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Connie Mierkey Project One

Connie Mierkey Project One.

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Connie Mierkey Project One

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  1. Connie Mierkey Project One Gender-bias rages in our culture. This collection of works challenges and questions the idea of two opposite genders. What’s masculine? What’s feminine? Why do we distinguish? How do we distinguish? These selected works by Amelia Marzec, Andrew Ames, Brad Borevitz and Ross Barber explore these questions by use of new media arts.

  2. Amelia Marzec • Amelia Marzec is an artist, designer and programmer based in Brooklyn, NY. She holds an MFA in Design & Technology from the Parsons School of Design, and a BFA in Visual Art from Rutgers University. When not working in interactive design and development in Manhattan, she explores issues between the body and visual culture through technology.

  3. Gender Anarchy Project • http://a.parsons.edu/~amelia/thesisSite/index.html • Site specific installation, projection • Installation that intervenes in public space to break down assumptions of gender • Bathroom signs are replaced by interactive signs that address gender ambiguity

  4. Andrew Ames • Andrew Y. Ames is a new media artist, designer and collaborator that plays and plays with games. Games, his work shows, are cultural artifacts that not only entertain and instruct, but epitomize the cultures that created them. His modifications bend the rules and reinvent board, video, and card games in unexpected ways that invite critical reflection on consumerism, politics, technology, and media. Andrew graduated from Rhode Island School of Design (MFA in Digital+Media), the University of Denver (BFA in Electronic Media Arts and Design) and Red Rocks Community College (AA in Multimedia Design Technology and Animation). Currently living in New England, he's writing and making games. He worked with Miguel Tarango to help create Denver’s first digital gallery, Potential Cloud Formations, and has exhibited at NYCResistor, Sol Koffler Gallery, Core New Art Space, Neo Studios, Denver West, and 5th Floor Studios.

  5. Deconstructing Gender • http://arbitrarynature.com/~content/gender/gender_study/question3a.html • Online questionnaire (from “10 question gender game”) • Asks the viewer to decide on cultural expectations

  6. Brad Borevitz • Brad Borevitz is an artist whose work focuses on language, politics and software. He writes that the intention of his practice is, "to press the artifacts and techniques of computation's ubiquity towards a connection with the social and intellectual circumstances of their context." To this end, he has produced websites, videos, software applications, and robots, all of which have at their core a deep commitment to understanding the political, philosophical and cultural implications of computer technology. He is currently a participant in the Whitney Museum of American Art's Independent Study Program. He holds an MFA in Visual Arts from the University of California San Diego. (http://www.onetwothree.net)

  7. Inscription of the girly-man • http://onetwothree.net/portfolio/inscription-of-the-girly-man • The word ‘girly-man’ is inscribed repeatedly over itself by a machine controlled by a computer program. • The politics of stupidity in the age of intelligent machines • “Schwarzenegger's moronically effective hypermasculine politics has made a figure of perverted masculinity a rallying cry of the right: girly-man, that blatantly homophobic and misogynistic epithet. In the conservative imaginary, doubt, intellectualism�or even a willingness to change and reconsider past deeds and decisions�are immediately suspect. There is no consciousness of the offence commited by casting the insulted traits in the feminine.” • Combats the stigma of a ‘girly-man.’ Do we have to be one or the other? Maybe we’re a little bit of both?

  8. Ross Barber • Ross BarberAustralian Artist Born 1948 Parkes, NSW. Lives Brisbane in Queensland.Bachelor of Visual Arts 1994Master of Fine Arts 1998Awarded Australian Commonwealth Government, Centenary of Federation Medal for: Distinguished Service to the Arts 2001http://www.rossbarber.com

  9. She is always walking away……. • http://users.qld.chariot.net.au/~barberr/she_is_always_walking_away.html • Installation set up in several rooms, a houseupon entering the room viewer triggers projections and sounds most ‘typical of a person’ • Explores the archetypal feminine symbolism within a males unconscious

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