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Calibration WG. Overall goals:. 1. Develop and maintain scanner QA methods. Procedures on web site Paper in press: Friedman & Glover, JMRI. Develop and implement means for reducing intersite variations in fMRI sensitivity. Bonus Aim. Calibration WG.
Calibration WG Overall goals: 1. Develop and maintain scanner QA methods • Procedures on web site • Paper in press: Friedman & Glover, JMRI • Develop and implement means for reducing intersite variations in fMRI sensitivity
Bonus Aim Calibration WG Proposed intersite calibration aims: 1. Further develop BH methods (GHG) Develop ASL methods (Tom Liu) 3. Examine smoothing equalization (Friedman et al., in review) 4. Develop new method based on SFNR (Lee Friedman)
Update on BH • Theory and measurements developed Paper on BH kids/adults (Thomason, NI 2005) Paper on BH calib (Thomason, HBM in press) • Next steps
Working Memory Children Adults low Spatial medium high low Verbal medium high M. Thomason
Vascular res. HR CBF hypoxia Basal metab. O2, CO2, NO, H+ vasodilation rCBF BH-induced BOLD signal Thomason, et. al, NI 2005
Vascular BOLD Uniformity Thomason, et. al, NI 2005
BH Task: Children vs. Adults Thomason, et. al, NI 2005
BH Task: Children vs. Adults Thomason, et. al, NI 2005
BOLD Signal rCBF [HbO2] OEF CMRO2 = OEF x rCBF x [HbO2] [Hb] M. Thomason et al., HBM 2006 Davis, PNAS (1998) Buxton, 2003
BOLD Signal BH task Kastrup (1999) Hoge (1999) F = fBH/fa M. Thomason et al., HBM 2006
BH Calibration Method • Use BH task (non-neuronal, no change in CMRO2) to normalize cognitive task • Reduces signal change related to vasoreactivity • Should reduce inter-subject variance
WM/BH Study • Adult subjects performed - SWM task (Sternberg) - BH task • Compared intersubject variability in WM effect with/without BH calibration M. Thomason et al., HBM 2006
Calibration: WM Raw Calib M. Thomason et al., HBM 2006
Calibration: WM Raw ROI whole brain pixel- wise 1 Slice for all subjects M. Thomason et al., HBM 2006
Calibration: WM Raw pixel- wise 1 Slice for 3 subjects M. Thomason et al., HBM 2006
BH Calibration: Individual Subs No calib Calib 5 ≤ t ≤ 20 M. Thomason et al., HBM 2006
Calibration: SWM 5 subjects, parietal M. Thomason et al., HBM 2006
BH Calibration: Group Activation No cal Calib vol = 1.0 vol = 1.24 @ p .001 3.5 ≤ t ≤ 10 M. Thomason et al., HBM 2006
Activation Response No cal Calib t-score average = 7.82 t-score average = 14.58 M. Thomason et al., HBM 2006
Update on BH • Theory and measurements developed Paper published on BH kids/adults Paper in press BH calib • Next steps
Update on BH • Theory and measurements developed Paper published on BH kids/adults Paper in press BH calib • Next steps
Sl 10, aud Vascular Responsivity: BH • Variations in inspiration may modulate blood oxygenation
Behavioral Effect Mitigation Approaches • Model breathing variations using GLM Signal = a * Resp + b * HR
Vascular Responsivity: BH GHG111603
Behavioral Effect Mitigation Approaches • Model breathing variations using GLM Signal = a * Resp + b * HR • Provide respiration feedback to maintain inspiration level constant
BH Status • Program available to make calibrated timeseries- input = timeseries, BH scan, params • Developing feedback device piezo electric resp monitor from ADI LED meter, analog electronics. Est. cost $500