28 novembre 2008. Group highlight. Workforce 1.399 Flagship Store, Corner and Shops in Shop 161 Country 73 Client 6.500. Group structure. Aeffe Production and distribution of clothing lines

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Il S.I.M. nella Moda

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  1. Il S.I.M. nella Moda Urbino 28 novembre 2008

  2. Group highlight Workforce 1.399 Flagship Store, Corner and Shops in Shop 161 Country 73 Client 6.500

  3. Group structure Aeffe Production and distribution of clothing lines The company has a production plant covering 55,000 sq.m at San Giovanni in Marignano (Rimini), which is where the following production stages are carried out: Manufacturing and other stages are outsourced to third parties. Pollini Production and distribution of footwear and leather accessory lines The company has a production plant covering 45,000 sq.m at Gatteo (Forlì) which is where the following production stages are carried out: • design • prototyping • leather cutting • piecing • working • finishing • design • prototyping • sampling • quality control • logistics Logistics is outsourced to third parties Moschino Design, handling of licences and retail All the Moschino lines are produced and distributed under licence agreements. The main Moschino’s licensees are: • Aeffe S.p.A. (ready-to-wear and accessories) • Pollini S.p.A. (footwear) • Sinv S.p.A. (jeanswear) • Allison S.p.A. (eyewear) • Euroitalia S.r.l. (fragrances) • Velmar (lingerie and beachwear) • Binda S.p.A. (watches and jewellery) Velmar Production and distribution of lingerie and beachwear Velmar has a production plant at San Giovanni in Marignano (Rimini). Logistics is outsourced to third parties.

  4. B.M. Designer/Brands Aeffe Clothing - Accessories Pollini Footwear – Leather goods Moschino Licences – Design Velmar Beachwear - Lingerie

  5. Business model (Aeffe only) Designers/Brands Alberta Ferretti dedicated team Moschino dedicated team Pollini dedicated team J.P. Gaultier dedicated team Basso&Brooke dedicated team Authier dedicated team Prototyping, sampling, sales campaigns, production (internal/outsourced), quality control, logistics Agents Distributors Retailers Franchised stores Franchised Corners and Shop-in-Shop Directly operated stores Wholesale Distribution Retail Distribution Operations

  6. D.O.S. Flagship Stores MOSCHINO Milano (2) Roma Capri Paris London Berlin Osaka Hong Kong (2) Kowloon Kuala Lumpur Singapore Taipei (3) Bangkok ALBERTA FERRETTI Milano Roma Capri Paris London POLLINI Milano Bologna Roma Firenze (2) Venezia Bolzano Parma Ravenna Varese Verona Paris PHILOSOPHY Milano Capri New York P_BOX Milano ) SPAZIO A Firenze Venezia

  7. Definizione “Struttura integrata e interagente di persone, attrezzature e procedure, finalizzate a raccogliere, classificare, analizzare, valutare e distribuire informazioni pertinenti, tempestive ed accurate destinate ai soggetti decisionali dell’impresa…” Sistema Informativo di Marketing (S.I.M.)

  8. L’impatto dell’Information Tecnology sul SIM “…la variabile “Tecnologia dell’Informazione” contribuisce in maniera rilevante a qualificare un sistema informativo aziendale e di marketing…” Evoluzione INFORMATION TECNOLOGY Evoluzione SISTEMI INFORMATIVI SIM

  9. Il percorso evolutivo dei SIM Sistemi orientati alle operazioni Anni ’50: EDP System (Electronic Data Processing) Anni ’60: MIS (Management information System) Anni ’70: SIS (Strategic Information System) DSS (Decision Support System) Anni ’80: EIS (Executive Information System) Anni ’90: Data Warehouse e Business Intelligence GIS (Geographics Information System) Anni ’00: Internet -Intranet-Extranet Sistemi orientati alle decisioni

  10. Schema Applicativo WEB SERVER AS/400 Gruppo Aeffe INTERNET EXTRANET • Website • E commerce • Sales force automation • Order entry • CRM • Retail • Stock VPN INTRANET • Navigazione dinamica dati • Condivisione documenti • Reportistica • Analisi dati • Modulistica • Comunicazione

  11. INTRANET • Navigazione dinamica dati • Condivisione documenti • Reportistica • Analisi dati • Modulistica • Comunicazione

  12. INTERNET • Website • E-commerce

  13. website

  14. E-commerce

  15. EXTRANET • Sales force automation • Order entry • CRM • Retail • Stock

  16. CRM-SKcli

  17. Grazie per l’attenzione federico bertini marketing manager aeffe group federico.bertini@aeffe.com http://www.linkedin.com/pub/a/361/439 “la certezza non è altro che la mancanza di immaginazione”

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