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El Subjuntivo: introducci ón

El Subjuntivo: introducci ón. Enfoques: lecci ó n 5. In Spanish, there are 2 moods: INDICATIVE and SUBJUNCTIVE. THE BIG PICTURE. INDICATIVE is the mood of all the verb tenses you’ve ever learned:. present tense (example: llevo ) preterite tense (example: llevé )

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El Subjuntivo: introducci ón

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  1. El Subjuntivo: introducción Enfoques: lección 5

  2. In Spanish, there are 2 moods: INDICATIVE and SUBJUNCTIVE THEBIGPICTURE

  3. INDICATIVE is the mood of all the verb tenses you’ve ever learned: • present tense (example: llevo) • preterite tense (example: llevé) • imperfect tense (example: llevaba) • the perfect tenses (example: he llevado, había llevado) • future tense (example: llevaré) • conditional tense (example: llevaría)

  4. SUBJUNCTIVE is the other mood. It has several uses, some of which are: • doubt or denial of an action • speculation about a future action • willing something to happen • influencing an action’s outcome • expressing emotion about an action • indicating a nonexistent or nonspecific item


  6. Que mis ojos se despierten…Que mi madre no se muera y que mi padre me recuerde…y que…sea de vos…y que de tu voz sea este corazón…

  7. That’s right, willing something to happen. (in this case asking God, may all of this happen)

  8. ALMOST ALWAYS in order to use subjunctive, you must have an expression that signals it’s use. Examples: (traduzcan) • Quiero que Ana baileconmigo. • I want that Ana dance with me. • Es dudoso que Juan trabaje en Kohl’s. • It is doubtful that Juan works in Kohl’s. • Siento que tú estés enferma. • I’m sorry that you are sick.

  9. Common verbs of will and influence: • oponerse a = to oppose • pedir (i) = to ask for, request • preferir (ie) = to prefer • prohibir = to prohibit • proponer = to propose • querer (ie)= to want, wish • recomendar (ie) = to recommend • rogar (ue) = to beg, plead • sugerir (ie) = to suggest • aconsejar = to advise • desear = to desire • exigir (j)= to demand • gustar = to be pleasing • hacer = to do, make • importar = to matter • insistir en = to insist • mandar = to order • necesitar = to need

  10. verb signaling + QUE + verb in subjunctive subjunctive Examples: • La maestra manda + QUE + hagamos la tarea. • The teacher demands that we do the homework. • Me gusta + QUE + tú llegues temprano. • I like you to arrive early. • A Dios le pido + QUE + haya mucha nieve mañana. • I ask God that there be a lot of snow tomorrow.

  11. Common verbs/expressions of emotion: • alegrarse de = to be happy • es extraño = it’s strange • es ridículo = it’s ridiculous • es terrible = it’s terrible • es una pena = it’s a pity • esperar = to hope, wish • gustar = to be pleasing • molestar = to bother • sentir (ie) = to be sorry • sorprender = to surprise • temer = to fear • tener miedo de = to be afraid

  12. verb signaling + QUE + verb in subjunctive subjunctive Examples:(traduzcan) • Es una pena + QUE + no hayanevado nada. • It’s a pity that it hasn’t snowed at all. • Es ridículo + QUE + ellos coman pescado con helado. • It’s ridiculous that they eat fish with ice-cream. • Me alegro de + QUE + haya pizza para la cena. • I’m glad that there’s pizza for dinner.

  13. Common verbs/expressions of doubt/denial: • es improbable = it’s unlikely • es poco seguro = it’s uncertain • es posible = it’s possible • no es posible = it’s not possible • es probable = it’s likely • no es probable = it’s not likely • dudar = to doubt • negar (ie) = to deny • no creer = to not believe • no es verdad = it’s not true • no estar seguro de = to not be sure of • es imposible = it’s impossible

  14. verb signaling + QUE + verb in subjunctive subjunctive Examples:(traduzcan) • Es dudoso + QUE + vayan a correr 15 millas. • It’s doubtful that they are going to run 15 miles. • Es posible + QUE + haya una prueba mañana. • It’s possible that there is a quiz tomorrow. • Niegas + QUE + sus notas sean malas. • They deny that their grades are bad.

  15. Now that you know when to use it, have you figured out how to FORM subjunctive? To form present subjunctive: • Take the YO form of the present tense • Drop the “O” • Add the “opposite” ending (for AR -> “e” & ER,IR ->”a”)

  16. Take the YO form of the present tense 2. Drop the “O” 3. Add the “opposite” ending (for AR -> “e” & ER,IR ->”a”) LLEV AR O O LLEV E LLEV

  17. pedir • pida • poner • ponga • decir • diga • hacer • haga • llegar • llegue • traer • traiga • llevar • lleve • poder • pueda Examples: (try!) • hablar • hable • comer • coma • morir • muera • ver • vea

  18. What about verbs that don’t end with “o” in the YO form, like voy and sé? There are 6 irregulars in subjunctive: HAYA (haber) VAYA (ir) SEA (ser) SEPA (saber) DÉ (dar) ESTÉ (estar)

  19. There is one small adjustment for the tú, nosotros and ellos forms of subjunctive... Examples: yo COMA yo LLEVE tú COMAS tú LLEVES él COMA él LLEVE nosotros COMAMOS nosotros LLEVEMOS ellos COMAN ellos LLEVEN

  20. Whew! I know subjunctive is a littledaunting at first, but you can do it...

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