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Agenda. Introduction Step 1: Learn About Options Step 2: Reflect Activity: School scenarios Step 3: Make Decisions Activity: Creating a strategic administration and data analysis calendar Step 4 & 5: Make Official Selections and Get Ongoing Support. 2. Why Periodic Assessments?.
Agenda Introduction Step 1: Learn About Options Step 2: Reflect Activity: School scenarios Step 3: Make Decisions Activity: Creating a strategic administration and data analysis calendar Step 4 & 5: Make Official Selections and Get Ongoing Support 2
Why Periodic Assessments? “Teachers need to know about their pupils’ progress and difficulties with learning so that they can adapt their own work to meet pupils’ needs—needs that are often unpredictable and that vary from one pupil to another.” -Paul Black and Dylan Wiliam, “Inside the Black Box: Raising Standards Through Classroom Assessment” 3 3
Creating a Strategic Periodic Assessment Plan Step 1: Learn about 2009-10 assessment, administration, and data analysis options (today and ongoing with stakeholders) Step 2: Reflect on 2008-09 assessments; discuss needs, goals, resources (today and ongoing with stakeholders) Step 3: Make decisions about versions, administration types, timing for administration, data analysis, PD (preview today and ongoing with stakeholders) Step 4: Make official selections online (June) Step 5: Continue learning by registering for PD and exploring resources via Web site and ARIS (Summer 2009 through 2009-10 school year with school community) 4
2009-10 Updates Acuity (grades 3 through HS) Predictions in fall and spring Classroom matrix report Item authoring tool Item statistics Strand-level results in ARIS ELL Periodic Assessment predictions to NYSESLAT ECLAS-2 (K-2) data in ARIS All programs—more professional development and support available Many high school updates! 5
NEW Acuity Classroom Matrix Report Skill associated with each item Question number, item type, and most commonly selected incorrect answer Predicted proficiency level, tier, and % correct for each student Correct answer choices highlighted in green for easy-to-see performance trends 6
Grades K-2 Periodic Assessment Portfolio Expectations Literacy and Supplemental assessment options • Considerations: • Administration and Reporting • Content Design Your Own assessment option 8
K-2 Early Literacy Assessments • ECLAS-2 • Administered twice per year • One-on-one or group administration • Kits provided by the DOE at no cost to schools • Results in ARIS • TCRWP, Fountas and Pinnell, and DRA2 • May be administered more than twice per year • One-on-one administration • Funding provided by the DOE for schools to purchase materials • Results not yet in ARIS • E-PAL • DYO 9
Grades 3-8 Periodic Assessment Portfolio Expectations Predictive, Formative, and Supplemental assessment options • Considerations: • Content and Administration • Reporting and Instructional Tools Design Your Own assessment option 10
Predictive Option: Acuity Predictive Assessments Content and administration Mirror New York State ELA and math tests Online or paper/pencil Multiple choice only or with constructed response 2 per year in each subject, administered Approximately 2 months prior to the corresponding state test Late May – mid-June Reporting and instructional tools Reports offer Predicted State test performance levels Acuity scaled scores Detailed item and skill analysis Reports online for each student, class, and school Instructional Resources (online or printable) Item Banks for customizing follow-up assignments Results in ARIS 11
Formative Option: Acuity Instructionally Targeted Assessments (ITAs) Content and administration Schools choose versions: Sequential: aligned to commonly-used curricula Genre-based (e.g., poetry) Customized Online or paper/pencil Multiple choice only, 40-45 minutes Reporting and instructional tools Reports offer detailed item and skill analysis Reports online for each student, class, and school Instructional Resources (online or printable) Item Banks for customizing follow-up assignments Item Banks and Item Authoring tool for customizing ITAs Results in ARIS 12
Formative Option: Performance Series Content and administration Available in reading, language, and math Online only Computer-adaptive: assessments adjust for each student Helpful for students performing above or below grade level May be used for individual students, target populations, or the whole school Reporting and instructional tools Reports online for each student, class, and school Suggests learning objectives for each individual student Follow-up activities in students’ areas of demonstrated need Results in ARIS Performance Series is available to all schools at any time. 13
Formative Option for ELA: Teachers College Reading and Writing Project Content and administration Tracks students’ ability to read increasingly difficult texts with fluency, accuracy, and comprehension Identifies students’ independent and instructional reading levels (A-Z) Reading logs, spelling inventories, and non-fiction assessments also available Available to print online from TCRWP’s Web site One-on-one administration Reporting and instructional tools Reports yield detailed information on student learning needs Schools score their own students’ assessments Online data analysis system (AssessmentPro) available Results not yet in ARIS 14
