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The Reliability and Validity of a Measurement Instrument of Culture Defined As Symbol Exchange. Hroar Klempe & Torbjørn Rundmo, Dept. of Psychology, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway Workshop on Humiliation and Violent Conflict, December, 13-14 2007, Columbia University, NY.
The Reliability and Validity of a Measurement Instrument of Culture Defined As Symbol Exchange Hroar Klempe & Torbjørn Rundmo, Dept. of Psychology, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway Workshop on Humiliation and Violent Conflict, December, 13-14 2007, Columbia University, NY
Four perspectives on culture • Culture as elite canon/artefacts • Cultural psychology (Cole, M. (1998): Cultural Psychology, The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, Cambridge Massachusetts) • Culture as reflection of socio-economic relations • Risk psychology (Douglas, M. & Wildavsky, A. (1983): Risk and Culture, University of California Press, Berkeley) • Culture as sets of values, beliefs and behaviours • Cross-cultural psychology (Hofstede, G. (1980): Culture’s consequencees: International differences in work-related values, CA: Sage, Newberry Park ) • Culture as communication/exchange of symbols • Discursive psychology (Geertz, Clifford (1973/2000): The Interpretation of Cultures. Selected Essays. Basic Books, New York)
Table 1: Dimensionalities of general culture defined as symbol exchange
Table 2. Discriminant validity of the measurement instruments of culture as symbols Wilk’s l = 0.524, p < .001, ETA2 = 0.48; **, p < .01, *** p <.001
Preliminary conclusions • The project is based upon the idea that culture could be measured empirically • The reliability of the indices were found to be satisfactory • The items ”behaved” as expected and the dimensional structure was conceptually meaningful • In addition to general culturetraffic safety culture was also part of the same instrument • As expected, the exploratory factor analysis differentiated between general and traffic safety culture, however the same dimensional structure could applied for both types of culture • The items fell into five identical indices (shown in table 2) • The discriminant valifity of the measurement instrument was judged to be satisfactory • The instrument showed that there were cultural differences in a Ghanaian and Norwegian public • The results may indicate that culture as symbol exchange may be a fruitful approach for studying culture and cultural differences • The project is in a start up phase and data are collected in several other countries. Additional and m,ore advanced analysis would be carried out during next year.