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Zinc. Electrode system: Working E DAM Counter E Pt Reference E Ag/AgCl/KCl NH 4 Cl (0,05M). Thallium. Electrode system: Working E DAM Counter E Pt Reference E Ag/AgCl/KCl NH 4 Ac. Lead. Electrode system: Working E DAM Counter E Pt

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Zinc Electrode system: Working E DAM Counter E Pt Reference E Ag/AgCl/KCl NH4Cl (0,05M)

  2. Thallium Electrode system: Working E DAM Counter E Pt Reference E Ag/AgCl/KCl NH4Ac

  3. Lead Electrode system: Working E DAM Counter E Pt Reference E Ag/AgCl/KCl HCl (0,01M)

  4. Mercury Electrode system: Working E Au-Bi Counter E GC Reference E Ag/AgCl/KCl 10mM HNO3 + 10mM HCl

  5. Tap water Solid line; real sample, dashed line; after addition of 100 g/l Zn, 50 g/l Pb and 500 g/l Cu. DPASV, dep. time 120 s at - 1450 mV, scan rate 15 mV/s, mod. pulse 50 mV. Supporting electrolyte; NH4Cl

  6. AdCSV in seawater. HEPES buffer (pH=7.3), oxine (0.02mM), and DMG (0.3mM) added directly to sample. Dep. 120 s at -800 mV, scan rate 15 mV/s, mod. pulse -50 mV.

  7. TBS HVS Løkken • Pilot projects in Norway:

  8. Heavy Metals and Aquaculture For oppdrettsanlegg en det vesentlig at innholdet av tungmetaller er under kontroll. Dette gjelder først og fremst kobber. Landbaserte anlegg, og særlig ved gjenbruk av vann er kontinuerlig overvåking viktig. Selv ved kortvarige nivåer kan gi stor skade, det er derfor viktig med en rask tilbakemelding. Vi har nylig gjennomført et pilotprosjekt på anlegget ved Nofima AS på Sunndalsøra. Resultatene viser at metoden med fordel kan brukes til formålet:

  9. Long term measurements of copper

  10. From Raubekken

  11. Continuous analyses of zinc, iron, and copper for a time period of four months (middle of January to middle of May, 2004), in polluted river water (Raubekken) at Løkken Verk, Norway. The point in red are results from ICP-MS analyses.

  12. Continuous remote monitoring of zinc, cadmium and lead. Scrubbing wastewater added NH4Cl (to 0.05M). DPASV, 120 s dep. time at -1300mV, scan rate 15 mV s-1, mod. pulse 50 mV. Heimdal incineration plant outside Trondheim

  13. Continuous monitoring of mercury in purified scrubbing water at Heimdal incineration plant Trondheim, Norway.

  14. An interesting new project:Forecasting of earth quakes Some indications show that there is an increase of the level of heavy metals in the groundwater prior to an outbreak of an earth quake. Automatic monitoring of heavy metals can then be used for such forecasting. A collaboration with geologists at University of Stockholm in Sweden is established to work out these new possibilities.

  15. Mittal Steel Poland S.A. Oddz. w DąbrowieGórn. KoksowniaPrzyjaźń Sp. z o.o. Saint Gobain Glass Polska Sp. z o.o. P.U.W. HKW Sp. z o.o. Stacja Buoy naziemna Stacja naziemna P.U.W. HKW Sp. z o.o. P.U.W. HKW Sp. z o.o. 3 3 V= 42 mln m 19 677 525 m (2004 rok) 3 21 387 000 m (2004 rok) 3 600 000 m (2004 rok) Stacja naziemna P.U.W. HKW Sp. z o.o. 3 36 166 000 m (2004 rok) Installations in Poland • Dziećkowice monitoring station Soła monitoring station

  16. Installations in Poland * Zn, Cd, Cu, Pb, Ni, Fe(II)

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