High School Assessment Portfolio Expectations Predictive, Formative, and Supplemental assessment options • Considerations: • Content and Administration • Reporting and Instructional Tools Design Your Own assessment option 15
High School Updates for 2009-10 New assessment options PSAT Data Pilot Optional Geometry Predictive Assessments and ITAs Enhancements to existing high school Acuity assessments Piloting new English ITAs (Regents task-based) Developing a new listening passage for Regents-Year English Predictive (to replace JFK speech) Improved curriculum alignments for Integrated Algebra ITAs Revisions and formatting improvements for English ITAs 16
Predictive Option:Acuity Predictive Assessments Content and administration Mirror Regents exams in English, Integrated Algebra, and Geometry “Regents-Year” and “Pre-Regents-Year” options Online or paper/pencil Multiple choice only or with essays/open-ended questions 1 per year in each subject, administered Regents-Year: approximately 2 months prior to taking the corresponding Regents for the first time Pre-Regents: late May – mid-June Reporting and instructional tools Reports offer Predicted Regents exam score ranges Acuity scaled scores Detailed item and skill analysis Reports online for each student, class, and school Instructional Resources (online or printable) Item Banks for customizing follow-up assignments Results in ARIS 17
Formative Option: Acuity Instructionally Targeted Assessments (ITAs) Content and administration Schools choose versions: Sequential (math): aligned to commonly-used curricula Genre-based (English): literary, informational, or functional Customized (math or English) Pilot English ITAs Online or paper/pencil Multiple choice only, 40-45 minutes Reporting and instructional tools Reports offer detailed item and skill analysis Reports online for each student, class, and school Instructional Resources (online or printable) Item Banks for customizing follow-up assignments Item Banks and Item Authoring tool for customizing ITAs Reports in ARIS 18
Formative Option: Performance Series Content and administration Available in reading, language, and math Online only Computer-adaptive: assessments adjust for each student Helpful for high school students performing below grade level May be used for individual students, target populations, or the whole school Reporting and instructional tools Reports online for each student, class, and school Suggests learning objectives for each individual student Follow-up activities in students’ areas of demonstrated need Performance Series is available to all schools at any time. 19
NEW - PSAT Data Pilot Content and administration All high schools still expected to administer the PSAT Administration will remain the same as in the past Reporting and instructional tools Summary of answers and skills report offers detailed item and skill analysis (not by student) Results not yet in ARIS Program expectations for PSAT Data Pilot schools Use PSAT results to inform instructional decisions in English and math Administer one additional Formative Assessment (Acuity ITA or Performance Series) Participate in professional development (at no cost) Provide feedback to the DOE on reports, data, support • More detailed information will be sent directly to schools selecting to participate in this option 20
Supplemental Option: ELL Periodic Assessment (Grades 3-12) Content and administration Aligned to ESL standards and NYSESLAT in Reading, Writing, and Listening Available in NYSESLAT grade bands for grades 3-12 Will predict NYSESLAT performance in 2009-10 Administered twice per year Paper/pencil Multiple choice only, 40-45 minutes Reporting and instructional tools Reports offer detailed item and skill analysis Reports online for each student, class, and school Online reporting system points to relevant instructional resources: Achieve 3000, Award Reading, Edge, Imagine Learning, Rev it Up!, and RIGOR Results not yet in ARIS 21
Options for Special Populations (Grades K-12) Supplemental assessments Performance Series ELL Periodic Assessments Accommodations Large-print, Braille Spanish versions of Acuity math assessments Other exceptions Below-level 3rd graders ECLAS-2 instead of fall ELA ITA E-PAL instead of spring ELA ITA Advanced 8th graders in Integrated Algebra Integrated Algebra curriculum-aligned fall ITA Regents-Year Predictive in place of winter or spring math ITA 22
Design Your Own (DYO) Assessment Option (Grades K-12) Schools may apply to Use a combination of DOE-provided and DYO assessments Use DYO assessments in place of DOE options Application timeline Posted on Periodic Assessment Web site and in ARIS May 1 Early decision application deadline: May 21 Regular application deadline: June 5 DYO schools share learning through Biannual DYO symposia DYO community in ARIS Reporting Schools develop their own data capture and reporting systems Results not yet in ARIS 23
Creating a Strategic Periodic Assessment Plan Step 1: Learn about 2009-10 assessment, administration, and data analysis options (today and ongoing with stakeholders) Step 2: Reflect on 2008-09 assessments; discuss needs, goals, resources (today and ongoing with stakeholders) Step 3: Make decisions about versions, administration types, timing for administration, data analysis, PD (preview today and ongoing with stakeholders) Step 4: Make official selections online (June) Step 5: Continue learning by registering for PD and exploring resources via Web site and ARIS (Summer 2009 through 2009-10 school year with school community) 24
