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Ways to Teach Teamwork to Kids

"Camp Walt Whitman, located in the White Mountains of New Hampshire, is the best coed sleepaway camp available in New England. Boys and girls from 2nd grade to teens have the time of their lives every summer. Visit site: http://campwalt.com/<br><br>Camp Walt Whitman<br>1000 Cape Moonshine Rd<br>Piermont, NH 03779<br>603-764-5521<br>cww@campwalt.com"

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Ways to Teach Teamwork to Kids

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  1. Quick  Guide  to   Summer  Camp   for  Kids   WAYS  TO  TEACH   TEAMWORK TEAMWORK TO  KIDS  

  2. Quick  Guide  to   Summer  Camp   for  Kids   One  of  the  greatest  things  kids   can  learn  is  how  to  work  as  a   team,  as  skill  that  will  serve   them  well  throughout   their  lives …

  3. Quick  Guide  to   Summer  Camp   for  Kids   …  from  youth  athletic  leagues   to  school  projects,  college   academics  and  the  workplace.  

  4. Quick  Guide  to   Summer  Camp   for  Kids   Being  a  “good  team  player”   and  knowing  how  to  work   with  all  sorts  of  people   toward  a  common  goal   certainly  makes  you  a  valued   commodity  in  our  society …

  5. Quick  Guide  to   Summer  Camp   for  Kids   …  and  activities  like  summer   camp  makes  learning  this   valuable  ability  a  whole  lot   of  fun.

  6. Quick  Guide  to   Summer  Camp   for  Kids   Kids  can  learn  to  function  as   a  team  in  many  ways,  and  if   you  keep  your  eye  out  at   summer  camp  visits  …

  7. Quick  Guide  to   Summer  Camp   for  Kids   …  you’ll  notice  campers   involved  in  activities  in  places   like  the  low  ropes  courses  as   well  as  on  all  sorts  of  playing   fields,  in  swimming  pools  and   out  on  the  lake.

  8. Quick  Guide  to   Summer  Camp   for  Kids  

  9. Quick  Guide  to   Summer  Camp   for  Kids   A  team  player  is  less  an  “it’s  all   about  me”  kind  of  person  and   more  a  “go  team”  sort.

  10. Kids  who  help  out  at  home  and   in  the  classroom,  include   others  in  games  and  activities   and  know  how  to  both  lead   and  follow  tend  to  grow  into   more  successful  young  adults. Quick  Guide  to   Summer  Camp   for  Kids  

  11. Quick  Guide  to   Summer  Camp   for  Kids  

  12. Lots  of  companies  use  the  lower  part  of  a  ropes   course  for  team  building  activities,  and  kids  at   overnight  summer  camps  get  a  jump  on  the  action. Quick  Guide  to   Summer  Camp   for  Kids  

  13. Whereas  the  high  ropes  course  focuses  on  more   physical  challenges,  the  low  ropes  course  is  chock  full   of  trust  building  and  problem  solving  activities  … Quick  Guide  to   Summer  Camp   for  Kids  

  14. …  all  geared  toward  helping  campers  learn  how  to  work   together  effectively  toward  a  common  goal,  all  while  getting   to  know  each  other  better  and  having  buckets  of  fun. Quick  Guide  to   Summer  Camp   for  Kids  

  15. Quick  Guide  to   Summer  Camp   for  Kids  

  16. Quick  Guide  to   Summer  Camp   for  Kids   as  a  team  if  the  show  is  going  to  go  on. Theatrical  activities  from  summer  camp  campfire   skits  to  local  talent  shows  and  community  theater   stage  productions  pretty  much  require  kids  to  work  

  17. Quick  Guide  to   Summer  Camp   for  Kids   show  gets  into  full  swing. Many  stage  companies  routinely  use  teamwork   activities  to  form  a  cohesive  cast  and  crew  before  a  

  18. Quick  Guide  to   Summer  Camp   for  Kids   crews  and  stage  managers. However,  even  little  summer  camp  productions  have   actors,  writers,  directors,  stage  builders,  lighting  

  19. Quick  Guide  to   Summer  Camp   for  Kids   they  get  along  with  them  particularly  well  or  not. Each  person  has  his  or  her  role  and  has  to  learn  how   to  work  with  all  the  other  team  members  whether  

  20. Quick  Guide  to   Summer  Camp   for  Kids   Opening  night  is  the  deadline  and  everyone  has  to   pull  together  to  meet  it  successfully!

  21. Quick  Guide  to   Summer  Camp   for  Kids  

  22. From  organized  youth  athletics  to  school  sports  and   summer  camp  fun,  the  playing  fields  can  be  a  super  way   to  learn  to  be  a  team  player.

  23. Of  course  summer  camp  is  brimming  with  all  kinds  of   games,  from  beloved  standard  gaga  ball  and  rowdy  camp   color  wars  to  traditional  sports  like  basketball,  softball   and  soccer.

  24. At  camp,  counselors  encourage  youngsters  to  celebrate   everybody’s  contribution  and  truly  work  together  to  play   the  best  game  possible.

  25. Everyone  cheers  everyone  else  on  and  the  end  result  is   lots  of  fun  whether  the  team  wins  or  loses.

  26. Quick  Guide  to   Summer  Camp   for  Kids  

  27. Quick  Guide  to   Summer  Camp   for  Kids   more  responsibilities. There  are  so  many  ways  kids  to  learn  to  work   as  a  team,  especially  when  they  are  at  places   like  sleepaway  camp  where  they  tend  to  have  

  28. Quick  Guide  to   Summer  Camp   for  Kids   Even  keeping  the  cabin  clean  can  be  a  great   team  building  event,  since  the  sooner  clothes   are  picked  up  and  beds  made,  the  sooner  the   day’s  fun  can  begin.

  29. Quick  Guide  to   Summer  Camp   for  Kids   learn  how  to  work  as  a  team.   From  helping  the  team  win  at  a  swimming  relay   race  to  prompting  an  actor  in  the  campfire  skit,   sleepaway  camp  is  full  of  opportunities  for  kids  to  

  30. Quick  Guide  to   Summer  Camp   for  Kids   If  you're  considering  sending   your  child  to  an  overnight   summer  camp,  be  sure  to  visit   our  site  to  learn  about   Camp  Walt  Whitman.

  31. Quick  Guide  to   Summer  Camp   for  Kids   Located  in  the  White   Mountains  of  New  Hampshire,   Camp  Walt  Whitman  offers  a   safe,  nurturing  environment  in   a  beautiful  mountain  setting.

  32. Quick  Guide  to   Summer  Camp   for  Kids   Our  camp  is  a  coed  sleepaway   camp,  with  separate  areas  for   boys  and  girls.  The  kids  have  a   blast,  and  make  friendships   that  can  last  a  lifetime.

  33. www.campwalt.com

  34. Camp  Walt  Whitman 1000  Cape  Moonshine  Rd Piermont,  NH  03779 603-­‐764-­‐5521 cww@campwalt.com

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