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Announcements. Reading for next week: Chapter 5 (all); Chapter 11, section 11.8 ONLY. BIO 304 Lecture 7. http:// nerdapproved.com /. Complementation analysis. Pleiotropy. Frizzled mutation in chickens. Other phenotypic effects: abnormal body temperature, higher metabolic rate, fewer eggs.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Announcements Reading for next week: Chapter 5 (all); Chapter 11, section 11.8 ONLY

  2. BIO 304 Lecture 7 http://nerdapproved.com/

  3. Complementation analysis

  4. Pleiotropy Frizzled mutation in chickens Other phenotypic effects: abnormal body temperature, higher metabolic rate, fewer eggs

  5. X-linkage

  6. Human X and Y chromosomes Y-chromosome genes?

  7. X-linked recessive pedigree Examples: Hemophilia, red-green color blindness, Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy

  8. X-linked dominant pedigree Examples: hypophosphatemia

  9. A form of hemophilia demonstrates X-linked recessive inheritance. An unaffected woman whose father had hemophilia marries an unaffected man. What is the probability that their first son will have hemophilia? 1. 0 2. 1/4 ✓ 3. 1/2 4. 3/4 5. 1

  10. A form of hemophilia demonstrates X-linked recessive inheritance. An unaffected woman whose father had hemophilia marries an unaffected man. What is the probability that their first daughter will have hemophilia? ✓ 1. 0 2. 1/4 3. 1/2 4. 3/4 5. 1

  11. Sex-limited and sex-influenced inheritance

  12. Variable penetrance

  13. Variable expressivity piebald spotting in beagles (SP allele) Drosophila eyeless gene

  14. Temperature-sensitive mutations

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