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Compensation, Payment & Personnel Action Forms. PAF Detail for Development When to submit PAF Detail for Per Student Stipend Audit Report, Timing, etc. The Online Compensation Summary. Compensation, Payment & Personnel Action Forms.
Compensation, Payment & Personnel Action Forms • PAF Detail for Development • When to submit • PAF Detail for Per Student Stipend • Audit Report, Timing, etc. • The Online Compensation Summary
Compensation, Payment & Personnel Action Forms • Departments are responsible for writing PAFs for Development and Per Student Stipends (and Course Instruction). • DEVELOPMENT: Submit PAF following notification from MS Online that course development is completed and gained final approval. • PER STUDENT STIPENDS (Online Courses Only) are paid as follows: • 1st Block and full semester courses • After audit (approx. 4 weeks for full semester and 2 weeks for summer sessions), based on the audit enrollment numbers. • 2nd block • First business day after 50% refund. • Courses must be coded properly as INET, INT1, INT2 Instructional Method to ensure per student stipend is not forfeited.
Example PAF for Development • A separate PAF should be created for Development for easier payment tracking and to match the variable timing of development completion. • II Classification: Effective date for development is the date of notification by MS Online to submit your PAFs. • VII Salary Information: One payment • Instruction and Per Student Stipends may be combined if clearly stated and if your department prefers to wait to pay instruction after the census/audit. *see Online Compensation Summary on slide 4 for stipend breakout for classes with over 3 CR and other payment information. Example 1: Development COMMENT DETAIL: Faculty name, Online developmentfor: course code, number, section, credit hours, INCLUDE the semester developed. 3 CR x 800 = $2400 (2 CR x 800 = $1600 and so on) Example 2: Per Student Stipend only Course code, number, section, title and credit hours, INCLUDE semester taught and enrollment #. TEXT EXAMPLE: SUMMER 2012 BIO 101 899, Course Title, 3 CR, 22 students x $55 = $1,210.00 Min. enroll of 8 met. Example 3: Combined Instruction and Per Student Stipend Course code, number, section, title and credit hours, INCLUDE semester taught TEXT EXAMPLE: SUMMER 2012 BIO 101 899, Course Title, 3 CR, Base Salary of $11,111 x 2.5% = $277.78. $277.78 x 3CR = $833.34 +$1,210.00 (22 students x $55) = $2043.34 Min. enroll of 8 met.
Audit Report for Per Student Stipend Find audit (enrollment) data by course in Argos • Export to Excel • Sort by your department Delete all but Online courses • Send the report list with PAFs for per student stipend • ONE report should be decided upon for use. PROD is best, but many use ODS. Provost pulls one report, departments another. Should use SAME agreed-upon report and communicate to ALL.
The Online Compensation Summary Below is the current summary for faculty payment for Online courses only: Note: Slight deviations may occur by COLLEGE. Development Stipends are not extended to Deans and Department Heads although those funds may be transferrable as department funds. • MSU Regular Faculty for Summer or Overload • 2.5% of gross salary per credit hour (for Emeritus salary, check with your Budget Officer) • Per Student Stipend based on registrar’s audit (1st day of business after 50% refund for summer sessions 1, 2, 3 & 4) • Per Course • Master’s Level • $700/credit hour or $800/credit hour (for additional skills or experience) • Per Student Stipend based on registrar’s audit(1st day of business after 50% refund for summer sessions 1, 2, 3 & 4) • PhD Level • $800/credit hour or $900/credit hour (for additional skills or experience) • Per Student Stipend based on registrar’s audit (1st day of business after 50% refund for summer sessions 1, 2, 3 & 4) • New Course Development • $800 per credit hour
The Online Compensation Summary (continued) • Per Student Stipend PRORATE: For all faculty, $55 is based on a 3-credit hour course ($18.33 per CR for all classes 3- CR and below, 4 CR see exception below) • For a 2-CR course, the per student amount is 33% less (55 ÷3 = 18.33; 18.33 x 2 = 36.66, rounded to $37) For a 4-CR course, the per student amount is 25% more (55 ÷ 4 = 13.75; 55 + 13.75 = 68.75 rounded to $69) Payment for courses and/or course load depends on if an instructor is tenured or not and whether in-load or overload. • Tenured • In-load – based on 12 hours (e.g.: three to four 3-CR classes, three if they are also responsible for additional duties, such as committees, service, research, etc.) • Overload – is any course taught over the 12-hour in-load requirement. If the instructor is going to be teaching overload, but is teaching only three courses plus additional duties, it is at the discretion of the dean/college if they are paid for overload. • Instructors not tenured (varies by college) • In-load – based on 12-15 hours • Overload over 12-15 hours PAFs: New PAFs are generated for all faculty, except tenure-track professors.
Contact Information Jenni Vaughn MS Online, 63718 vaughn816@missouristate.edu