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Internationalisation of H igher Education in Finland Maija Innola 24.9.2013

Internationalisation of H igher Education in Finland Maija Innola 24.9.2013. Changing challenges. Social dimension: values, inclusiveness, public common good, access to information. Research infrastructures and programmes. GLOBAL. Joint campuses, programmes, courses, degrees. Energy.

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Internationalisation of H igher Education in Finland Maija Innola 24.9.2013

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  1. Internationalisation of HigherEducationin FinlandMaija Innola24.9.2013

  2. Changing challenges Social dimension: values, inclusiveness, public common good, access to information Research infrastructures and programmes GLOBAL Joint campuses, programmes, courses, degrees Energy Multidisciplinary, cross-disciplinary approach Climate change Biodiversity Intra-European challenges: financial and economic crises Health and well-being of citizens Environment Knowledge, information sharing Food security Water supplies Mobility of students, researchers, experts, administrators Recryting of teachers, experts Ageing N E T W O R K I N G

  3. Internationalisation strategy 2009 – 2015/ Finland: Supporting a multicultural society Increase in the quality and attractiveness of higher education institutions Promotion of global responsibility Education and expertise export Tocreate a genuinely international higher education community

  4. Creating a genuinely international higher education community TARGET: By 2015, the number of non-Finnish teachers, researchers and degree students has risen considerably and higher education institutions will have become genuinely international study and work communities.

  5. Future potential of student mobility? Conference on mobility, Helsinki 25.05.2011 Lähde:Student Mobility in Higher Education: a Nordic Comparison using Eurostudent Data 5

  6. Increasing the quality and attractiveness of higher education institutions TARGET: Finnish higher education institutions are internationally renowned and attractive study and work environments • reforming the universities core funding from 2013 • reforming the core funding and act of the polytechnics 2014-15 • strategies, priorities, structural changes, mergers of the HEIs • strong regional innovation centres • national research infrastructures policy and funding • student and research welcome services • International Degree programmes, evaluated in 2013 • http://www.kka.fi/files/1822/KKA_0213.pdf

  7. Degreeprogrammes in English (2012) International orprogrammes in English? Source: Study in Finland database, www.studyinfinland.fi

  8. Universitiescorefundingfrom 2013

  9. Steering of HEI’s Internationalisation is part of the agreementsbetween the Ministry and HEI’s - Quantitativetargets (studentmobility, number of international students) - Performanceindicatiors (Staff international mobility / teaching and researchpersonnel, international researchfunding) How couldwebettercoverallaspects of internatiolisation of highereducation?

  10. Education and expertiseexport Finnishhighereducationinstitutionsareattractive and reliablecooperationpartners –international networking Potential of the export of competence and education to become a significantexports? Ongoing trial of tutionfees/students outside EU (2010-2014) – politicaldecissionsabout the future Increase of the cross-bordereducationalso in Finland?

  11. Thank you! Kiitos!

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