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2012 Nash Community College Counselor's Breakfast. Wil van der Meulen Associate Dean Student & Enrollment Services. NCC Faculty Staff Meeting: CDC and Culinary Construction Increased Retention Rates 500 Truck Drivers Offering Global Logistics Future Dev. Reading Site
Wil van derMeulen Associate Dean Student & Enrollment Services
NCC Faculty Staff Meeting: CDC and Culinary Construction Increased Retention Rates 500 Truck Drivers Offering Global Logistics Future Dev. Reading Site 100% Medical Assistant AAMA Natl Certif
Welcome Annette Dishner Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
Introduction of NCC Faculty and Staff Wil van derMeulen Associate Dean Student & Enrollment Services
Academic Information/Highlights Mike Latham Dean of Instruction
Curriculum Students Fall Spring FTE 2006-2007 2,784 2,926 1,910 2007-2008 3,012 2,961 2,011 2008-2009 2,982 2,839 2,052 2009-2010 3,248 3,280 2,357 2010-2011 3,252 3,171 2,375
Huskins BecomesCareer and College Promise Metals I, II (NCC Campus) Welding I, II (NCC Campus & SNHS) Cosmetology I, II(NCC Campus) Electronics I, II (NCC Campus) Criminology I, II (NCC Campus) Fire/EPT I, II (NCC Campus) Automotive I, II (Rocky Mount High School) Architectural/ (Faith Christian School) Graphic Design
Dual Enrollment/CCP History • Total • Fall 02 (09) - Spring 03 (37) 46 • Fall 03 (73) - Spring 04 (59) 132 • Fall 04 (150) - Spring 05 (152) 302 • Fall 05 (212) - Spring 06 (218) 430 • *Fall 06 (158) - Spring 07 (131) 289 • *Fall 07 (169) – Spring 08 (134) 303 • *Fall 08 (166) – Spring 09 (133) 299 • **Fall 09 (85) – Spring 2010 (93) 178 • **Fall 10 (105) – Spring 2011 (96) 201 • **Fall 11(108) – ***Spring 2012 (60) 168 • *Public School Calendar Change • **Legislative Changes • ***CCP Changes
Everything you need for the CCP • www.nashcc.edu/ccp
Formerly Known As “Dual Enrollment” • College Transfer Classes • Changes • More offerings, not just STEM • No waiting registration (Serious Student) • Testing changes, must test in all parts of an assessment • HS GPA requirement 3.0 weighted • College GPA requirement 2.0
Formerly Known As “Huskins” • Career Classes College (Criminal Justice, Emergency Preparedness/Fire, Welding, Metals, etc.) • Changes • Well defined path leading to a certificate • Can no longer provide first day of class registration
Career and Technical Education Pathways • On the application you indicate CRIM I or CRIM II Criminal Justice Certificate C55180CCP *CJC 111 (FA) Introduction to Criminal Justice (Crim. I) 3 *CJC 121 (FA) Law Enforcement Operations (Crim. I) 3 *CJC 131 AB(FA) Criminal Law (Crim. I) 2 *CJC 131 BB(SP) Criminal Law (Crim. II) 1 *CJC 112(SP) Criminology (Crim. II) 3 *CJC 231 (SP) Constitutional Law (Crim. II) 3
Career and Technical Education Pathways • On the application you indicate FIRE I or FIRE II Emergency Preparedness Tech. Certificate C55420CCP *EPT 120(FA) Sociology of Disaster (Fire I) 3 *EPT 210(FA) Response and Recovery (Fire I) 3 *FIP 220 AB(FA) Fire Fighting Strategies (Fire I) 2 *FIP 220 BB(SP) Fire Fighting Strategies (Fire II) 1 *EPT 130(SP) Mitigation and Preparedness (Fire II) 3 *FIP 236 (SP) Emergency Management (Fire II) 3
Career and Technical Education Pathways • On the application you indicate ELEC I or ELEC II Electronics Engineering Certificate C40200CCP *ELC 131 (FA) DC/AC Circuit Analysis (Elec. I) 5 *ELN 133 (SP) Digital Electronics (Elec. II) 4 ELN 131 Semiconductor Applications 4 ELN 232Introduction to Microprocessors 4
Career and Technical Education Pathways • On the application you indicate WELD I or WELD II Welding Certificate C50420CCP *WLD 121 (FA) GMAW (MIG) FCAW/Plate (Weld. I) 4 *WLD 115 (SP) SMAW (Stick) Plate (Weld. II) AC, BC 5 WLD 131 GMAW (TIG) Plate 4 WLD 110 Cutting Processes 2 WLD 141 Symbols and Specifications 3 Total Hours 18
Career and Technical Education Pathways • On the application you indicate COSMO I or COSMO II Cosmetology Certificate C55140CCP COS 111 Cosmet. Concepts I 4 COS 112 Salon I 8 *(FA—COS 111 AB + COS 112 AB) Cosmet I) *(SP—COS 111 BB + COS 112 BB) Cosmet II) Total Hours 12
