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Tune/Chromaticity/Coupling Measurement and Feedforward/Feedback Peter Cameron

Tune/Chromaticity/Coupling Measurement and Feedforward/Feedback Peter Cameron. Outline TF budget in general Summary of Pt. Jeff Apr 05 EDMS, Responsibilities,... Results RHIC Run 5 Bench Test Results Plans for RHIC Run 6 Schedule Budget in detail. total $k 743.

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Tune/Chromaticity/Coupling Measurement and Feedforward/Feedback Peter Cameron

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  1. LARP Pheasant Run Oct05

  2. Tune/Chromaticity/CouplingMeasurement and Feedforward/FeedbackPeter Cameron LARP Pheasant Run Oct05

  3. Outline • TF budget in general • Summary of Pt. Jeff Apr 05 • EDMS, Responsibilities,... • Results RHIC Run 5 • Bench Test Results • Plans for RHIC Run 6 • Schedule • Budget in detail LARP Pheasant Run Oct05

  4. total $k 743 October 2004 100 185 390 675 May 2005 - kicker costs, DAB boards,... 100 240 325 675 Oct 2005 100 137 300 537 From June 04 to Sep 05 TF has gone from $743k to $537k, or -$206k how did we get here? 1. cost over-runs in other tasks took FY05 money 2. agreement to move some TF funding from FY06 to FY05 to cover late DAB board 3. additional funding for TF in FY05 to did not materialize 4. FY06 budget was not adjusted to reflect this beyond this, there is additional cost of buying/building additional intermediate VME-based system ~$80k, so actual difference is more like ~$286k LARP Pheasant Run Oct05

  5. DOE Review June 05 • 'deliverables' vs 'best effort' • "...instrumentation items are a small part of the overall program, they are well-chosen and seem to be adequately supported at present. There was a sense, however, that the instrumentation activities might be squeezed out by excessive demands from other parts of the LARP program (magnets and/or commissioning). LARP management must guard against this happening..." LARP Pheasant Run Oct05

  6. Outline • TF budget in general • Summary of Pt. Jeff Apr 05 • Boundaries • Results RHIC Run 5 • Bench Test Results • Plans for RHIC Run 6 • Schedule • Budget in detail LARP Pheasant Run Oct05

  7. Summary of Pt. Jeff Apr 05 • Successful Design Review • established rapport enabling successful collaboration • demonstrated potential to satisfy LHC TF requirements • Action Items • coupling - good progress • mains harmonics - some progress, receiving attention at RHIC, no problem at LHC? • nested feedback loops (tune, chrom, coupling, orbit, damper, LLRF,...) - no progress (FNAL FY06task?) • Controls System interface - complicated by DAB board delivery delay • Commissioning plan - no progress? Toohig fellow? LARP Pheasant Run Oct05

  8. Outline • TF budget in general • Summary of Pt. Jeff Apr 05 • Boundaries • Results RHIC Run 5 • Bench Test Results • Plans for RHIC Run 6 • Schedule • Budget in detail LARP Pheasant Run Oct05

  9. Boundaries • CERN EDMS document generated (at right) • General statement • The US-LARP tune feedback task is to provide: • the necessary instruments for the continuous measurement of tune, chromaticity and coupling in a robust way, with minimal emittance blow-up in the LHC. • These instruments shall be foreseen to allow for the rapid implementation of tune feedback in the LHC, and the possibility of subsequent chromaticity and coupling feedback. LARP Pheasant Run Oct05

  10. Boundaries - more detail • For the prototype system to be tested at RHIC BNL will provide: field programmable gate array code C-code implementation of PLL routines C-code implementation of BBQ control routines LabVIEW control program for RHIC tests mains frequency digitizer test installation at RHIC, including a suitable pick-up, kicker and cabling necessary auxiliary instrumentation (oscilloscope, spectrum analyser etc.) beam tests at RHIC • CERN will provide: • Direct Diode Detection modules • BBQ front-end system • NIM ADC acquisition card and crate • BBQ control mezzanine • BBQ acquisition mezzanine • DAB64x card • VME64x host computer • VME64x crate • beam tests at RHIC • FNAL will provide: continued R&D for various open issues LARP Pheasant Run Oct05