Activity: Assessment Strategy for PS/IS 555 This school’s considerations Has a school-wide focus on parent engagement and wants to share recent student data with families at fall parent-teacher conferences (mid-November) Concerned about student writing ability (State test) Has very limited technological facilities Wants to create Periodic Assessment reports in ARIS Open questions When and how should the school administer the fall ELA predictive assessment? Which version of the ELA predictive assessment should the school choose: multiple choice only or multiple choice/constructed response? What assessments should the school administer for K-2 students? 25
Possible Selections for PS/IS 555 • When and how should the school administer the ELA Predictive assessment? • Would like to administer online but currently can’t because of limited technological capacity • Paper/pencil, early in the administration window • Which version of the assessment should the school choose? • If school can schedule staff time to score and enter written responses, constructed response version will provide info about students’ writing skills and provide better prediction • If school already plans to do many classroom writing exercises and doesn’t want the scoring process to hold up seeing predictions/scaled scores in ARIS, choose MC only • MC only, then they can use CR separately • What assessments should the school administer for K-2 students? • ECLAS-2: results will be in ARIS this year • E-PAL for grade 2: provides info on students’ writing ability 26
Activity: Assessment Strategy for PS/IS 999 • This school’s considerations • Wants early diagnostic information on struggling and G&T students • Uses a modified version of Everyday Math for grades 3-5, and modified Impact Math for grades 6-8 • Has leveled libraries • Has a brand-new computer lab with high-speed internet • A group of teachers is engaged in inquiry focused on ELL students passing the NYSESLAT • Open questions • What Formative assessments should PS/IS 999 administer? • What Formative assessments should PS/IS 999 administer for its special education, G&T, and ELL students? • How should PS/IS 999 administer its assessments? 27
Possible Selections for PS/IS 999 • What Formative assessments should PS/IS 999 administer, and how should the school administer them? • Pre-designed Everyday Math and Impact Math ITAs, online, after the fall ITA administration window (when math classes will have covered the content of the assessments) • Customized math ITAs, paper/pencil, during the regular fall ITA administration window • TCRWP assessments for ELA • What Formative assessments should PS/IS 999 administer for its special education, G&T, and ELL students? • Performance Series early in the year to pinpoint special education and G&T students’ instructional levels • Performance Series in place of ITAs throughout the year for students whose instructional levels are significantly below grade level • ELL Periodic Assessments in place of ITAs for ELL students 28
Activity: Math Assessment Strategy for HS A • This school’s considerations • 9th graders entering with a wide range of skills • Follows both the 2-semester and 4-semester Prentice Hall Integrated Algebra pacing • Students take the Integrated Algebra Regents at the end of their Integrated Algebra Course (either 9th or 10th grade) • Open questions • What diagnostic information is available for High School A? • What Integrated Algebra Formative assessments should High School A administer? • When should High School A administer the Integrated Algebra Predictive assessments to the students in each course? 29
Possible Math Selections for HS A • What diagnostic information is available for High School A? • Prior Year Assessment Reports in Acuity • Performance Series • What Integrated Algebra Formative assessments should High School A administer? • Acuity ITAs for the general populations in both courses • Performance Series administered early in the school year as a diagnostic for students performing below grade level (in place of an ITA) • When should High School A administer the Integrated Algebra Predictive assessments to the students in each course? • Students in the 2-semester course should take the Regents-Year Predictive in April of 2010 • Students in the 4-semester course should take the Regents-Year Predictive in April of 2011 • These students are not required to take the One-Year-Out Pre-Regents Predictive again 30
Activity: English Assessment Strategy for HS B • This school’s considerations • School-wide focus on college readiness and preparation • All students sit for the Comprehensive English Regents in January of grade 10 • School has a significant ELL population • Open questions • Which Formative assessments should High School B choose for each grade level? • When should High School B administer the Comprehensive English Regents-Year Predictive assessment? • How can High School B differentiate the Formative assessments for the school’s ELL population? 31
Possible Selections for High School B • What Formative assessments should High School B choose for each grade level? • Grade 9 – 2 Performance Series • Grade 10 – PSAT and Acuity ITA • Grade 11 – PSAT and Acuity ITA (for students who did not pass the Regents in January of Grade 10) • When should High School B administer the Comprehensive English Regents-Year Predictive assessment? • November of 2009 • Students in grade 11 who did not pass in grade 10 are not required to take the Regents-Year Predictive Assessment again • How can High School B differentiate the Formative assessments for the school’s ELL population? • Substitute the ELL Periodic Assessment for one or both of the Performance Series windows in grade 9 32
