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The AIDS Financial Crisis Why reprogramming is needed

The AIDS Financial Crisis Why reprogramming is needed. Jorge Saavedra.

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The AIDS Financial Crisis Why reprogramming is needed

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  1. The AIDS Financial CrisisWhy reprogramming is needed Jorge Saavedra

  2. WHO reality: Estimates coverage taking into account an estimation of people that “need” AIDS treatment (ART) according to official WHO´s published guidelines that are based on T CD4 cell counts.New science reality: Epidemiology and science behind the new evidence demonstrated that Treatment is also prevention and says that every people who has HIV should be offered ART Jorge Saavedra MD AIDS HealthcareFoundation

  3. We are still far from winning the war on AIDS ART GLOBAL COVERAGE 53% gap 47% covered 19% covered Data sources: UNAIDS, 2011 UNAIDS World AIDS Day report. WHO/UNAIDS/UNICEF, Global HIV/AIDS Response, November 2011

  4. ART coverage at Nationallevel in 10 selectedcountries 2010 WHO Guidelines Jorge Saavedra MD AIDS HealthcareFoundation June 11, 2012 Data sources: WHO/UNAIDS/UNICEF, Global HIV/AIDS Response, November 2011

  5. % of HIV+ Peopleon ART in someselectedcountries Data sources: WHO/UNAIDS/UNICEF, Global HIV/AIDS Response, November 2011. Country estimates of PLHIV are for 2009 at Country estimates available at: UNAIDS, Report on the Global AIDS Epidemic, 2010:.

  6. Twenty-Third Board Meeting, Geneva, Switzerland, 11-12 May 2011 Plan for Comprehensive Reform: Value for Money Decision Point GF/B23/DP9: 1. 2. 3. In order to drive value for money, the Board requests the Secretariat to: iii Set limits on how much support the Global Fund will provide in categories of expenditure where is a risk of overuse or inefficiency iv. Work proactively with Principal Recipients (PRs) and Country Coordinating Mechanisms (CCMs) to use reprogramming within countries to ensure increased use of cost effective interventions to maximize health impact. The Secretariat should incorporate guidance from technical partner to help guide this reprogramming

  7. Said: There are $3 billion waiting to be reprogramed When: July 24th, 2012 Where: IAC Conference Venue, Washington DC Dr. Debrework Sewdie Chief of Strategy, Investment and Impact & Deputy General Manager of the Global Fund

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