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Writing GEM reports. Alicia Coduras GEM NES Coordinator GEM Spain Technical Director. The main purposes of participating in the GEM Project are:
Writing GEM reports Alicia Coduras GEM NES Coordinator GEM SpainTechnical Director SAN FRANCISCO ANNUAL MEETING 2012
The main purposes of participating in the GEM Project are: -To collaborate in the building of international indicators on entrepreneurial activity to analyze the role of it versus the economic and social development -To provide data for the Global Report -To get national information on entrepreneurial activity -To get information to write a national, regional or city report -To communicate and diffuse all this information to influence institutions and help fostering the entrepreneurial spirit and activity in all participating territories That is why the writing of a GEM Report is so important GEM annual meeting 2012
The factors that determinate the GEM report writing are: -Available resources for the edition: this determinates the lenght, type and number of books -The size of the team, the time available for members to do this task, the organization and similar -The experience of the writers and their knowledge about GEM variables and the possibilities they offer -The suport of the host institution and also of external institutions -The audience to which authors are going to adress the Report
Starting from a point where all these issues have been decided, begins the task of writing and editing the report An outline must be developed, and it is recommended to take a look on examples of previous National GEM Reports to get ideas and select materials It is also very important to read and understand the GEM documents about the variables of all files: APS, NES and secondary variables to well know the data, the parts of the population to which they relate and all the details they are able to bring
Structure of the Report -Letter(s) of introduction -Introduction to the GEM Project including the theoretical model and the entrepreneurial process diagram -Executive summary with the main issues and describing the features of the national entrepreneurial results and environment for entrepreneurship -The scope of the entrepreneurial process -Motivation: necessity versus opportunity -The profile of the persons involved in each part or the entrepreneurial process -The characteristics of the activities involved in the nascent, new and established stages -The financing of the entrepreneurial process -The perceptual, and attitudes features of the involved and not involved population -The institutional framework for entrepreneurship -Other special chapters: entrepreneurship and gender, special topic of the year, regional comparisons…. -Conclusions and recommendations -Methodology and disclaimers -Bibliography and references
Letters of introduction It is recommended to open the GEM Report with a letter written by: Main Sponsor(s) The GEM national Director A relevant personality An introductory letter uses to describe the importance of the project for the territory, the usefulness, the objectives, the audience that can take profit on the information that GEM offers, the motivation to give support to this observatory, etc.
Introduction to the project and theoretical model The introduction must introduce the GEM project to readers There are many examples on how to write this part, and it is recommended de carefully reading of recent Global Reports Some critical points that must be developed here are: -What is GEM -Mission, objectives, main issues -Description of the entrepreneurial process from the GEM point of view -GEM theoretical model -Sources of information -Main global results of the project
Executive summary It is written when the report is finished and all the analysis made It presents a quick overview of the results of the observatory the current year The purpose of this summary is to allow readers make an idea of the report contents The summary describes and outlines briefly the main results of each part of the report
DISCENT, EXIT_RS, EXIT_CTD, EXIT_ENT The scope of the entrepreneurial process Can be described thanks to the following variables included in GEM SPSS files Exited/abanoned Last 12 months Early Stage Entrepreneurial Activity 1,34% establishedbusinessess > 42 months Potential e-ship Intention Nascent e-ship 0-3 months New baby e-ship 3 - 42 months TEAYYSTA 6,7% 2,2% 2,1% 7,7% ESTBBUSO FUTSUP % overpopulation aged 18-64 TEA = 4,3% TEAYY
