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Verbos. ADD. Verbo regular Acrescentar, somar. AGREE. Verbo regular Concordar. ALLOW. Verbo regular Permitir, autorizar. ANSWER. Verbo regular Responder, atender. ARRIVE. Verbo regular Chegar. ASK. Verbo regular Pedir, perguntar. ATTACK. Verbo regular Atacar. BE.
ADD Verbo regular Acrescentar, somar
AGREE Verbo regular Concordar
ALLOW Verbo regular Permitir, autorizar
ANSWER Verbo regular Responder, atender
ARRIVE Verbo regular Chegar
ASK Verbo regular Pedir, perguntar
ATTACK Verbo regular Atacar
BE Verbo irregular (Be - Was/Were - Been) Ser, estar
BECOME Verbo irregular (Become - Became - Become) Tornar-se
BEGIN Verbo irregular (Begin - Began - Begun) Começar
BELIEVE Verbo regular Acreditar
BRING Verbo irregular (Bring - Brought - Brought) Trazer
BUY Verbo irregular (Buy - Bought - Bought) Comprar
CALL Verbo regular Chamar, telefonar
CAN Verbo modal Poder, ser capaz de
CARRY Verbo regular Transportar, carregar
CATCH Verbo irregular (Catch - Caught - Caught) Apanhar, agarrar
CHANGE Verbo regular Mudar, trocar
CHOOSE Verbo irregular (Choose - Chose - Chosen) Escolher, seleccionar
CLEAN Verbo regular Limpar
CLOSE Verbo regular Fechar
COME Verbo irregular (Come - Came - Come) Vir
COOK Verbo regular Cozinhar
COULD Verbo modal Poder (condicional)
CUT Verbo irregular (Cut - Cut - Cut) Cortar
DEFEND Verbo regular Defender, proteger
DO Verbo irregular (Do - Did - Done) Fazer
DRINK Verbo irregular (Drink - Drank - Drunk) Beber
DRIVE Verbo irregular (Drive - Drove - Driven) Conduzir
EAT Verbo irregular (Eat - Ate - Eaten) Comer
END Verbo regular Terminar, acabar
ENJOY Verbo regular Apreciar, gozar
EXPLAIN Verbo regular Explicar
FALL Verbo irregular (Fall - Fell - Fallen) Cair
FEEL Verbo irregular (Feel - Felt - Felt) Sentir (-se)
FIND Verbo irregular (Find - Found - Found) Encontrar, considerar
FINISH Verbo regular Terminar, acabar
FLY Verbo irregular (Fly - Flew - Flown) Voar
FOLLOW Verbo regular Seguir, acompanhar
GET Verbo irregular (Get - Got - Got) Receber, apanhar
GIVE Verbo irregular (Give - Gave - Given) Dar
GO Verbo irregular (Go - Went - Gone) Ir
GROW Verbo irregular (Grow - Grew - Grown) Crescer, criar
GUESS Verbo regular Adivinhar
HATE Verbo regular Detestar, odiar
HAVE Verbo irregular (Have - Had - Had) Ter
HELP Verbo regular Ajudar
HOLD Verbo irregular (Hold - Held - Held) Segurar
HURT Verbo irregular (Hurt - Hurt - Hurt) Magoar, ferir, doer