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Lecture 10. ANNOUNCEMENTS Alan Wu will hold an extra lab session tomorrow (9/28), 2-4PM The post-lab assignment for Experiment #4 has been shortened! 2 pgs of notes (double-sided, 8.5”×11”) allowed for Midterm #1. OUTLINE BJT Amplifiers (cont’d) CB stage with biasing
Lecture 10 ANNOUNCEMENTS • Alan Wu will hold an extra lab session tomorrow (9/28), 2-4PM • The post-lab assignment for Experiment #4 has been shortened! • 2 pgs of notes (double-sided, 8.5”×11”) allowed for Midterm #1 OUTLINE • BJT Amplifiers (cont’d) • CB stage with biasing • Emitter follower (Common-collector amplifier) • Analysis of emitter follower core • Impact of source resistance • Impact of Early effect • Emitter follower with biasing Reading: Chapter 5.3.3-5.4
Biasing of CB Stage • RE is necessary to provide a path for the bias current IE to flow, but it lowers the input impedance.
Reduction of Input Impedance Due to RE • The reduction of input impedance due to i1 is undesirable because it shunts part of the input current to ground instead of to Q1 (and RC). Choose RE >> 1/gm , i.e.ICRE >> VT
Creation of Vb • A resistive voltage divider lowers the gain. • To remedy this problem, a capacitor is inserted between the base and ground to short out the resistive voltage divider at the frequency of interest.
Example of CB Stage with Bias VCC = 2.5V IS = 5x10-16 A b = 100 VA = ∞ Design a CB stage for Av = 10 and Rin = 50W. • Rin = 50W ≈ 1/gm if RE >> 1/gm Choose RE = 500W • Av = gmRC = 10 RC = 500W • IC = gm·VT = 0.52mA • VBE=VTln(IC/IS)=0.899V • Vb = IERE + VBE = 1.16V • Choose R1 and R2 to provide Vb and I1 >> IB, e.g.I1 = 52mA • CB is chosen so that (1/(b+1))(1/wCB) is small compared to 1/gm at the frequency of interest.
Emitter Follower Core • When the input voltage (Vin) is increased by Vin, the collector current (and hence the emitter current) increases, so that the output voltage (Vout) is increased. • Note that Vin and Vout differ by VBE.
Unity-Gain Emitter Follower • In integrated circuits, the follower is typically realized as shown below. • The voltage gain is 1 because a constant collector current (= I1) results in a constant VBE; hence DVout = DVin .
Small-Signal Model of Emitter Follower • The voltage gain is less than 1 and positive.
Input Impedance of Emitter Follower • The input impedance of an emitter follower is the same as that of a CE stage with emitter degeneration (whose input impedance does not depend on the resistance between the collector and VCC).
Effect of BJT Current Gain • There is a current gain of (+1) from base to emitter. • Effectively, the load resistance seen from the base is multiplied by (+1).
Emitter Follower as a Buffer • The emitter follower is suited for use as a buffer between a CE stage and a small load resistance, to alleviate the problem of gain degradation.
Output Impedance of Emitter Follower • An emitter follower effectively lowers the source impedance by a factor of +1, for improved driving capability. • The follower is a good “voltage buffer” because it has high input impedance and low output impedance.
Emitter Follower with Early Effect • Since rO is in parallel with RE, its effect can be easily incorporated into the equations for the voltage gain and the input and output impedances.
Emitter Follower with Biasing • A biasing technique similar to that used for the CE stage can be used for the emitter follower. • Note that VB can be biased to be close to VCC because the collector is biased at VCC.
Supply-Independent Biasing • By putting an independent current source at the emitter, the bias point (IC, VBE) is fixed, regardless of the supply voltage value.
Summary of Amplifier Topologies • The three amplifier topologies studied thus far have different properties and are used on different occasions. • CE and CB stages have voltage gain with magnitude greater than one; the emitter follower’s voltage gain is at most one.
Amplifier Example #1 • The keys to solving this problem are recognizing the AC ground between R1 and R2, and using a Thevenin transformation of the input network. CE stage Small-signal equivalent circuit Simplified small-signal equivalent circuit
Amplifier Example #2 • AC grounding/shorting and Thevenin transformation are needed to transform this complex circuit into a simple CE stage with emitter degeneration.
Amplifier Example #3 • First, identify Req, which is the impedance seen at the emitter of Q2 in parallel with the infinite output impedance of an ideal current source. • Second, use the equations for a degenerated CE stage with RE replaced by Req.
Amplifier Example #4 • Note that CB shorts out R2 and provides a ground for R1, at the frequency of interest. R1 appears in parallel with RC; the circuit simplifies to a simple CB stage with source resistance.
Amplifier Example #5 • Note that the equivalent base resistance of Q1 is the parallel connection of RE and the impedance seen at the emitter of Q2.