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Sustainable Energy to Secure Sustainable Future New Delhi July, 2015

Explore the critical role of sustainable energy in achieving universal access, economic growth, and environmental sustainability. Join the global initiative to double renewables, energy efficiency, and ensure access for all by 2030. Learn about key achievements and how you can be part of the movement.

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Sustainable Energy to Secure Sustainable Future New Delhi July, 2015

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  1. Sustainable Energy to Secure Sustainable Future New Delhi July, 2015

  2. WHY ENERGY? • Energy is the golden thread that connects economic growth, increased social equity and an environment that allows the world to thrive.” -- UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon • “Ending poverty and ensuring sustainability are the defining challenges of our time. Energy is central to both.” -- Jim Yong Kim - World Bank Group President

  3. The Great Energy Challenge: a moral and existential dilemma Three energy challenges of our generation: • First, ending energy poverty. To ensure universal access to electricity and modern energy sources for cooking and heating. • Second, we need to strengthen economic growth in a way that‘s equitable and satisfies growing energy demand. • Third, we need to slow the warming of our planet by reducing global emissions. In essence, we need to turn on the lightswhile turning down the global thermostat.

  4. Sustainable Energy for All initiative • Three Objectives: One Goal: Ensuring Sustainable Energy for All by 2030

  5. SE4ALL: A Coherent Solution and Nexus Enabler The Goal Sustainable Energy For All The Solution (3 Objectives) Universal Access DoubleRenewables Double Energy Efficiency The Nexus (4 Targets) Women Health Water Food

  6. Annual Investments to reach SE4All goal by 2030 Annual Investments: US$1 trillion • Access: USD 50 Billion (2012: US$9 bn) • Renewables: USD 442 to 650 Billion (2012: US$258 bn) • Energy Efficiency: USD 560 Billion (2012: US$130 bn) 6

  7. Why is this initiative different? Sustainable Energy for All is a unique multi-stakeholder platform for the achievement of sustainable energy for all. The initiative offers… Clear global vision and objectivesthat cut across all three pillars of sustainable development Unmatched network of stakeholders:governments, businesses & civil society Unparalleled convening power Ability to mobilize best practices and innovative solutions Capacity to leverage large-scale investment Transparent tracking frameworktowards the three objectives

  8. Evolution of electrification: steady but slow Lost Decade: Growth < 1% per year 2010-12: India has pulled up the average

  9. Energy Access: India can move the global needle

  10. Basic Requirements for Energy System Transformation: 4Ps Politics Policy Pricing Partnership (Public –Private) How? We Advocate for E-Solutions; We Catalyze Actions and Investment; and We Build Partnerships

  11. ACHIEVEMENTS: Global Forum; Normative Role; Political • Rio+20 Resolution: “We are all determined to act to make sustainable energy for all a reality”. • The General Assembly (GA) resolution: “UN Decade of SE4All (2014-2024)”, adopted Dec. 2012. • Three resolutions GA Second Committee (December 2013) empowering the SG to use "existing resources" and “extra budgetary resources” for the UN Decade • Energy: proposed SDG-7 • The "Friends of Sustainable Energy" 30 members • The WBG energy sector strategy (June 2013) based on the objectives of SE4All. • IRENA Assembly adopted the SE4All objective-3 “Doubling the share of RE (IRENA version 30% share RE) • Elysée Declaration, 7 December 2013

  12. SE4All: Regional and Thematic Hubs • Thematic: • Renewable Energy: IRENA • Energy Efficiency: DTU(Copenhagen) and ECCJ (Tokyo) • Bottom up Energy Access: UNDP • Capacity Building: TERI • Knowledge Hub: World Bank • Geographic • Africa: AfDB • Asia: ADB • Latin America: IADB • Europe, Central Asia and Mediterranean: EBRD

  13. ACHIEVEMENTS: Energy Access Practitioner Network 1800 members (NGOs, private sector, social enterprise, investors, etc) Sharing Knowledge. Building Community. Making a Difference.

  14. ACHIEVEMENTS: 50 High Impact Opportunities identified • Mini-Grids (DFID, UNEP, UNF, ARE) 2. Sustainable Bioenergy (FAO, IUCN, Novozymes) 3. Universal Adoption of Clean Cooking (Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves) 4. Water-Energy-Food Nexus* (BMZ and FAO) 5. Energy & Women’s Health (UNF, UN Women, and Norway) 6. Advanced Lighting & Appliance Efficiency (UNEP and CLASP) 7. Vehicle Fuel Efficiency (FIA Foundation and UNEP) • Global Gas Flaring Reduction * A recent publication of SE4All titled “Direct Delivery of Power Subsidy to Agriculture in India” launched at Vienna Energy Forum Other HIOs: To be launched in a phased manner

  15. Achievements: • SDG 7 • Country Action • 103 partner countries, 66 gap analysis, 23 action agenda, 12 investment prospectuses • Finance • $ 120 billion potential new annual investments identified • SG and WBG President released SE4All Finance Report at FFD Conference Addis Ababa recommending concrete actions (included in Outcome Document) report available at www.se4all.org

  16. Growing Movement UN Decade Annual SE4All Forum 2-year Campaign on Energy for Women/Children’s Health Growing commitments • Tracking and Monitoring SE4All Global Tracking Framework Tools and instruments (e.g. RISE, Multitier Access Indicators)

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