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The effects of Epilepsy

The effects of Epilepsy. A presentation on the effects of epilepsy by Dee Moore Regional Manager North East. What is Epilepsy. the second most common serious neurological condition in the United Kingdom and has the highest number of one day admissions of all neurological conditions.

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The effects of Epilepsy

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The effects of Epilepsy A presentation on the effects of epilepsy by Dee Moore Regional Manager North East

  2. What is Epilepsy • the second most common serious neurological condition in the United Kingdom and has the highest number of one day admissions of all neurological conditions. • the tendency to experience repeated seizures that start in the brain

  3. PROBLEM SOLVING SENSATION Different areas of the brain PERCEPTION ARMS LEGS EYES EARS MEMORY They communicate with each other through small electrical impulses

  4. What causes epilepsy? • Congenital malformation of brain • Injury at birth • Infection • eg. encephalitis/meningitis • Stroke • Brain tumour • Major head injury • Unknown (over 50%)

  5. Some possible triggers • Medication forgotten, incorrect, social, alcohol • Psychologicaltiredness, stress, sleep deprivation, unusual excitement, boredom • Physical illness, high temperature, hormonal changes • Environmental flashing lights, patterns, sounds

  6. Main Treatments • Usually prescribed medication • Vagal Nerve Stimulation • Surgery • Some people seizures will never will be controlled

  7. Some side effects of AEDs • Nausea • Dizziness, headaches • Double vision • Skin rash • Weight gain • Change in mood • Change in behaviour (particularly children)

  8. Exhaustion • Tiredness • Drowsiness • Below par • The smallest thing can be a huge effort • “Like wading through treacle”

  9. Memory • Thought processes slowed down • Can’t remember names • Can be embarrassing • Learning memory techniques • Retraining brain

  10. Worry, Fear, Anxiety • When’s my next seizure? • Am I going to embarrass myself? • Will I hurt myself? • Will I die?

  11. Sense of loss • Independence • Relationships • Self-esteem • Some people won’t go out • Feeling isolation • Why me?

  12. Relationships • How’s my partner going to respond? • Will they still find me attractive? • Are they going to leave me?

  13. Family & friends • Who do I tell? • What do I tell them? • When do I tell them? • How will they respond? • If I get pregnant will I pass on epilepsy to my baby?

  14. Transport • Diagnosis of epilepsy and onset of seizures not allowed to drive • In UK seizure free for a year to reapply for your driving licence • Reliant on someone else either family friends or public transport

  15. Leisure • What sports can I safely do? • Can I go out for a drink with my mates? • Can I party like my friends?

  16. Employment • Do I tell my employer? • How will they respond? • Will I lose my job? • What do I put on the application form?

  17. Stats: • Over 40 different types of epilepsy • Around 602,000 people in UK have epilepsy • This is equivalent to 1 in 103 • Approx 23% of people are mis-diagnosed in UK • Approx 70% of people in UK with epilepsy could be • Seizure free with optimum treatment currently only 52% are • 1,150 people die of epilepsy related causes

  18. Thank you Dee Moore 0191 2520504 dee.moore@epilepsysociety.org.uk

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