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Chapter 5

Chapter 5. Structure Class Words. Find the Articles…. Chapter 5: Grammar Safari. Find a ‘real-life’ error involving one of the structures discussed in the text Identify the problem Show us both the problem & correction Example: I love deserts, but pie we had was terrible.

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Chapter 5

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  1. Chapter 5 Structure Class Words

  2. Find the Articles…

  3. Chapter 5: Grammar Safari • Find a ‘real-life’ error involving one of the structures discussed in the text • Identify the problem • Show us both the problem & correction • Example: • I love deserts, but pie we had was terrible. P: Definite nouns require articles C: “… but the pie we had was terrible.”

  4. Form-Class vs. Structure-Class

  5. Compare… Glob ostriches ate larm drankplonk glob baffled lion. The androokers plurkedand urkled beside the broofledlumphet. • Which is easier to make sense of? • What does this tell us about form vs. structure classes?

  6. Determiners • Traditional Definition • Usually only talk about articles (a, an, the) • Linguistic definition • signals a NOUN is on it’s way • gives grammatical information about the coming noun • Ø, a, an, the, some, few, much, many, this, that, these, those, my, Dave’s, etc.

  7. Determiners: Function • I got ______ sand in my shoe. Ø some the * a • c.f. “Count” vs. “Non-count” • Shift in meaning: this, Joe’s…

  8. You Tell Me… • ? Katie went to ? Greenville. • ? dogs are good ? pets. • Peter is ? dog. Try to use: Ø, a, an, the, some, few, much, many, this, that, these, those, my, Dave’s, etc.

  9. ? Katie went to ? Greenville… • Determiners tell us about NOUNs • Count vs. non-count • Possession • Quantity • Location relative to speaker • Actual or emotional… • Specific (known) vs. generic (unknown) • AKA: Definite & Indefinite; Old & New

  10. Cohesion • New and Old Information • George was carrying an umbrella. • The umbrella was red. • It was wet. • Writer/Speaker’s responsibility… • A – B, B – C, C – D…. • A – B, A – C, A – D….

  11. Adjectives vs. Determiners • Determiners • No prefixes/suffixes • Fixed positions with the noun • Rarely added or deleted from a language • Adjectives • Can change form • To be discussed under Morphological Tests (later) • Occur in attributive or complement positions • Come & go naturally and regularly in language • nerdy, phat, seniorish…

  12. Demonstrative Adjectives • This, That, These, Those… • Our Text: • Determiners • Many School Texts: • Demonstrative Adjectives • Answer “which one”

  13. Exercise 5.1 • List all the determiners(you should also be able to tell what information they give about the noun) • The community can’t provide enough water for more houses on this land. • The third time someone’s phone rang in the middle of the night, Herb lost his temper.

  14. Diagramming Determiners pi A pumpkin Just like adjectives…

  15. A Pumpkin Pi Tree NP Det Adj N A pumpkin pi

  16. Form vs. Structure… Cont’d

  17. ESL Awareness… • Subconscious grammar rules ≠ English • Spanglish, Chinglish, etc. may result • Examples: • *I bought car from car dealer (≈ Asian) • *Me no want none (≈ Hispanic) Why do we see these types of ‘error’?

  18. 5.2 & 5.3 • Diagrams & Trees • Enough friends • His friends • All my friends • Their only other friends

  19. Small but Important…

  20. Auxiliaries • AKA “helping Verbs” • HAVE • BE May be ‘true’ verbs • DO • Modals • Never ‘true verb’ • CAN, WILL, SHALL, MAY, Must, Ought }

  21. 5.4 • Identify the AUX& MAINverbs • Did someone say we should be leaving? • I have been wanting to leave since 8:30. • This must be the longest party of the year. • Our host will not do this again. NOTE: Each clause has its own verbs…

  22. Qualifiers • AKA: Intensifiers… • Often treated as a sub-class of ADJ or ADV…

  23. Know a Qualifier... • Test frame sentence: • The handsome man seems ___ handsome. • Modifies (increasing or decreasing) • noun • adjective • adverb • prepositional phrase (only a few qualifiers)

  24. Find the Qualifier

  25. Qualifier Usage • Dialectal • Wicked • Informal • Really • Formal • Quite • Rather

  26. Diagramming Qualifiers chill a wicked Just like adjectives/adverbs…

  27. Whadda YOU Think? Are “totally” and “all” qualifiers in these contexts? Christine is totallymad at her boyfriend … so she was all like “I told you so.”

