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Robust Differentiation

Robust Differentiation. Cecil County Public Schools Mission Statement.

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Robust Differentiation

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  1. Robust Differentiation

  2. Cecil County Public Schools Mission Statement • Our Mission is to provide an excellent Pre-Kindergarten through graduation learning experience that enables all students to demonstrate the skills, knowledge, and attitudes required for lifelong learning and productive citizenship in an ever-changing global society. Challenge Program Mission Statement • The mission of the challenge program is to identify students with exceptional creative talents and intellectual abilities and to nurture their unique potential, through the collaboration of all stakeholders. “Continuous Improvement: Everyone, Every Way, Every Day”

  3. National Association for Gifted ChildrenDefinition of “Gifted”http://www.nagc.orgProgram Design Students, children, or youth who give evidence of high achievement capability in areas such as intellectual, creative, artistic, or leadership capacity, or in specific academic fields, and who need services and activities not ordinarily provided by the school in order to fully develop those capabilities

  4. National Association for Gifted ChildrenPre-K - Grade 12 Program Standardshttp://www.nagc.orgProgram Design The development of appropriate gifted education programming requires comprehensive services based on sound philosophical, theoretical, and empirical support. Guiding Principle #4 Gifted education programming services must be an integral part of the general education school day. Exemplary Standard Gifted services must be designed to supplement and build on the basic academic skills and knowledge learned in regular classrooms at all grade levels to ensure continuity as students progress through the program.

  5. How will CCPS become exemplary? • By embedding the tiered lesson into the Core Curriculum so that an Ascending Intellectual Demand (AID) is an expectation for all. • Through developing and understanding the differentiation practices that lead to a focused depth or robustness. • By collaborating as a resource team.

  6. Core Curriculum VSC

  7. Found across multiple disciplines Enduring Understandings Examples: Change Good vs. Evil Language of the discipline Found in VSC Indicators What we want students to: Know Understand Be able to do Concept Based Instruction Concepts in the Core Curriculum can be divided into two categories: Interdisciplinary/Macro Disciplinary/Micro

  8. The FRAME Routine Key Topic: Planning to analyze Characterization of a narrative text is about… What teachers in grade ____________ want every student to KNOW, UNDERSTAND, and BE ABLE TO DO in relation to understanding characterization in a narrative text with a villain and hero. Main idea Main idea Main idea Know Understand Be able to Do Essential details Essential details Essential details Character traits are based on what the character says, does and thinks. Identify the traits of a villain and a hero. Characters have traits Character traits are based on what other characters or the narrator says. Character traits can be positive or negative Provide text examples to support these traits. A villain is a character who works against others. Explain how the character’s traits make him/her a villain or hero. Characters can be villains Explain how the character may demonstrate “uncharacteristic traits for a reason. A hero is a character who helps others accomplish goals. Characters can be heroes So What? (What’s important to understand about this?) Effectively teaching character trait analysis can help students understand the roles that heroes and villains play within a story which will enhance comprehension.

  9. Language ArtsSample Tier Example of Differentiation in Instruction Objective: Analyze the characterization of a narrative text Advanced What redeeming qualities does the villain of the story/book exhibit? What is the “shadow side” of the hero character in the book/story? Describe these in a format of your choice. Basic Identify characteristics of the hero and villain and provide examples from the book/story to support your ideas. Summarize what makes each character either a hero or a villain. Accommodated Chart characteristics of a villain and a hero from a story/book.

  10. “Schools are like airport hubs; student passengers arrive from many different backgrounds for widely divergent destinations. Their particular takeoffs into adulthood will demand different flight plans.” - Mel Levine

  11. Student Readiness Interest Learning Style Content Process Product Robust DifferentiationDefined Robust Differentiation considers six variables and is concept-driven.

  12. Robust Differentiation • Begins by holding a strong curriculum in one hand and the students in the other • Develops Ascending Intellectual Demand for all students • Involves all students working with the conceptual base of the discipline and moving toward expertise

  13. Differentiation in the Classroom • What does it look like? • Starts with concept based instruction in a whole group setting • Followed by small group instruction based on student readiness and learning styles • Math Flex Groups • Guided Reading • Students returning to the large group and sharing • High end assessments

  14. Tool to TierEqualizer “Like the equalizer buttons on audio equipment, it’s possible for the teacher to design lessons by “moving the buttons” on this guide to different positions for the needs of varied students. - Carol Ann Tomlinson

  15. The Equalizer Foundational Concrete Simple Single Facet Small Leap More Structured Clearly Defined Problems Less Independence Slower Transformational Abstract Complex Multiple Facets Great Leap More Open Fuzzy Problems Greater Independence Quicker

  16. 8 N + 3 Math Flex GroupsSample Tier Example of Differentiation in Instruction Objective: Identify, write, solve, and apply equations and inequalities: find the unknown in an equation with one operation Class Activity Use a graphic representation of a balance pan to represent equations with one operation, using addition and whole numbers (0-81) For example: 8 = N + 3; N = 5 Advanced Use decimals, rather than whole numbers in the equations Basic Fill in the missing numbers for the equations Accommodated Use an actual balance pan and real manipulatives to balance the equation

  17. Guided ReadingSample Tier Example of Differentiation in Instruction Objective:Identify and explain relationships between and among characters, settings and events Content Process Product Students will explain how the characters and events would change if the setting were different. Students will rewrite a scene from the story putting the characters in a different setting. Challenge-level guided reading book Advanced Students will write an explanation about why the author chose that particular setting for the story. Students will explain how the setting impacts the characters. On-level guided reading book Basic Students will write a description of the relationship between the character(s) and the setting. Students will identify the characters and the setting of the story. Below-level guided reading book Accommodated

  18. Differentiation is not something you do when the real lesson is finished. - Carol Ann Tomlinson

  19. Collaborate and Support Collaborate with teachers by • Planning • Co-teaching • Providing resources To support Robust Differentiation considering the six variables of • Content • Process • Product • Student Readiness • Student Interest • Student Learning Style

  20. Coming together is a beginning; Keeping together is progress; Working together is success. - Henry Ford

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