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PROGETTO COMENIUS A.S.2010-2011 Referring teachers :Anna Peccolo- Alessia De Carolis. STUDENTS RULE! - CITIZENSHIP AT SCHOOL Promoting Linguistic Diversity through Digital Contents. AIMS. In this project students will realize the importance of self-governments and democracy .
PROGETTO COMENIUSA.S.2010-2011Referringteachers:Anna Peccolo- Alessia De Carolis STUDENTS RULE! - CITIZENSHIP AT SCHOOL Promoting Linguistic Diversity through Digital Contents
AIMS • In this project students will realize the importance of self-governments and democracy . • Students will develop inner skills dealing with responsibility they were given to represent school abroad. • Students will practise English but also they will improve their communication skills in mother tongues to develop multilinguistic diversity. • Tasks will let the students become aware of other cultures, broaden their outlook, become citizens capable of contributing to development and well-being of society. • The area of Citizenship and the creation of digital educational contents can give our students the opportunity to arise the motivation for learning and studying new cultures and develop their research skills. • We expect our students to deepen value system, to develop pro-social attitudes while also developing their learning, including ICT, skills and learning motivation. Innovation and creativity to present students’ works will be incentivated throughout this project.
Partecipating organisations • SzkolaPodstawowa nr6 Trzebinia Poland • KasabaYatiliIlkogretimBolgeOkulu Turkey • Kildemarkskolen Denmark • 1st First High School Of Lefkada Greece • Ies Barbara De Braganza Spain • Istituto Comprensivo Via Giovanni Palombini Italy (Rome) • I istituto Comprensivo Sacro Cuore Italy (Sicily) LyceeLaperouse New Caledonia • LentizFloracollege Netherlands • Melanchthon Kralingen Netherlands • Melanchthon de blesewic Netherlands
Concrete objectives of the partnership Raising students awareness of their role as individual citizens and as part of society, not only in what concerns their interpersonal relationships but also towards the environment, sustainable development and European citizenship. Increasing students’ research skills. Improving their fundamental competences in foreign languages, science and digital competences Supporting the development of innovative ICT-based content, pedagogies and practice. Improving transversal competences like social and civic competences (knowing regional information, accepting foreign cultures, traditions and people), sense of initiative and entrepreneurship (active involvement in project itinerary, working out gained information), and cultural awareness and expression (finding ways of self-expression in showing emotional links towards each topic, intercultural dialogue). Awakening and reinforcing creativity and innovation. Developing a sense of initiative and entrepreneurship among students, especially in working out gained information with various artistic ways (posters, photos, ICT presentations etc). Building up strong working relationship among each other. Strengthening the sense of European citizenship based on understanding and respects for human rights and democracy, encouraging tolerance and acceptance of foreign peoples and cultures Strengthening intercultural education and its contribution to social cohesion Developing knowledge and understanding among young people and educational staff of the diversity of European cultures and languages and its value
INTERDISCIPLINARY CONNECTIONS This project is integrated into the curriculum by finding relations to the topics of: Regional identity. Artistic education. Environment / sustainable development. Foreign language teaching and learning. Geography. Intercultural education. Learning about European countries. Natural Sciences. Methods to increase pupil motivation. New technologies, ICT.
Cross-curricular activities Arts and Crafts – for preparing end products . Foreign languages – for communication in a foreign language. Mother Tongue – for reading literacy about topics . Civics – for accepting foreign cultures and people. Environmental Education – for raising awareness on values of environments and ecologies. Geography – for studying partner countries. New technologies – for using ICT-based methods in research and treating topics.