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Motion Planning: From Intelligent CAD to Computer Animation to Protein Folding

Motion Planning: From Intelligent CAD to Computer Animation to Protein Folding. Nancy M. Amato Parasol Lab,Texas A&M University. (Basic) Motion Planning :

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Motion Planning: From Intelligent CAD to Computer Animation to Protein Folding

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  1. Motion Planning:From Intelligent CAD to Computer Animation to Protein Folding Nancy M. Amato Parasol Lab,Texas A&M University

  2. (Basic) Motion Planning: Given a movableobject and a description of the environment, find a sequence of valid configurations that moves it from the start to the goal. The Piano Movers Problem start goal obstacles Motion Planning

  3. (Basic) Motion Planning: Given a movableobject and a description of the environment, find a sequence of valid configurations that moves it from the start to the goal. start The Alpha Puzzle goal obstacles Motion Planning

  4. Example: Swapping boxes Objective: swap the positions of the blue and red boxes, the boxes are the ‘robot’, enclosing walls are ‘obstacles’ (Basic) Motion Planning: Given a movableobject and a description of the environment, find a sequence of valid configurations that moves it from the start to the goal. start goal obstacles Motion Planning

  5. Hard Motion Planning Problems:Intelligent CAD Applications • Using Motion Planning to Test Design Requirements: • Accessibility for servicing/assembly tested on physical “mock ups”. • Digital testing saves time and money, is more accurate, enables more extensive testing, and is useful for training (VR or e-manuals). Maintainability Problems: Mechanical Designs from GE

  6. Hard Motion Planning Problems: Highly Articulated (Constrained) Systems Box Folding Periscope Folding

  7. Hard Motion Planning Problems: Highly Articulated (Constrained) Systems Polyhedron: 25 dof Soccer Ball: 31 dof Paper Folding • Digital • Actors • Closed Chain

  8. Hard Motion Planning Problems:Group Behaviors for multiple robots Traversing a Narrow Passage A “shepherd” herding a flock of ducks

  9. Hard Motion Planning Problems:Group Behaviors for multiple robots Covering

  10. Hard Motion Planning Problems:Deformable Objects • Find a path for a deformable object that can deform to avoid collision with obstacles • deformable objects have infinite dof!

  11. Drug Design - molecule docking Hard Motion Planning ProblemsComputational Biology & Chemistry • Simulating Molecular Motions • – study folding pathways & kinetics RNA Folding Protein Folding

  12. More Applications & Movies http://parasol.tamu.edu/groups/amatogroup/ Credits: My students: Burchan Bayazit (Asst prof, WUSTL, Guang Song (postdoc with Jernigan at Iowa State), Jyh-Ming Lien, Shawna Thomas, Marco Morales, Xinyu Tang, Dawen Xie, Roger Pearce, Sam Rodriguez & Ken Dill (UCSF) and Marty Scholtz (Texas A&M)

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