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Power of the Public Word. Genre Morph | English 1102-048. Luke Perry | March 2, 2013 . Reflective Introduction.
Power of thePublic Word Genre Morph |English 1102-048 Luke Perry |March 2, 2013
Reflective Introduction The statement “A picture is worth a thousand words” is so widely used that it has nearly evolved into a cliché comment. However, in actuality, this phrase is far from a mere platitude. On the contrary, it is an extremely accurate statement which is likely apparent to anyone who has read a photo-less book. To that end, the use of photographs, cartoons, and other digital images is an advantageous method for conveying information and persuading or effecting viewers. As nearly everyone has experienced, images have the capability to inform and captivate people in a way that few other mediums can. Therefore, during this upcoming examination of power, these resources provide an excellent and fitting method of the exploration. These Images will exemplify and display the power which the spoken word invokes as this presentation examines this topic. In addition to a focus on images, a reasonable definition of power is necessary to complete this analysis. Many may view power as the ability to force a person to do something, but I believe that the ability to influence people’s choices is true power. In the case of my selected theme for this analysis of power—the power of the public word—speakers are frequently able to persuade their audience solely through their words. As the upcoming photos will examine, many speakers such as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Rev. Billy Graham, and even Oprah Winfrey exemplified power through the audiences they have affected with the public word. Whether it was Graham’s preaching of the Gospel, King’s pursuit for equality, or Oprah’s ability to entertain, each not only reached masses of people, but were also able to elicit responses or changes from their actions. This influence which the public word invokes is my primary reason for selecting this aspect of power.
Reflective Introduction Also, the reason for examining power requires further explanation. The ancient Greek philosopher Plato said, “The measure of the man is what he does with power;” however, power relates to more than just single individuals. It is also a core part of our society as many people, businesses, and governments are constantly seeking power; the spoken word provides an avenue for this achievement. Moreover, it is my hope that a viewer of this presentation will appreciate the power and influence of the public word as it is exemplified by these photographs. Hopefully, they will interpret the spoken word as an impactful and influential device. In addition to the viewer’s gains, as I created this presentation, the image of Rev. Graham speaking was the most involving for me personally. This impact was due to the respect that I hold towards Graham because of the calmness and wisdom with which he carried himself for so many years, and viewing and examining the photo that exemplified that stature was enjoyable. Also, this personal effect is another example of the captivation of images and supports the basis for this project’s medium of analysis. Furthermore, there were several other pieces in the project that were beneficial and interesting personally. For example, the Australian protest that was organized purely around a student election was an appropriate exemplification of my theme and further enforced its influence. It shed new light on my theme in regards that the public word did not only pertain to famous and well-know figures, but its power also extends to anyone who can gain attention. Furthermore, the cartoon image drawn by Mike Keefe seemed as if it was simply another political cartoon; however, this image was actually the most viewed
Reflective Introduction cartoon run by the New York Times during the entire year of 2012. At a glance, this image seemed as if it was insignificant, but my investigation discovered that it was seen by literally tens of millions of people. This fact displayed another facet of the public word which showed to achieve influence, speaking is just one method of doing so. Finally, as I review the process of creating and assembling this project, I think that I will benefit from the experience of examining items with such detail and attention. Originally, I would have thought nothing more of the images than their initial impact; however, now that I have delved much further into these pieces, I think that I can carry this idea into other aspects. Not only will this method and detail of examination most likely prove valuable in the remainder of this course, but perhaps also in other pursuits at the University. In addition, it should warrant use in other areas such as viewing advertisements which—with further examination—have different motives rather the initially displayed effect. This example was evident during class when we examined the Allstate advertisement. On the whole, the most significant concept that I learned during this project is the value of deeper investigation and exploration. The possible information and insight which is gleaned through this process is the largest gain that I will take away from this project.
Dr. King’s Dream - Info Title: Dr. King's Powerful Dream Citation: Fitton, Robert. Dr. King's Dream. Digital image. The Sound of History. Fitton Books, n.d. Web. 5 Feb. 2013 Topic: Martin Luther King Jr. Sub-Genre:Photo Found Where: Corbis Images. Found How: Google Search Why Select This Image: Because Dr. King achieved arguably more than anyone else through speech. What Does This Image Say About Power: The number of people gathering to hear him speak showed his power. Also, given King’s urge for equality at a time of segregation, the two white photographers in the background of the image further display his importance. Why Do You State So: Dr. King’s speaking ability had an immeasurable impact during the civil rights movement. This day, where he delivered his “I Have a Dream” speech, will be forever remembered as an impactful speech. Furthermore, the white photographers fittingly display his speech’s importance by their need to take his picture regardless of race. How Does This Image Fit With the Others In Your Collection:Dr. King’s speeches were historically very influential causing large changes in our society. This influence is possibly the best example of the power of the public word.