Motivation: necessity versus opportunity TEA11MOP TEA11FOP TEA11MNE TEA11FNE TEA11OPP TEA11NEC TEA11OTH TEA11MOT TEA11MIX SU_11WHY BB_11WHY TEA11WHY EB_11WHY SU_OPTYP BB_OPTYP TEAOPTYP EB_OPTYP SU_MOTIV BB_MOTIV TEAMOTIV EB_MOTIV SUBOPP11 SUBNEC11 Involved in TEA, opportunity, male Involved in TEA, opportunity, female Involved in TEA, necessity, male Involved in TEA, necessity, female Involved in Opportunity early-stage Entrepreneurial Activity Involved in Necessity early-stage Entrepreneurial Activity Involved in Entrepreneurial Activity, cannot code motive TEA: opportunity, necessity or other motive Mix of opportunity and necessity (items 3+4 in q2h and q3g) Motive for nascent entrepreneurs Motive for baby business owners-managers Motive for people involved in TEA Motive for established business owners-managers SU: Opportunity type, 4 categories BB: Opportunity type, 4 categories TEA: Opportunity type, 4 categories BB: Opportunity type, 4 categories SU: motive for nascent entrepreneurs, combination of q2g and 2gi BB: motive for baby business owners, combination of q2g and 2gi TEA: motive for people involved in TEA, combination of q2g and 2gi EB: motive for established business owners, combination of q2g and 2gi Nascent entrepreneur, opportunity Nascent entrepreneur, necessity
Profiles It is possible to make average profiles for people involved in each part of the entrepreneurial process: Potential entrepreneurs Nascent Baby Established Exited Gender, age group, work status, education, income thirds, house size… Select people of each stage and work with variables: gender, age, gemwork, gemeduc, gemhhinc, hhsize,
Characteristics of the activities Sector, innovation, competitiveness, use of recent technologies, technological level, internationalization, employment…. For nascent: select TEAYYSTA = 1for baby select = 2 Main, target variables: TEASIC4C: TEA, FIRM TYPE,4 CATEG ISIC[R3,90] TEACUST: TEA: How many (potential) customers consider product new/unfamiliar? TEACOMP: TEA: How many businesses offer the same products? TEATECH: TEA: Were the technologies or procedures available more than a year ago? TEAYYMEM: TEAyy: Market Expansion Mode TEAEXP4C: TEA: export intensity, 4 categories TEAHITEC: TEA: Technology level of the sector TEAOWNER: TEA: number of owners TEAYYJNW: TEA: current number of jobs, 4 categories TEAYYJ5Y: TEA: expected number of jobs, 4 categories TEAJOBGP: TEA: Expected job growth (percentage) in 5 years
Characteristics of the activities For established: select ESTBBUSO = 1 Main, target variables: EB_SIC4C = EB: FIRM TYPE,4 CATEG ISIC[R3,90] EB_CUST = EB: many (potential) customers consider product new/unfamiliar? EB_COMP = EB: How many businesses offer the same products? EB_TECH = EB: Were the technologies or procedures available more than a year ago? EB_MEM = Expansion Mode, owner-manager of established business EB_EXP4C = EB: export intensity, 4 categories EB_HITEC = EB: Technology level of the sector EB_OWNER = EB: number of owners EB_yyJNW = EB: current number of jobs, 4 categories EB_yyJ5Y = EB: expected number of jobs, 4 categories EB_JOBGP = EB: Expected job growth (percentage) in 5 years
Financing Informal investment and business angel Variables: Busang= Q4A. Have you, in the past three years, personally provided funds for a new business started by someone else, excluding any purchases of stocks or mutual funds? Bafund= Q4B. Approximately how much, in total, have you personally provided to these business start-ups in the past three years, not counting any investments in publicly traded stocks or mutual funds? Barel= Q4C. What was your relationship with the person that received your most recent personal investment? barel_oth= Q4C. Other type of relationship with the person that received your most recent personal investment?
The perceptual, and attitudes features of the involved and not involved population knowent opport suskill fearfail equalinc nbgoodc nbstatus nbmedia Qi1. Do you know someone personally who started a business in the past 2 years? Qi2. In the next six months, will there be good opportunities for starting a business in the area where you live? Qi3. Do you have the knowledge, skill and experience required to start a new business? Qi4. Would fear of failure would prevent you from starting a business? Qi5. In my country, most people would prefer that everyone had a similar standard of living. Qi6. In my country, most people consider starting a new business a desirable career choice. Qi7. In my country, those successful at starting a new business have a high level of status and respect. Qi8. In my country, you will often see stories in the public media about successful new businesses.
The institutional framework for entrepreneurship Use the NES data to design a diagnostic on the state of institutions and framework conditions for entrepreneurs There is a wide range of available information: Individual level Aggregated level Opened responses on constraints, supports and recommendations