  11. Boundaries - more detail 2 • For the final four systems to be installed in the LHC (four planes) CERN will provide: pick-ups and kickers cabling and associated infrastructure Direct Diode Detection modules BBQ front-end systems NIM ADC acquisition card and crates BBQ control mezzanines BBQ acquisition mezzanines DAB64x cards VME64x host computers & crates necessary auxiliary instrumentation (oscilloscope, spectrum analyser,..) integration of BNL C-code into the CERN controls infrastructure application programs for PLL control and measurement displays infrastructure for the real-time feedback of tune, chromaticity and coupling. BNL will provide: field programmable gate array code C-code implementation of PLL routines C-code implementation of BBQ control routines collaboration with CERN on controls integration collaboration with CERN on application programming mains frequency digitizer pre-beam and beam commissioning support FNAL will provide: TBD LARP Pheasant Run Oct05

  12. Outline • TF budget in general • Summary of Pt. Jeff Apr 05 • Boundaries • Results RHIC Run 5 • Bench Test Results • Plans for RHIC Run 6 • Schedule • Budget in detail LARP Pheasant Run Oct05

  13. Reconfigured PLL to track projections of eigenmode 1 in both planes LARP Pheasant Run Oct05

  14. "Yun's Parameters" A1,y C-A/AP/174 - Possible phase loop for the global betatron decoupling, Y. Luo et al http://www.rhichome.bnl.gov/AP/ap_notes/cad_ap_index.html Define: Q1 = eigentune 1 Q2 = eigentune 2 A1,x = amplitude of eigenmode 1 in x-plane,... f1,x = phase of eigenmode 1 in x-plane,... Then these 6 parameters are a complete description of coupling: Q1 Q2 r1 = abs(A1,y / A1,x ) r2 = abs(A2,x / A2,y ) Df1 = f1,y - f1,xDf2 = f2,x - f2,y A1,x ~ 0 (this is the PLL function) ~ 0 LARP Pheasant Run Oct05

  15. Yun's and Rhodri's parameters during tune crossing r2 r1 df2 df1 TF would break here PLL jumps eigenmodes here Q1 Qx Qy Q2 LARP Pheasant Run Oct05

  16. "Rhodri's Parameters" The usual coupling parameters: • D - the unperturbed tune split • c- - the tune split due to coupling What makes them interesting in this case is that they are expressed in terms of Yun's parameters: • D = abs(Q1-Q2)(1-r1r2)/(1+r1r2) • abs(c-) = 2sqrt(r1r2) abs(Q1-Q2)/(1+r1r2) LARP Pheasant Run Oct05

  17. with Artus kicks without Artus kicks Eigentunes (QI and QII), set (D) and coupling (c-) tune splits, and unperturbed tunes (Qx,0 and Qy,0) for two successive ramps in RHIC. LARP Pheasant Run Oct05

  18. Q1 - measured Q'1 ~2 Qx - set Q'skew ~ -0.3 Qy - set Q'skew ~0.3 Q2 - measured Q'2 ~3 skew chrom at injection- momentum dependent coupling LARP Pheasant Run Oct05

  19. 3D on the Ramp - 1 Jan 05 dominant spacing is 180Hz 60Hz onset 60Hz end IPM every 100 turns (780 Hz) LARP Pheasant Run Oct05

  20. 300 micron 10Hz cryostat vibration (0dB) estimate ~5m at betatron line 3D resolution <~10nm 60Hz (-20dB) 40dB 720Hz x 14 (-60dB) betatron line (-35dB) the same 40dB previous slide 720Hz lines LARP Pheasant Run Oct05

  21. coupling excitation is horizontal horizontal vertical LARP Pheasant Run Oct05

  22. Results from Run 5 - 3D and BBQ 3D (Direct Diode Detection) - solves dynamic range problem • sensitivity ~10nm 60Hz problem • beam is excited at betatron line by line frequency harmonics • At baseband, shows up everywhere in coherent spectrum - can't escape it • Required modulation of dipole current at harmonic ~300 is small - a few in 1011 BBQ (Baseband Q measurement) - loop closed, performance superior to present RHIC system, but locks on 60Hz lines ~20dB at store 23940/720 = 33.25 30dB above noise LARP Pheasant Run Oct05