Dr. King’s Dream - Paradigm • Piece • This piece is a photo of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. before his extraordinary “I Have a Dream” speech. • The website The Sound of History promoted the photograph. • The image was originally taken on August 28, 1963. • The piece shows Dr. King in an empowered position through which he made important changes to American society. • Agent • The Sound of History sponsored the photo on their website. • Robert Fitton, affiliated with the Sound of History website, can be contacted at 508-743-5939. • Receiver • The audience is people who are interested in civil rights, American history, Dr. King, and American freedom. • As a person of the modern era, knowing the great success of Dr. King’s speech makes me appreciate the power of this photo even more. • Inquires • What compelled so many people to attend Dr. King’s speech? • Why was the speech given the day this photo was taken so influential compared to the other great speeches Dr. King delivered?
Dr. King’s Dream - Paradigm • Agenda • The photo displays what a monumental event Dr. King’s speech was, and the massive crowd present was a large indicator of this importance. • Demands • It portrays Dr. King as a heroic, important, and powerful public figure. • Gains • Viewing that piece allowed me to further appreciate the magnitude of the occasion. • Motivators • The photographer most likely wanted to capture what was obviously already becoming an extraordinary event. • I looked for this photo because Dr. King exemplified the power of the public word arguably more than any other person.
Obama Campaigning - Info Title:Obama Campaigning Citation: Pace, Julie. Obama Campaigning. Digital image. Huffington Post. Associated Press, 11 May 2011. Web. 5 Feb. 2013. Topic: Presidential Election Sub-Genre: Photo Found Where: Huffington Post Found How: Google Search Why Select This Image: President Obama’s speaking ability was very important during his campaign which largely relied on his public message of change. What Does This Image Say About Power: It displays President Obama’s speaking power which was able to play a large role in his election. Why Do You State So: President Obama’s speaking ability, which allowed him to publicize his ideas, greatly helped his election and increased his popularity. How Does This Image Fit With the Others In Your Collection:President Obama’s campaign speaking and his achievements through it exemplify an aspect of the power of the public word.
Australian Protest - Info Title: Australian Protest Citation:Searle, Jono. AustralianProtest. Digital image. Courier Mail. Courier Mail, 29 Aug. 2012. Web. 26 Feb. 2013. Topic: Student Protest Sub-Genre: Photo Found Where: Courier Mail Website Found How: Google Search Why Select This Image: Because this image displayed the power of the protest organized by the man with the bullhorn. This protest was about student elections at a local university, but he still managed to raise over 700 protesters. What Does This Image Say About Power: It shows that power of the public word can be utilized by not just the famous and important people, but also by anyone who uses it correctly. Also, it displays the fact that the public word’s power is not limited to the United States. Why Do You State So: This protest was about possible underhanded tricks used against the gentleman with the bullhorn during a student election. He was able to raise a protest of approximately 700 people. His ability to organize this event, only through communication, displayed the power of the public word. How Does This Image Fit With the Others In Your Collection:His utilization of the public word went along with the theme; however, the fact that he was not famous or already well known further displays the power of the public word.
Churchill and the Masses - Info Title: Churchill and the Masses Citation: Bettmann. Churchill Addressing. Digital image. Getty Images. CORBIS, n.d. Web. 5 Feb. 2013. Topic: Winston Churchill Sub-Genre: Photo Found Where: Corbis Images. Found How: Google Search Why Select This Image: Because Churchill was able to inspire so many people through his speeches. What Does This Image Say About Power: Churchill’s ability to inspire with his speeches. Why Do You State So: Churchill was inspiring people with his speeches to fight a war, which is arguably one of the hardest things to inspire people to do. How Does This Image Fit With the Other In Your Collection: It displays one of the facets of the power of my theme: the public word because he was such a strong and powerful leader.
Churchill and the Masses - Paradigm • Piece • A photo of Winston Churchill addressing a massive audience in Whitehall during the latter part of the Second World War. • I found this image on Corbis images’ website. • The photo was originally taken in May of 1945. • It displays the massive power which Churchill held during the World War Two era. • Agent • Bettman was the original photographer who took the photo. • Corbis Images sponsored the photo on their website. • Corbis Images can be contacted via telephone at 800.260.0444 • Receiver • People interested in or seeking information about the Second World War, American and European history, the victory of the allies, and Churchill himself would all be a part of the audience. • As a student who has studied the War, I am a part of the audience. • Because Churchill is held in such high esteem regarding his leadership during the Second World War, I feel more positively influenced by the piece.
