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Flowing Footsteps: Understanding Pediatric Care

Explore the world of pediatric medicine and foot care, as we delve into the running currents of medical treatments and child health. Discover the importance of flexibility in healthcare and the hidden mysteries of child illnesses. Uncover the depths of care with insights into post-treatment and subconscious effects. Join us as we navigate the waters of pediatric healthcare and foot wellness.

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Flowing Footsteps: Understanding Pediatric Care

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Vocabulary #5

  2. Cur/curs: to run (as in move) Current — a flowing; flow, as of a river Concurrently – occurring or existing simultaneously

  3. Ped: foot; child Pediatrician – a doctor who specializes in the branch of medical science concerned with children and their diseases Pedicure — professional care and treatment of the feet

  4. Flect/flex: to bend Flexible – easily bent Inflection – modulation of the voice

  5. Post: after or behind Posthumous – happening or continuing after one's death Postpone – defer, delay

  6. Crypt/cryph: hidden Cryptic – mysterious in meaning; puzzling Encrypt – to put (a message) into code

  7. Prefixsub- : under Subconscious – acting or existing without one's awareness Submarine – a vessel that can be submerged and navigated under water, usually built for warfare and armed with torpedoes or guided missiles

  8. Suffix --ous: possessing qualities of Nervous – unnaturally or acutely uneasy or apprehensive Ambidextrous – able to use both hands equally well

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