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Simulation of Muon-Induced Showers in Detector for Neutron Production Study

This study analyzes muon showers in detectors to understand neutron production events, using muon energy spectrum simulations and detailed muon interaction processes. The energy loss in the detector due to shower events is also examined.

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Simulation of Muon-Induced Showers in Detector for Neutron Production Study

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  1. Simulating Muon Showers in the Detector This study is an attempt to understand the rate and energy distribution of muon-induced showers in the detector. The purpose is gain a better understanding of showering events that may lead to neutron and/or isotope production.

  2. Muon Energy Spectrum Entering the Detector This is the input to the simulation. It comes from my calculation of muon attenuation in a flat overhead rock which is based on Groom Makhov and Streganov. The surface flux is a hybrid of Geisser (PDG) and the work of Jim and Martina. 3.9 M muons were simulated in this study (about 10 days)

  3. Simulation Methodology Muons are distributed evenly over a circle of radius 2.5 meters The muon energy distribution is chosen at random but the according to my calculated spectrum at 450 mwe. I calculate a cord length based only on the radius of the incident muon. This works because the detector has spherical symmetry. The energy dependant ionization loss and non-ionization process cross sections are computed in 10 cm steps. The non-ionization cross sections are computed differential in fractional energy loss at 1 GeV intervals (smaller intervals are used for the first GeV).

  4. Muon Interaction Processes • The detailed simulation of these processes also comes from • the Groom et al. review. • Ionization (Bethe-Bloch) • Higher single point energy loss interactions (4.5% of μ’s) • e+e-Pair-Production (95% of all showers) • Bremsstrahlung (3.5%) • Photonuclear Interactions (1.4%) • This is process that one expects to be responsible for vast majority of the neutron and isotope production.

  5. Energy Loss in the Detector

  6. Shower Energy Spectra Only the Photonuclear interactions will result in hadronic showers, but we may have to veto on events with large E&M energy depositions as well. These are muon energy losses, not visible energies. A Δ resonance may only give you a few extra MeV of visible energy over ionization, but still result in a fast neutron in the detector. 12C+n→12B+p turns on at ~18 MeV All Showers E&M Shower Δ(1232) Hadronic Shower E&M Shower

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