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AIM: SWBAT define the various mating systems that exist in animals in the wild

AIM: SWBAT define the various mating systems that exist in animals in the wild. Please Do Now: Write a few sentences about what you know about how animals in the wild get mates?. Agenda. Do Now Intro to animal breeding/mating systems Quick Video Data Analysis. A quick note.

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AIM: SWBAT define the various mating systems that exist in animals in the wild

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Presentation Transcript

  1. AIM: SWBAT define the various mating systems that exist in animals in the wild Please Do Now: Write a few sentences about what you know about how animals in the wild get mates?

  2. Agenda Do Now Intro to animal breeding/mating systems Quick Video Data Analysis

  3. A quick note You are seniors, and I think you are all capable of discussing animal mating behavior in a mature, academic fashion, or I would not do this unit. Please don’t disappoint me.

  4. What are Mating Systems? • The mating systems that a species employs describes how males and females relate with one another • The species employ these various mating systems because evolution has selected them as the most favorable for their physiology and environment

  5. Monagamy • One male and one female have an exclusive mating relationship • Often called pair bonding • May or may not be for life • Rare in mammals (3%), common in birds (90%) • Cheating happens in the biological world too

  6. Polygyny • one male and two or more females • The strongest males momolpolize the females in an area • Strongest genes passed on

  7. Polyandry • One female, two or more males • Males are often smaller and less important (basically sperm factories) • Insects, some monkeys, fish

  8. Polygyandry • Two or more females and two or more males in an exclusive mating group • Young typically reared in a group

  9. Promiscuity • Any male or female in the social group will mate with each other • Easiest • Unlikely to be high parental investment (you don’t know if that is your child) • Common in animals that live in isolation when mates are hard to find

  10. Think on this • Why does it make sense evolutionarily speaking for an animal that has a very low population density to be a promiscuous mater?

  11. Summarize Mating systems ___________________

  12. Summarize Mating systems are dependent on an organisms’ environment and life history

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