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Enhancing Creativity through Ice Breakers and Group Activities

Join Laura Covert at the KAHPERD Conference in 2013 to explore creativity, intelligence, and teamwork through engaging activities. Learn how to boost creativity and build connections through innovative ice breakers and group games. Discover ways to enhance your classroom experience and foster a dynamic learning environment. Get inspired by expert resources and unleash your creative potential today!

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Enhancing Creativity through Ice Breakers and Group Activities

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  1. Enhancing creativity: Building upon Activities Laura Covert KAHPERD Conference, Nov. 6-8th, 2013

  2. Creativity is intelligence having fun. Albert Einstein


  4. Stranded on an Island • Sadly, you are being relocated to a stranded deserted island. You can only bring one item with you. What will you bring? • Share the object • Why you chose it • What you plan to do with it • How can you improve your chances of survival by combining the items in various ways?

  5. Let’s start using our creativity…

  6. Ice Breaker breaker • Within your groups, create an ice breaker based upon the Stranded Island game we just completed. • It can be verbal, non verbal, active, non active, etc. • Feel free to incorporate objects in the bag.

  7. Creativity: Where are we?

  8. Questions…. • What are you doing • What have you done • What could be done • If you’re not prepared to be wrong, you’ll never come up with anything original.- Ken Robinson

  9. SCAMPER • Substitute: What can I use instead? • Combine: How can I combine parts or ideas? • Adapt: What is like it? Can we change that in some way? • Magnify: Can I make it bigger, stronger, better? • Put to another use: How can I use this in another way? • Eliminate: Are there parts/areas that can be taken away? • Rearrange: Can I use a different sequence, interchange the parts, etc.

  10. Show and Tell • Think of one of your favorite go to activities. • Share it with the group. • Create one new activity from your original activity.

  11. Resources • Creativity in the Classroom, Alane Jordan Starko • http://www.resourcehouse.ae/pdf/creativity%20in%20class%20room.pdf • Group Games and Icebreakers • http://www.group-games.com/index-of-all-group-games

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