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Combined Loading Analysis Review

This chapter reviews stress analysis for axial load, torsion, bending, and shear. It explores solving problems with multiple internal loads on a cross-section, starting with thin-walled pressure vessels analysis. Includes examples and solutions.

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Combined Loading Analysis Review

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Lecture # 21 -: Combined Loading :- Objective: This chapter serves as a review of the stress analysis that has been developed in the previous chapters regarding axial load, torsion, bending and shear. We will discuss the solution of problems where several of these internal loads occur simultaneously on a member’s cross section. Before doing this, however, the chapter begins with an analysis of stress developed in thin-walled pressure vessels.

  2. Thin-Walled Pressure Vesels Cylindrical Vessels

  3. Thin-Walled Pressure Vesels Spherical Vessels

  4. Example: A cylindrical pressure vessel has an inner diameter of 1.2 m and a thickness of 12 mm. Determine the maximum internal pressure it can sustain so that neither its circumferential nor its longitudinal stress component exceeds 140 MPa. Under the same conditions, what is the maximum internal pressure that a similar-size spherical vessel can sustain?

  5. Solution: Cylindrical Pressure Vessel.

  6. Solution: Spherical Vessel.

  7. The enD

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