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Workshop on reporting obligations in the water acquis communautaire –

Workshop on reporting obligations in the water acquis communautaire – Draft River Basin Management Plan & Water Information System for Europe (WISE). Institutional aspects & cooperation of WFD implementation in Austria. Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer Harald Marent. Levels of governance

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Workshop on reporting obligations in the water acquis communautaire –

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  1. Workshop on reporting obligations in the water acquis communautaire – Draft River Basin Management Plan & Water Information System for Europe (WISE)

  2. Institutional aspects & cooperation of WFD implementation in Austria Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer Harald Marent

  3. Levels of governance Legislation and division of tasks Water on Ministerial level & other institutions involved Cooperation – contact point Reporting on water – timetable

  4. Levels of governance Austrian Government(Ministers - Ministries) 9 Federal States (State Governor) around 100 Regional Governments (Head of Regional Government) 2.360 Municipalities(Majors)

  5. (2) Legislation and division of tasks “Austrian Constitution (B-VG 1930)”: Water Law in Article 10: Legislation and Implementation – Austrian Federal Government Water Act (1959) Implementation and Controlling/Monitoring: mostly through the Federal States Data Collection: Cooperation between Austrian Government and Federal States Reporting: Austrian Government in Cooperation with the Federal States (e.g. WFD, UWWTD, Fish-Directive)

  6. (3) Water Policy on Ministerial Level Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management (e.g. Water Framework Directive, Nitrates Directive, UWWTD, Floods Directive) Health, Family and Youth (Bathing Waters, Drinking Waters, Mineral (filled) Waters) Science and Research (Research Funding) Transport, Innovation and Technology (TREN – Danube) Economics and Labour (Energy – Hydropower)

  7. (3) Water policy on ministerial level – Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Division VII 1 – National Water Management Division VII 2 – International Water Management(Interface to the International Institutions – e.g. EC, International Water Commissions, Transboundary Water Commissions) Division VII 3 – Water Balance (Water Quantity) Division VII 4 – Technical Principles of Water Management (Expert Judgement, Reservoirs) Division VII 5 – Flood Control Management (Protection of People because of Floods) Division VII 6 – Water Management in Residual Areas (Funding: Water Supply and Waste Water Treatment) Other Divisions (e.g. GIS, Agriculture, Legal Service, etc.)

  8. (3) Other institutions involved in WFD implementation Federal Agency of Water Management – BAW (subordinated Department of the Ministry) Federal Environment Agency – Umweltbundesamt (UBA) Federal States Administration (different divisions) External consultants

  9. (4) Cooperation – Contact point Austrian Federal Ministry and Federal States Administration (different divisions) – Co-operation through “Contact Point” (“Verbindungsstelle der Bundesländer”) for important Directives (e.g. Nitrates, UWWTD, WFD): one person representing the Federal States is present in Committee-Meetings (1 technical expert Ministry, 1 legal advisor Ministry & 1 member from the Federal States) Result: Federal States can follow closely the activities of the Ministry in Brussels – developing trustfulness

  10. Austria Reporting Directive 91/692/EEC 3 Year Reporting-Cycle “Water Framework Directive” 2000/60/EC “Individual Reports” Different Reporting-Cycles “Flood Directive” 2007/60/EC Dangerous Substances Dir. 76/464/EEC and 5 “Daughter Directives” Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Article 15 / 16 /17 – 2 Years Report “Intercalibration Network” Titanium Dioxide Dir. 78/176/EEC Shellfish Water Dir. 79/923/EEC Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC 4 Year Reporting Cycle Article 3 Report (Authorities and RBD) Fish Water Dir. 78/659/EEC Groundwater Dir (old) 80/68/EEC Bathing Waters Dir. (2007/6/EC) Yearly Reporting Article 5 Report (First Analysis) 6 Year Reporting Cycle Drinking Water Directives 75/440/EEC and 79/689/EEC Info – Exchange Surface Waters 77/795/EEC -Yearly Reporting Article 8 Report (Monitoring Programs) Drinking Water Dir. - Quality 98/83/EC IPPC – Directive 96/61/EC 3 Year Reporting Cycle River Basin Management Report - 6 Year Reporting Cycle Health, Family and Youth Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management

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