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First results on 6M training sample and Bs->mumu analisys

First results on 6M training sample and Bs->mumu analisys. F. Crescioli, M. Dell'Orso, P. Giannetti, G. Punzi, G. Volpi. Sample and programs. Training sample 6M evts by Erik (12.0.31) Bs->mumu sample 27k evts by Erik (12.0.31) All samples with ATLAS-CSC-01-02-00 geom

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First results on 6M training sample and Bs->mumu analisys

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  1. First results on 6M training sample and Bs->mumu analisys F. Crescioli, M. Dell'Orso, P. Giannetti, G. Punzi, G. Volpi

  2. Francesco Crescioli Sample and programs • Training sample 6M evts by Erik (12.0.31) • Bs->mumu sample 27k evts by Erik (12.0.31) • All samples with ATLAS-CSC-01-02-00 geom • ftksim with RW and HW enabled, variable plane layout • Old plane conf: 2 Pixel Layers (1st and 2nd) -4 SCT Layers • New plane conf: 3 Pixels Layers -3 SCT Layers (1st, 3rd , 4th) • ftksim_comp (matching program) with loose match requirements for phi and ctheta

  3. Francesco Crescioli Training results • ~61k sectors with constants • ~160k patterns per bank (8 banks) • Overall efficiency ~50% (computed on bs->mumu sample) • Checks on training gives results similar to v10, BUT: • Better impact parameter 5/6 resolution with 3 Pixel 3 SCTs layer setup • Sligth asymmetry on resolution shapes (expecially ctheta) in 5/6 mode. To be investigated.

  4. Francesco Crescioli Bs->mumu fake analisys - cuts C phi Distance from the nearest truth. Log scale. ctheta z0 Asym in ctheta distance. To be investigated.

  5. Francesco Crescioli Bs->mumu fake analisys - chi2 Old layer configuration New layer configuration

  6. Francesco Crescioli Bs->mumu fake analisysimpact param distribution Old Layer configuration New Layer configuration

  7. Francesco Crescioli Bs->mumu fake analisysimpact param distribution (mu) Old Layer configuration New Layer configuration

  8. Francesco Crescioli Bs->mumu fake analisysimpact param resolution Old Layer configuration New Layer configuration

  9. Francesco Crescioli Bs->mumu fake analisysimpact param m/non-m (good) Old Layer configuration New Layer configuration

  10. Francesco Crescioli Bs->mumu fake analisysimpact param m/non-m (fake) Old Layer configuration New Layer configuration

  11. Francesco Crescioli Truth problems? • Bs->mumu sample: some tracks have vertex exactly (0,0,0) in the truth • Mostly pi and protons, never muons • Training sample: no tracks have exactly (0,0,0) • Precision problem? • jobOption problem? • Is it a problem?

  12. Francesco Crescioli Bs->mumu fake analisysimpact param distribution (no 0) All tracks. New Layer configuration Non zero impact parameter. New Layer configuration IP distribution is larger, because it's rich in muons

  13. Francesco Crescioli Bs->mumu fake analisysimpact param resolution (no 0) All tracks New plane configuration Non zero impact parameter New plane configuration Resolution are slightly better with the non-zero impact parameter sample

  14. Francesco Crescioli Good/Fake missplane distr Old plane configuration New plane configuration

  15. Francesco Crescioli Conclusion • Version 12.0.31 training data seems ok • First results on Bs->mumu sample highlight improvement with new plane configuration • Fake tracks are now mostly real tracks with few parameters reconstructed bad • Impact parameter seems to be better measured • We should repeat analisys on Wuu/Wbb sample • Investigate minor strange things (zero impact parameter tracks, ctheta asymmetries, ...)

  16. Francesco Crescioli BACKUP

  17. Francesco Crescioli Fake failed parameter distr Old plane configuration New plane configuration

  18. Francesco Crescioli Fake missplane/parameter distr Old plane configuration New plane configuration

  19. Francesco Crescioli Good/Ghost/Fake Old plane configuration New plane configuration

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