Churchill and the Masses - Paradigm • Inquires • What event is photographed, and were the people only present to see Churchill? • What made Churchill such an effective leader? • Agenda • The photo is attempting to portray Churchill in a positive light by showing that he was a powerful leader. • Demand • The demand of the photo is trying to produce respect for Churchill and the important place he holds in history. • Gains • Understanding what a publicly supported person Churchill was increased my perception of and revealed the amount of power and respect which Churchill possessed. • Motivators • Churchill’s special place in history and the fact that he is remembered for great leadership which he did primarily through oration prompted me to find this piece.
Bill’s Media Clout- Info Title: Bill’s Media Clout Citation: Clark, David. Billy’s Media Clout. Digital image. Fox News. News Corp, 6 Feb. 2011. Web. 5 Feb. 2013. Topic: Presidential Policy and News Media Sub-Genre: Photo Found Where: Huffington Post Found How: Google Search Why Select This Image: This image displayed Bill O’Reilly’s power because he was able to interview the President despite their differences. What Does This Image Say About Power: This photo displays the power of the O’Reilly’s high viewership numbers which he gained through the public word. Why Do You State So: This photo displays Billy O’Reilly’s power because he was able to interview President Obama. O’Reilly and the President have very different views, and O’Reilly has been a critic of the President. However, the President was still willing to be a guest on his show because of the viewership that O’Reilly’s show commands. How Does This Image Fit With the Others In Your Collection:O’Reily’s media clout which allowed him to interview the President was gained solely through his public word via his television show.
Oprah in Australia - Info Title: Oprah in Australian Citation:Oprah at Australian Opera House. Digital image. Innovate or Die. N.p., 11 Jan. 2011. Web. 5 Feb. 2013. Topic: Oprah Winfrey Sub-Genre: Photo Found Where: Innovate or Die website Found How: Google Search Why Select This Image: I selected this image because Oprah is the richest woman in the world, and she achieved her success through her television show. What Does This Image Say About Power: It displays Oprah’s power gained by the success of her television show. Why Do You State So: Oprah has entertained for her career, and it has been an extremely successful one. Not only is she the richest woman in the world, but she also has great influence in many people’s lives. How Does This Image Fit With the Other In Your Collection:Oprah’s success which was achieved through her television show displays a facet of the public word and its power.
Graham Preaching - Info Title: Graham Preaching Citation: Encyclopedia Britannica. Billy Graham. Digital image. Corbis Images. CORBIS, n.d. Web. 5 Feb. 2013. Topic: Billy Graham Sub-Genre: Photo Found Where: Corbis Images. Found How: Google Search Why Select This Image: I selected this image because Graham was one of the most influential speakers of his century. What Does This Image Say About Power: The number of people gathering to hear him speak showed his power. Why Do You State So: According to the University of Maryland, over 3 billion people across the globe have heard him preach. Furthermore, according to Rev. Graham’s staff, via the Cincinnati post, over 3.2 million peopleprofessed his sermons changed their lives through the Gospel. How Does This Image Fit With the Others In Your Collection:Graham’s public speeches have possibly drawn the largest audiences in history, and that importance is certainly an aspect of the power of the public word.
Graham Preaching - Paradigm • Piece • A photo of Rev. Billy Graham preaching to a massive crowd. • The photo was originally published in the Encyclopedia Britannica. • I found the Image on the Encyclopedia Britannica website. • The photo was originally taken on April 1, 1954. • The photo displays what an influential figure Rev. Graham was at this time in the world. • Agent • The Encyclopedia Britannica promoted the image. • Encyclopedia Britannica has been a published encyclopedia since 1768. • Encyclopedia Britannica can be contacted at 800-323-1229. • Receiver • People interest in Christianity, American history, Billy Graham, and religion would all be apart of the targeted audience. • I am interested in Christianity, so I am a part of the targeted audience. • As a follower of Christ, Rev. Graham’s teachings do interest me, so I have a greater respect for him because of my beliefs.
Graham Preaching - Paradigm • Inquires • I want to know where this event was held, and the size of the audience? • Agenda • The photo was shared in the encyclopedia display Graham as a important figure, so that is the bias within the presentation. • Demand • I think the photo tries to display Rev. Graham as a impactful leader worth the attention he received because he was so popular. • Gains • Due to the fact that Rev. Graham is much older now, I can now appreciate his former influence. • Motivators • Capturing the size of his crusade which garnished attention across the world most likely motivated the user to take the photographs. • I was prompted to select this photo because Rev. Graham is so well-known for his speaking, and he was born in Charlotte area.