Career and Technical Education Pathways • On the application you indicate METALS I or METALS II Computer Integrated Machining Certificate C50210CCP *MAC 141 (FA) Machining Applications I (Metals I) 4 *MAC 141A (SP) Machining Applications Lab I (Metals II) 2 *MAC 121 Introduction to CNC 2 MAC 142 Machining Applications II 4 BPR 111 Blueprint Reading 2 MAC 151 Machining Calculations 2 *MAC 171 (SP) Measure/Material & Safety (Metals II) 1 Total Hours 17
Career and Technical Education Pathways • RMSH Only- indicate AUTO I, II, III • Will be changing to accommodate DPI changes Automotive Certificate C60160CCP *AUT 116 Engine Repair (Auto I) 3 *AUT 151 Brake Systems (Auto II) 3 *AUT 151A Brake Systems Lab (Auto II) 1 *AUT 161AB Basic Auto Electricity (Auto I) 2 *AUT 16 1BB Basic Auto Electricity (Auto II) 3 *AUT 141 Suspension & Steering Systems (Auto III) 3 *AUT 181 Engine Performance (Auto III) 3 ***AUT 285 Intro to Alternative Fuels (Auto III) ***Cannot enroll unless AUT 116, 141, 151, 151A, 161, 181 have been completed. AUT 285 is not part of the listed Automotive Certificate but need for NRMPS CTE requirements.
Use this as your guide. • www.nashcc.edu/ccp
Articulations • Colleges and Universities • Agriculture Institute (NCSU) • Johnson And Wales • NCSU (Pre-Engineering) • ECU Wachovia Partnership (Teachers) • 2+ Wesleyan
of Nash CC College Transfer Graduates have successfully transferred to four-year institutions 100%
Where Our Students Go Most go to: Other colleges include:
Dorneeta Davis Instructor/ Coordinator Basic Skills
Learning Center • General Educational Development (GED) • Three Month Waiting Period • Adults 16-years of age or older. (Minors) • Between the ages of 16 and 17 the College requires a school release and notarized petition signed by a parent or legal guardian. • Instruction in areas of reading, mathematics, writing, science and social studies. • Requirements: Score 450 per test and 2250 total • Testing Fee $25
The Intake Process • Interview – May or may not get it • Need to be serious about their education plans • Minor packet must be completed in full prior to the interview
Wil van derMeulen Associate Dean of Student and Enrollment Services
What’s New(er)@Nash CC Wil van derMeulen Associate Dean of Student and Enrollment Services
Engineering WeekA recommendation by the NRMPS ApprenticeshipSub – Committee created to help address the Nash County manufacturing skills shortage.Invite NRMPS teachers/counselors to get a crash course in 8 engineering curriculums in 4 days. Now open toWilson, Edgecombe, and Franklin The committee has members from NRMPS, NCC, and local major manufacturers
Engineering WeekRedesign Part A Monday: Lineman Technology – Computer Engineering Technology – Tuesday: Computer Integrated Machining - Electrical EngineeringWednesday: Tour
Engineering WeekRedesign Part BWednesday: Company Tours Thursday: Industrial Systems Technology - Electrical ElectronicsFriday: Welding
The Plan:Vacation Bible School Concept1. Educate teachers/counselors about engineering curriculums.2. Give them a related hands on activity to show them what goes on in class.(sorry no snacks)3. Turn teachers to NCC apostles: to tell the world about the exciting/rewarding careers their students have waiting for them at Nash Community College Engineering Week is made possible by a grant from the NCC Foundation.
Custom Desk PenTake Home Project 8 min after programming, the finished product.
New(er) NRMPS Project • Onsite Admissions – Started May 2010 • Approx 200 students, 4 high schools a yr • Application, HS transcript Request, Placement Test, Post-test Counseling (Review Test Scores, Review FAFSA info, Next Steps, Etc.) • Moved dates back to later in the year • (Any school with 10 or more students)
How to use NCC’s YouTube Channel and Nash in Action with students and yourself
So you have a student interested in Computer Integrated Machining…a picture is worth a thousand words.
Unique club partnerships:Culinary Club and Drama Club“Dinner Theater” for less an $20!!!
We are growing to meet the needs of the community…Culinary Expansion Childhood Dev. Center Expansion
We are doing our best to be on the leading edge…Math Tank- Pilot site for the state- Natl. stats only 10% start in MAT 060-300 modules have been completed since fall
The CTE Showcase continues to be an awesome example of student and business engagement
Most of us are so busy on the inside we don’t get to see the outside demonstrations….