Activity: Assessment Strategy for Your School Reflect on 2008-09 assessment data and current practice What are your assessment data needs? Are current assessments meeting these needs? Have current assessments supported inquiry work? Determine goals/features for your strategic assessment plan Are there elements of curriculum you want to focus on? What are your school’s plans for inquiry work in the coming year? When do you need data? When is the best time to administer each assessment? Do your special populations require differentiated assessments? Consider the benefits of seeing data in ARIS Consider your school’s resources and capacity Do you have the technology for online administration? Do you have staff resources for scoring constructed response questions? Have you arranged time to analyze and discuss assessment results? 33
Creating a Strategic Periodic Assessment Plan Step 1: Learn about 2009-10 assessment, administration, and data analysis options (today and ongoing with stakeholders) Step 2: Reflect on 2008-09 assessments; discuss needs, goals, resources (today and ongoing with stakeholders) Step 3: Make decisions about versions, administration types, timing for administration, data analysis, PD (preview today and ongoing with stakeholders) Step 4: Make official selections online (June) Step 5: Continue learning by registering for PD and exploring resources via Web site and ARIS (Summer 2009 through 2009-10 school year with school community) 34
Step 3: Choose Assessments, Versions, Timing The Periodic Assessment Selection Tool Worksheet helps you capture your choices on assessment types, versions, timing, etc. 35
Step 3: Choose Assessments, Versions, Timing The Periodic Assessment Calendar provides information on the testing windows for the various programs. 36
Step 3: Choose Assessments, Versions, Timing Population Matrix (for high schools only) Predictive assessments for high school students are determined by when students will take the corresponding Regents exam Schools estimate the number of students in each grade that fall into each category in the table below This example is for Integrated Algebra Predictive assessments for students who will be in 9th grade in 2009-10 37
Step 3: Choose Assessments, Versions, Timing • Choose the Predictive and Formative assessments that meet your needs (and/or K-2 Literacy assessments) • Select Supplemental assessments for special populations • Choose versions and timing • Do you need to customize ITAs to align with curriculum? • When should you assess, based on curriculum pacing and timing of results? • Will you build in time to score and enter constructed response questions? • Choose administration and scoring methods (Acuity) • Administering online gives you more flexible administration windows and returns results faster • School-based scanning gives you more flexible administration windows 38
Creating a Strategic Periodic Assessment Plan Step 1: Learn about 2009-10 assessment, administration, and data analysis options (today and ongoing with stakeholders) Step 2: Reflect on 2008-09 assessments; discuss needs, goals, resources (today and ongoing with stakeholders) Step 3: Make decisions about versions, administration types, timing for administration, data analysis, PD (preview today and ongoing with stakeholders) Step 4: Make official selections online (June) Step 5: Continue learning by registering for PD and exploring resources via Web site and ARIS (Summer 2009 through 2009-10 school year with school community) 39
Step 4: Make Official Selections Online • Online Periodic Assessment selection tool • Opens: June 3 • Closes: June 17 • Support from the DOE’s Periodic Assessment Team • Selection worksheets • Step-by-step guide to making selections in Periodic Assessment Guide (hard copy or online) • Additional resources available on the Periodic Assessment Web site • Call the DAAR Helpdesk for Periodic Assessment selection support: 212-374-5162 • E-mail the Periodic Assessment Team: periodicassessment@schools.nyc.gov 40
Step 4: Make Official Selections Online • Sign in through the Principal’s Portal; the tool will recognize your school • Choose a grade band to fill out first: K-2, 3-5, 6-8, or 9-11 • For K-2, choose a Literacy assessment and any optional Complementary assessments • For all other grades, make selections for each grade and subject (ELA/English and math) • For high school, the first step is to complete the population matrix 41
Step 4: Make Official Selections Online Schools will complete this process for ELA and Math for each grade level they serve 42
Step 5: Register for PD; Learn About New Resources • Invite a professional developer from our team to your school to support you with Periodic Assessments • Grouping, differentiated instruction, and AIS work • Inquiry and goal-setting • ARIS • State tests • Additional topics • Summer p-credit course, “Periodic Assessments and Data-Driven Instruction” • Keep posted about program developments and new resources • Principals’ Weekly and Teachers’ Weekly • Periodic Assessment Web site • Periodic Assessment Community in ARIS 43
Ongoing Support: Periodic Assessment Web Site http://schools.nyc.gov/Accountability/ResourcesforEducators/PeriodicAssessments 44
Ongoing Support The DOE’s Periodic Assessment Team Division of Accountability and Achievement Resources Phone: 212-374-5162 Email: periodicassessment@schools.nyc.gov