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New Jersey Colony. Founded in 1763, by the Lenni Lenape tribe. By: Alyssa, Morgan, and Mackenzie. First People. Lenni Lenape lived in New Jersey for thousands of years by the Delaware River. Lived in villages of 50-200 people. Lived in wigwams around the central longhouse.
New Jersey Colony Founded in 1763, by the Lenni Lenape tribe. By: Alyssa, Morgan, and Mackenzie
First People • Lenni Lenape lived in New Jersey for thousands of years by the Delaware River. • Lived in villages of 50-200 people. • Lived in wigwams around the central longhouse. • Men built house frames with trees and women made mats with bark or plants to cover frames. • Hunted deer, turkeys, and bears. • Fished and gathered shellfish, nuts, and berries. • Planted squash, corn, and beans. • Dried fruit and vegetables for the winter. • Settlers took Lenni Lenape land and a war started. • By 1700s, most Lenni Lenape Indians had died from illness or were forced to move.
Early Settlers • 1623- Dutch started New Amsterdam colony. They traded Indians for furs. • 1638- Swedish settlers came to North America to build a fur trading colony. • 1664- New England took over New Amsterdam. • 1665- Dutch took over New Sweden. • King Charles II gave what is now New Jersey to his brother James, Duke of York. • James gave New Jersey to George Carteret and John Lord Berkeley. • 1676- Quakers bought Berkeley’s half and split the colony into East and West Jersey. • 1770- 117,400 people lived in New Jersey. • West Jersey became an area of large farms.
Life in the Colony • They built log homes. • East Jersey people lived in a town. • West Jersey people lived on farm land. • 1661- New Jersey’s first town was formed. (Bergen) • Most families depended on farming to earn a living. • 1702-West Jersey and East Jersey formed New Jersey. • Grew oats, wheat, and corn. • Raised cows, sheep, and chicken. • Animals provided milk, wool, meat, and eggs. • People paid Dutch or Swedish government. • Colonist refused to pay the English.
Life in The Colony (cont.) • People in New Jersey had very strong religious beliefs. • Slavery began in the 17th century, after the Dutch Settlement. • By 1846, New Jersey had abolished slavery.
Work and Trade • As time passed, jobs changed from farmers, to millers, blacksmiths, and wheel makers. • 1642- Aert T. Van Putten built first brewery in Hoboken. • 1760- The Campbell family started a wampum factory in Bergen. • American Indians used wampum belts for trade. • Made wampum belts with seashells. • People in the southern part of New Jersey farmed rice, corn, and other grains. They also planted apple, plum, pear, and cherry trees. • Sold crops and items to traders. • Indentured servants worked at farms, factories, and inns. By the 1700s, slaves were used instead of indentured servants.
Exports • New Jersey exported cattle, corn, flax, wheat, beer, flour, and iron. • A popular import was slaves from Africa.
Community and Religion • Quakers lived in West Jersey. • They dressed plainly and worked everyday. • No leaders were in the Quaker church. • Quakers spoke if they wished. • Prayed silently. • 1667- Puritans from Connecticut came to East Jersey. • They had very strict rules. • Bought land off the Passaic River from the American Indians. • Newark was formed. • 1730’s colonist traveled.
Great Awakening • Changed the way of many peoples religion. • Ministers talked about a direct relationship with God. • Everyone was welcome. • Poor people, women, and enslaved Africans were treated fairly and could take part in this act. • Number of people at church grew. • 1730’s-Newark was formed. • West Jersey had its 1st Baptist church • Four ministers. • Could not be baptized until you were an adult.
By 1760, people thought they were outgrowing Britain’s rule when taxes were set on paper, tea, and sugar. Taxes were upsetting American colonists and they believed that the British government had no right to tax them. 1774- Colonists in Greenwich, New Jersey, burned a whole ship of British tea. 1774- The colonies sent representatives to Continental Congress to reason with Great Britain about taxes. 1775- The Revolutionary War began. Over 100 battles were fought in New Jersey during the Revolutionary War. Most important battle in New Jersey was the Battle of Trenton. July 2nd, 1776- New Jersey approved their first constitution. The British wanted to control New Jersey. During the approval of the constitution, congress declared independence from Great Britain. December 25, 1776- George Washington led his troops across the Delaware River and made a surprise attack. 1783- America won the war. 1787- Leaders wrote the U.S. Constitution. New Jersey approved the constitution on December 18, 1787. Becoming a State
Statehood • New Jersey was the 3rd state. • State borders are Pennsylvania, New York, and Delaware. • Founded in 1763.
Important Information Delaware tribe (Lenni Lenape) • Got their name from the Delaware river. • Lenape tribe-is a group of several organized bands of Native American. • Lived near the Delaware River and Hudson River also near Pennsylvania, Delaware, New York, and New Jersey. • Algonquian family. • New Netherlands took their land. • A song called “Living On a Prayer” was written for the state of New Jersey. • The capitol of New Jersey is Trenton.