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Who doesn’t love sparkling white teeth? For good oral health, here are few tips on Do’s and Don’ts of Teeth by dentist in Kettering!
Be true to your teeth and they won't be false to you. ~Soupy Sales
Do: Brush and Floss Twice a Day • It’s well known that foods such as coffee, tea, fizzy drinks, soy sauce and curry stain your teeth. Everyone cannot give up these foods. Thus, the best way to remove stains and food particles between teeth is by brushing and flossing twice a day.
Do: Eat Crunchy Fruits and Vegetables • Crunchy foods such as apples, carrots, etc. are known as nature’s tooth brush as it removes stains easily and cleans the tooth surface without damaging your teeth’s enamel. Thus, include these types of food as much as possible in your daily diet.
Do: Eat Cheese • Studies reveal that eating a bit of cheese after meals helps to prevent tooth decay and paves way for enamel re-mineralization. • In addition, the calcium present in products such as milk and yogurt keeps your choppers healthy and strong.
Don’t: Use chemicals directly on teeth • Dentists’ advices not use any chemicals, apple cider or vinegar to whiten the teeth as it can have adverse effect on your teeth by damaging your teeth’s enamel.
Avoid Foods That Stain Your Teeth • Black coffee and tea, wine, berries, citrus fruits, candies, etc. can stain your teeth extensively. Thus, it is better to avoid these foods. • If you can’t say no to these items, then gargle your mouth immediately after consuming them or use a straw to limit your teeth’s exposure to staining drinks.
Don’t: Brush with excess force • Don’t brush hardly or use hard-bristled brush. Remember that you are cleaning your teeth and not the filling between your bathroom tiles. Thus, brush gently!
For experienced dentist in Kettering, contact Garland & Johnson Dental Practice For appointments, call: 937.252.9070 Website: www.garlandjohnsondds.com