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Welcome and Good Morning !. Do Now:. Find your desk and take your seat (do not unpack) Complete the student inventory at your desk Wait for further instructions. Welcome to Middle School!. Ms. Hempson Fifth Grade 5-04. Morning Routine.
Welcome and Good Morning! Do Now: • Find your desk and take your seat (do not unpack) • Complete the student inventory at your desk • Wait for further instructions
Welcome to Middle School! Ms. Hempson Fifth Grade 5-04
Morning Routine Hang up jackets and backpacks in coatroom, place lunch on shelf and take all backpack belongings to your desk Turn in homework and notes into the appropriate bin Sharpen 2 pencils to be used all day Take out your Agenda and copy down the HW
Supplies Binder: For Science, Social Studies, Math, Reading (take home each day) Binder: For ELA (stays in school) Folder: Take home folder for HW and returning papers in binder, classwork folder Pencils and Glue Sticks are stored in the plastic containers Respect your supplies and keep your desk neat and tidy.
Morning Routine • Hang up jackets and backpacks in coatroom, place lunch on shelf and take all backpack belongings to your desk • Turn in homework and notes into the appropriate bin • Sharpen 2 pencils to be used all day • Take out your Agenda copy down the homework
Homework • Return emergency forms • Me-Bags due Friday • Visit our classroom website • Independent reading book due Monday
Meet Your Teacher! • This is my fifth year teaching in EMO • Taught in Uniondale and Smithtown • Live in Smithtown (middle of LI) • Love to cook and bake for my family and friends • Favorite subject is science • I like to run, read, and relax on the weekend. • I love to play with my 3 year old niece who lives in North Carolina
Student Expectations • Everyone in our class will achieve to his or her fullest potential • All homework must be completed every night and turned in every morning • All students will work cooperatively and be respectful of each other • Respect our classroom and all who inhabit it • Keep our room clean
Emergency Procedures • There is no talking during a fire drill • Listen to my instructions • Exit the door to our left or front entrance • If outside the room during a drill, find the nearest exit then come to our class location • No talking until we are inside the classroom, and I give the okay to resume working. • During lockdowns, remain quiet in the classroom until notified the lockdown has ended
If you feel sick in class If you can wait, come to me when I am not instructing the class. Please only ask to see the nurse if it is an emergency. You need a pass to see the nurse, so do not go in between classes. If you are about to get sick, please take a trashcan with you on the way to the bathroom/nurse.
Absences • Only absents based on illness are accepted by the school • If absent, you must bring in a note the first day you arrive back to school • All missed assignments and homework must be made up in 2 days • If late to school, you must have a note to be excused
Behavior Expectations • All students will behave appropriately inside and outside this classroom • Students who display “star qualities” can clip-up on our Star Student Chart. • You will earn a star sticker each day you end on star student. Once you have 10 star stickers, you earn a prize.
Behavior Expectations • If you clip down on the star chart, this means you are not practicing the behaviors expected in school. • If you clip down to “think about it” you must fill out a Stop and Think sheet. • If you continue to display inappropriate behavior, your parents will be contacted to further discuss your actions in school.
Celebrate! Marbles will be placed in the jar when individuals or the whole class makes great achievements or shows good behavior! Examples: helping others, receiving compliments from faculty, performing well on an assignment… Once the marbles reach the top, we can have a pizza, bagel or ice cream party! Birthday celebrations are allowed if you want to bring in a treat during snack time!
Give Me Five • Once you see my hand go up or hear me say, “Give me five,” you will follow these steps: 1. Eyes on speaker 2. Mouth is closed 3. Body is still 4. Hands are empty 5. Ears are listening
Class Introduction • Introduce yourself to someone at your table. • Share with them something you did over the summer
School Rules • Dress code (not hats) • No gum chewing • No running • Nurse and bathroom pass (do not hang on the bars across bathroom stalls) • Bullying • No electronics (cell phone policy) • Be respectful to all school members
Classroom Constitution • What is a constitution?
Classroom Constitution • A constitution is a set of rules that a set of people have made for government. • Let’s create our own Classroom Constitution that will govern our classroom for the school year!
Think- Pair-Share • Think of a rule you believe would be helpful for us to follow this year • When I say, “Go” Pair with someone at your table to share your idea and listen to theirs in return. • When I say “Stop,” stop your discussion and listen for directions.
Be Prepared Everyday please have 2 sharpened pencils ready Remember to take your binder home and back to school Agendas will be used to record homework every night Your parents must sign or initial your agenda once your homework is complete
Important Reminders • On days we have gym, you must bring a change of clothes in a bag and be wearing sneakers • Gym bags go home on Fridays to be washed • Four place heading must be on all turned in assignments • Class jobs will be rotated every week (start Monday) • Instruments may not be left in class
Sign Outs If you need to use the restroom, and received my permission to go, you may sign out and take the pass marked “BOYS” or “GIRLS” Please write the date, your name and your time out and back in Only one boy and one girl can leave for the restroom at the same time If you take a book from the library, please write the date, your name and the title of the book Please be respectful of our classroom books
If you finish early Work on an incomplete assignment Study spelling and vocabulary words Practice cursive writing Write a letter, poem or card for someone Read a book from the classroom library at your seat Neaten up your desk and belongings
Say, “thank you” Thank you should be said whenever someone does something nice for you Look the person in the eye who you are thanking Say “thank you,” followed by the person’s name Explain why you are thanking them Smile
Be Responsible • for your belongings • for making others feel welcome • for owning up to your actions • and be respectful middle schoolers who are ready to learn and be successful these next four years!!