  23. "Out of the Box" bleedthru!!! Artus vert Artus Horiz BBQ 1Hz BBQ ~80Hz lock on harmonic 29 of 720Hz, followed by complete loss of lock as tune moves away LARP Pheasant Run Oct05

  24. frev inj 78138 frev store 78192 store qx .69/.31 qy .68/.32 IPM every 100 turns lands right on working point!!! .25 .27 .29 .31 .33 720Hz harmonics inj qx .73/.27 qy .72/.28 LARP Pheasant Run Oct05 .25 .27 .29 .31 .33

  25. chrom - good results gt Summary of Chromaticity +5 Q' ramp 6380 -5 dp/p of +/-10-4 gives ~+/-100m radial modulation (RHIC&LHC) vert +5 Q' horiz ramp 6381 -5 gt in RHIC modulation is at 1Hz +5 Q' ramp 6382 -5 LARP Pheasant Run Oct05

  26. Outline • TF budget in general • Summary of Pt. Jeff Apr 05 • Boundaries • Results RHIC Run 5 • Bench Test Results • Plans for RHIC Run 6 • Schedule • Budget in detail LARP Pheasant Run Oct05

  27. The Approach to bench testing - two parallel paths: • single resonator • optimize loop parameters • initial limitation - FEC capability • get simplest system running, then optimize • sampling rate, filtering, GPMs,... • study mains harmonics problem • coupled resonators • de-bug de-coupling on the bench LARP Pheasant Run Oct05

  28. varactor modulation test resonator LP FFT Box x4 D/A NCO FEC A/D VME 28MHz GPM, PET,... Single Eigenmode Test Setup for Loop Optimization LARP Pheasant Run Oct05

  29. square-wave modulated tune FFT showing odd harmonics 20dB/decade LARP Pheasant Run Oct05

  30. BBQ Closed Loop Response - Sep 2005 K0=.03 BW~35Hz K0=.003 BW~26Hz K0=.001 BW~12Hz K0=.01 BW~30Hz Sampling frequency ~320Hz 3 pole FIR low-pass filter at 90Hz Kproportional = Kintegral = .001 Kderivative = 0 S/N ~ 20dB at 1KHz RBW Modulation depth ~ .005 LARP Pheasant Run Oct05

  31. Bench test comparison 245MHz and BBQ PLLs under ~ same conditions 245MHz was full optimized BBQ was 1st iteration results are reasonable, now tweak! LARP Pheasant Run Oct05

  32. bench testing reveals a puzzle mains harmonics excite beam resonance, and this captures PLL 'mains harmonics' excite test resonator, and this repells PLL WHY? LARP Pheasant Run Oct05

  33. Summary of single resonator testing • a puzzle with mains harmonics • system tuning is in progress • need to optimize FEC functioning • Concerns with implementing Coupling Feedback • there will be the usual extreme time pressure during beam commissioning • essential to have CF system integration fully tested before beam arrives • fallback - leave CF off, give magnets calculated horizontal and vertical tunes LARP Pheasant Run Oct05

  34. LP eigenmode 2 • Results so far: • we can measure coupling • we can reduce coupling vias bias current • need to improve biasing • need to reduce bleedthru decoupling bias supply coupling LP eigenmode 1 FFT Box mode 1 clock x4 D/A NCO FEC A/D VME 28MHz GPM, PET,... Single Eigenmode Test Setup for Coupling Correction LARP Pheasant Run Oct05

  35. eigenmode 2 decoupling bias supplies coupling eigenmode 1 eigenmode 1 FFT Box mode 1 clock x4 DAC NCO1 D/A 1 FEC1 A/D 1 VME Master FEC NCO2 FEC2 A/D 2 D/A 2 28MHz x4 GPM, PET,... mode 2 clock Dual Eigenmode Test Setup for Coupling Correction LARP Pheasant Run Oct05

  36. coupling bias supply decoupling bias supplies skew quad strength deltaSF13 skew quad strength deltaSF2 DAC Master FEC FEC2 FEC1 Dual Eigenmode Test Setup for Coupling Correction - more detail LARP Pheasant Run Oct05

