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Accountability ESEA/Report Card

Accountability ESEA/Report Card. Courtney Mills. ESEA (Formerly AYP ) Federal Accountability August 0 – 100, A – F One per school (includes a breakdown by grade band) Two Components: Test Participation (95%) Test Performance Third Component for High Schools: On-time Graduation Rate.

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Accountability ESEA/Report Card

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  1. AccountabilityESEA/Report Card Courtney Mills

  2. ESEA (Formerly AYP) • Federal Accountability • August • 0 – 100, A – F • One per school (includes a breakdown by grade band) • Two Components: • Test Participation (95%) • Test Performance • Third Component for High Schools: • On-time Graduation Rate Report Cards • State Accountability • November • Excellent, Good, etc. • One per grade band • ESEA data & more: • Absolute Rating • Growth Rating • Comparison to other schools • Teacher data • Principal data • Narrative • Satisfaction Survey

  3. Report Cards • New schools DO receive a report card after the first year of operation. • Schools earn an ABSOLUTE rating and a GROWTH rating for each grade band (elementary, middle, and high): • Excellent, Good, Average, Below Average, At-Risk • Basis for Ratings: • High schools – HSAP & EOC performance, on-time and 5-year graduation rates • Elementary and Middle schools: PASS & EOC performance • Primary schools: other criteria such as prime instructional time, student-teacher ratio, etc.

  4. ESEA Waiver – 2012 changes Under Waiver: • Mean of all scores • Partial credit • Adjusted weights • Four core subjects • Attendance not used • A, B, C, D, F Under AYP: • Percent Proficient • Yes or No • Equal weighting • ELA & Math • Attendance rate used • Met or Not Met

  5. ESEA Waiver Calculations AMO = Annual Measurable Objective • 1 = Met AMO • 0.1-0.9 = Did not meet AMO but improved over previous year • 0 = Did not meet AMO & did not improve

  6. ESEA Waiver Calculations Weightings • ELA Performance: 35% (Elem/MS), 22.5% (HS) • Math Performance: 35% (Elem/MS), 22.5% (HS) • *Science Performance: 5% • *Social Studies Performance: 5% • ELA Participation: 10% (Elem/MS), 7.5% (HS) • Math Participation: 10% (Elem/MS), 7.5% (HS) • *Graduation Rate: 30% (HS) *High school calculations use the previous year’s results for EOC performance and graduation rate.

  7. ESEA Waiver Calculations Grade Conversions • A = 90-100 • B = 80-89.9 • C = 70-79.9 • D = 60-69.9 • F = Below 60 Potential changes to the Charter School Law may automatically close schools that earn an F for three consecutive years.

  8. Who “Counts”? Test Performance • PASS & HSAP: Students’ scores only count if they are enrolled continuously from the 45thday through the first day of testing • HSAP: Only students in the 2nd year cohort count • EOC: Every score counts Test Participation • If a student is enrolled on the first day of testing, he or she MUST take the test • The goal is 95% participation overall and in every subgroup (gender, ethnicity, etc.) • Applies to PASS and HSAP

  9. Subgroups • All students • Male • Female • White • African American • Asian/Pacific Islander • Hispanic • American Indian/Alaskan • Disabled • Limited English Proficiency • Subsidized meals

  10. Minimum Group Size for Reporting • Report Cards • All students & any subgroup >= 10 • ESEA • Performance & Participation >= 30* • Graduation rate subgroups >= 10 • Grad rate “all students” >= 1 * Subgroup size is determined by school, not by grade span or by test subject area. In some instances data will be reported for subgroups between 10 and 30 students.

  11. Determining 9GR • 9GR is the code which identifies the year a student FIRST entered the 9th grade • 2008-2012, 9GR = 12 • 2009-2013, 9GR = 13 • 2010-2014, 9GR = 14 • You must have evidence to show when the student was in 8th grade • Report Card, Letter from MS Principal, or SUNS History • Implications for HSAP participation and graduation rates

  12. Communication

  13. Documentation • Report Cards Accountability Manual: http://www.eoc.sc.gov/Reports%20%20Publications/2008-2012/Accountability/2012-13%20Accountability%20Manual/Accountability%20Manual%202012-13%20Final.pdf • ESEA Technical Manual: http://ed.sc.gov/data/esea/2012/documents/ESEA_Technical_Documentation-Draft.pdf

  14. Courtney Mills cmills@sccharter.org 803-734-0525 QUESTIONS?

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