America in Repair - Info Title: America in Repair Citation: Keefe, Mike. America in Repair. Digital image. New York Times. N.p., 2 Nov. 2012. Web. 5 Feb. 2013. Topic: American Economy Sub-Genre: Cartoon Found Where: New York Times Website Found How: Google Search Why Select This Image: Because this image was displayed as one of the most viewed New York Times Cartoons of 2012. What Does This Image Say About Power: This imagedisplays the power of the artist’s ability to reach millions of people. Why Do You State So: This imagedisplays the power of the freelance artist who is nationally syndicated giving him power because so many people will view his work. How Does This Image Fit With the Others In Your Collection: While this image does not show a large audience captivated by a speaker, the piece’s large viewership still displays the power of the public word.
Bush on the Tonight Show - Info Title: Bush on the Tonight Show Citation: Kraft, Brooks. Tonight With Bush. Digital image. Corbis Images. Corbis, 6 Mar. 2000. Web. 5 Feb. 2013 Topic: George Bush Sub-Genre: Photo Found Where: Corbis Images. Found How: Google Search Why Select This Image: Because Jay Leno was able to interview the President even though Leno is a humorous figure. What Does This Image Say About Power: It displays Jay Leno’s power gained by the success of his show. Why Do You State So: Jay Leno rarely does anything except for humor, but he has a large viewership and can attract virtually any guest. How Does This Image Fit With the Others In Your Collection: Leno gained his public prowess via his humorous show, but once again, the power which he gained was great enough that President Bush was a guest on his show.
Osteen and his Congregation - Info Title: Osteen’s Congregation Citation: Duron, Paul. Joel in Lakewood. Digital image. Emilypothast.Wordpress. Panaramio, 11 Mar. 2009. Web. 5 Feb. 2013. Topic: Lake Wood Church Sub-Genre: Photo Found Where:Wordpress Found How: Google Search Why Select This Image: I choose this image because Lake Wood Church is the largest church in the nation. What Does This Image Say About Power: It displays Osteen’s speaking power which is exemplified by his massive congregation. Why Do You State So: Osteen’s is not known for preaching in a way that many would consider Biblically rich; however, his amazing speaking ability has been a large part of the success of his Church. How Does This Image Fit With the Others In Your Collection: It displays one of the facets of my theme, the public word, because of Osteen’s popularity.
Osteen and his Congregation – Paradigm • Piece • It is a picture of Lake Wood Church which is in Houston, Texas, during a morning service. • The image originally published on Panaramio.com by Paul Duron. • I found it on Emily Pothast’sWordPress Blog. • It was published on March 11th, 2009. • This photo’s main point is to display the enormous congregation and facility which Lake Wood church displays. • Agent • Paul Duron of Panaramio.com took photo, but Emily Pothast sponsored or used the photo in an article on her website. • Emily has a Master of Fine Arts from The University of Washington. • She posted her email address which is emilypothast@gmail.com, on her Website EmilyPothast.com. • Receiver • The primary audience is people who are interested in Joel Osteen, Lake Wood Church, or the power of religion. Because Osteen’s preaching is not Biblically rich, I may feel more discontent with his enormous amount of power from his speaking.
Osteen and his Congregation – Paradigm • Inquires • I want to know more about the power of Joel Osteen such as how many people attend his church and how much money they donate. • Agenda • To sway your opinion that Lake Wood Church has too much power and money, and this idea was exemplified by the size of the congregation and the costly facility. • Demands • It urges the viewer to negatively perceive churches that have large attendance, overly extravagant facilities, or pastors with great power. • Motivators • The size and intrigue of Lake Wood Church and the attention it gets most likely prompted Duron to take the photo. I looked for this photo and found it because of the size of Osteen’s church.
Bibliography Bettmann. Churchill Addressing. Digital image. Getty Images. CORBIS, n.d. Web. 5 Feb. 2013. Clark, David. Annoying Orange. Digital image. Fox News. News Corp, 6 Feb. 2011. Web. 5 Feb. 2013. Duron, Paul. Joel in Lakewood. Digital image. Emilypothast.Wordpress. Panaramio, 11 Mar. 2009. Web. 5 Feb. 2013. Encyclopedia Britannica. Billy Graham. Digital image. Corbis Images. CORBIS, n.d. Web. 5 Feb. 2013. Fitton, Robert. Dr. King's Powerful Dream. Digital image. The Sound of History. Fitton Books, n.d. Web. 5 Feb. 2013 Keefe, Mike. America in Repair. Digital image. New York Times. N.p., 2 Nov. 2012. Web. 5 Feb. 2013. Kraft, Brooks. Tonight With Bush. Digital image. Corbis Images. Corbis, 6 Mar. 2000. Web. 5 Feb. 2013 Oprah at Australian Opera House. Digital image. Innovate or Die. N.p., 11 Jan. 2011. Web. 5 Feb. 2013. Pace, Julie. Obama Campaigning. Digital image. Huffington Post. Associated Press, 11 May 2011. Web. 5 Feb. 2013.