  37. Testing Plans • in 902 - October • optimize FEC load • optimize loop parameters • complete fully functional coupling • demonstrate decoupling • in 1002 - November/December • full operational installation • coupled resonators in place of pickups • optimize noise and bleedthru rejection • demonstrate decoupling LARP Pheasant Run Oct05

  38. Outline • TF budget in general • Summary of Pt. Jeff Apr 05 • Boundaries • Results RHIC Run 5 • Bench Test Results • Plans for RHIC Run 6 • Schedule • Budget in detail LARP Pheasant Run Oct05

  39. RHIC Run 6 Commissioning Plan (draft) DAY ONE 1. verify 3D analog front end. Adjust time constants and gains. 2. track tunes, adjust loop gains and filter bandwidths 3. measure emittance growth as a function of kicker excitation 4. main dipole 12 phase balancing study (Carl) 5. dedicated time - mod quads, measure qLoop bandwidths (Carl) 6. dedicated time - decoupling studies  DAY TWO 0. Vadim - assess system status, make decisions 1. bring the system on, verify tune and coupling measurements from previous day 2. dedicated time - turn on tune feedback with decoupled machine 3. dedicated time - modulate skew quads, measure kLoop bandwidths (Carl) 4. 12 phase balancing, explore effect of mains harmonics on tune tracking   DAY THREE 0. Vadim - assess system status, make decisions 1. dedicated time - turn on tune feedback with decoupled machine 2. dedicated time - turn on coupling feedback with tune feedback off 3. dedicated time - turn on tune and coupling feedback simultaneously, explore DAY FOUR 0. Vadim - assess system status, make decisions 1. dedicated time - turn on feedback, explore the parameter space 2. explore effect of mains harmonics on tune tracking LARP Pheasant Run Oct05

  40. Outline • TF budget in general • Summary of Pt. Jeff Apr 05 • Boundaries • Results RHIC Run 5 • Bench Test Results • Plans for RHIC Run 6 • Schedule • Budget in detail LARP Pheasant Run Oct05

  41. Milestones - Pt. Jeff Apr 05subsequent changes in gold Apr 05 - PDR Jun 05 - finalize prototype system architecture move from DAB to VME for prototype Nov 05 - prototype (4 planes) ready for RHIC beam in VME Feb 06 - deliver 2 planes to CERN for SPS testing in DAB Apr 06 - FDR May 06 - SPS testing, initial Controls integration (FESA) Jun 06 - finalize architecture Nov 06 - final system (4 planes) ready for RHIC beam Feb 07 - deliver final system to CERN, system integration and testing Summer 07 - system commissioning with beam LARP Pheasant Run Oct05

  42. Outline • TF budget in general • Summary of Pt. Jeff Apr 05 • Boundaries • Results RHIC Run 5 • Bench Test Results • Plans for RHIC Run 6 • Schedule • Budget in detail LARP Pheasant Run Oct05

  43. Budget in detail(note -BNL paid over 50% of system development costs since LARP inception) • RHIC Run 6 task list: • C-code programming (1 man-month) • FEC programming (2 man-months) • hardware development and integration (3 man-months) • evaluate VME-based system with beam (3 man-months) • SPS (Feb 06) - 2 planes for May testing • DAB vXworks drivers (2 man-months) • FEC programming (2 man-months) • FPGA PLL code (4 man-months) • hardware development and integration (2 man-months) • FESA integration at CERN (2 man-months) • Final LHC system ready for RHIC beam (Nov 06) • vXworks, FEC, PFGA programming (3 man-months) • hardware development and integration (2 man-months) LARP Pheasant Run Oct05

  44. Budget FY04-FY06 has decreased by ~$206K(from $743k to $537k) • Cost has increased ~ $80K (VME system) • FY06 projected budget • labor - 2 FTEs $426K • material $40K • material (owed BNL CAD from FY05) $40K • labor (owed BNL CAD from FY05) $40K • FNAL (assuming availability of Tan) $25K • travel $15K • total $586k • presently allotted $300k LARP Pheasant Run Oct05

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