  28. Exercise 5.6 • Identify all the determiners, auxiliary verbs and qualifiers below Perhaps if you had not killed off the hero so quickly in the first chapter, you would have found it easier to continue with your novel…

  29. Prepositions • Tells location of a noun • with, on, after, by, against, etc. • Sets up a phrase with a noun • with a friend, on the couch, etc

  30. Prepositions (& prepositional phrases) • It was Mr. Plum • After supper • In the library • With the hammer • For the sweet revenge • Think about it… • How do prepositions appear in sentences? • What purpose(s) do they serve?

  31. Diagramming Prepositions for revenge the sweet Remember: Nouns go on flat lines Words that modify go on slanted lines…

  32. Tree-ing PP Prep NP Det Adj N for the sweet revenge

  33. Prepositional Phrases As… • Our visitors had a dog with big teeth. • A dog with a hungry lookin his eyes. • They strolled along the river. • They went after sunset. • Without fear, they wandered about listening to music. • The band was out of this world!

  34. More Diagramming dog a with look a in eyes hungry his Nouns go on flat lines Words that modify go on slanted lines…

  35. Even More Diagramming The band was out of this world. out of___ _world_ band was \ this the Use Pedestals for phrases that fill a main slot: Subj, Verb, Obj…

  36. Find the Prepositions (Adj or Adv?) Adv Adj (of the litter)

  37. Preposition or Adverb? • He walked along the road. • They all sang along. HINT: If there is no object, it can’t be a preposition…

  38. Phrasal Verbs • AKA: Two word verbs • Idioms • “combination of words that cannot be predicted from the meaning of their parts” • Look up a word in the dictionary… • Sit out this round… • Verbal Particles: up, out, etc.

  39. Verb Particles or Prepositions? • Oscar looked up the roadbefore he turnedinto his driveway. • Oscar looked up the spelling of a word before he turned in his paper. • Tests: • Meaning • Moveability (particle can often be moved)

  40. Phrasal Verbs: Diagrams & Trees Oscar looked up spelling… S NP V NP Oscar looked up … the_ Phrasal verbs are just verbs…

  41. Choosing Verbs • Why should we care about verbs? • What about phrasal verbs? • The legislature turned down the proposal • The legislature rejected the proposal • What about common verbs? • Be, have, do, say, make, go, take, come, see , get…

  42. Exercise 5.7 • What are the purple words: Pronoun, Preposition, Adverb or Particle? • Jim complained bitterly when he learned that Alice had signed himup for next week’s log-splitting contest. • Seeing a snake slithering slowlyover the bank outof sight into the underbrush, I decided to put off going for a walk in the woods after all.

  43. Pronouns • Traditional Definition • Substitute for a noun • Linguistic Definition • Substitute for any Noun Phrase or nominal

  44. Pronouns • May I have that in context, please • Subcategories • Case (subject // object) • Person (singular // plural 1st // 2nd // 3rd // neuter)

  45. Do You Object? • Exercise 5.8 • Because both he/him and I/me were late for class, neither of us heard the news. • Our friends in Hickory want Yuan and I/me to spend the holidays with them. • Strategies for finding the ‘SAE’ choice • Rule based: Subject/object • Instinctive: Singularize

  46. Time to Reflect • Myself Ourselves • Yourself Yourselves • Himself • Herself Themselves • Itself Antecedent should appear in same sentence }

  47. One Some Any None Every ??? Antecedentless Pronouns Not in the text… Here to point out that you don’t ALWAYS have an antecedent.

  48. Indefinite Pronouns Beware agreement issues: • Somebodyalways forgets to do their homework.

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