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TALKIE TIME. RECAP OF THE LAST LESSON. Learning Objectives:. Finds the answers to research questions (CG) Gathers and analyze the data using appropriate techniques (CG) Presents the data; gives analysis and interprets the data (Addendum).
Learning Objectives: Finds the answers to research questions (CG) Gathers and analyze the data using appropriate techniques (CG) Presents the data; gives analysis and interprets the data (Addendum)
Pre ActivityQ & A1. What are the Do’s and Don'ts in gathering data?2. What do you do with the gathered data?3. What is the next move after # 2?
The Larvicidal Effect of Neem (Azadirachtaindica) Leaves Extract on Mortality of Second Instar Stage of Common House Mosquito (Culex pipiens fatigans)
THE PROBLEM Statement of the Problem The main focus of this study was to determine the larvicidal effect of Neem (Azadirachtaindica) Leaves Extract on the Mortality of second instar stage of Common House Mosquito (Culexpipiensfatigans). Specifically, this study sought to answer the following queries:
1. What is the mean count of mosquito larvae before the treatment on the following groups: 1.1 Control Group (resmethrin brand); and 1.2 Experimental Group? 2. What is the mean count of dead mosquito larvae (mortality) after the treatment (24 and 48 hours) in the following groups: 2.1 Positive Control Group; and 2.2 Experimental Group concentrations: 2.2.1 25% 2.2.2 50% 2.2.3 75% 2.2.4 100%?
Is there a significant difference in the mean count of dead mosquito larvae (mortality) before and after the treatments of the 2 groups in (24 & 48 hours)? • 4. Is there a significant difference in the mean count of dead mosquito larvae (mortality) after the treatments in the two groups in (24 and 48 hours)? • 5. Is there a significant difference in the mean count of dead mosquito larvae (mortality) after the treatments in the different concentrations of the experimental group?
Null Hypotheses Ho 1. There is no significant difference in the mean count of dead mosquito larvae (mortality) before and after the treatments of the 2 groups in (24 & 48 hours). Ho 2. There is no significant difference in the mean count of dead mosquito larvae (mortality) after the treatments in the two groups in (24 and 48 hours). Ho 3. There is no significant difference in the mean count of dead mosquito larvae (mortality) after the treatments in the different concentrations of the experimental group.
CHAPTER 2 • FINDINGS AND ANALYSIS OF DATA or RESULTS AND DISCUSSION • Guidelines • Present the data based on the sub problem • Text first prior to table / or table first prior to text • For Applied Research, use Figures 1, 2, 3, 4 aside from tables (for the design, sketches, codes, et. • Do a table reading followed by analysis and discussion • Use review of literature to deepen the discussion; especially results • For Applied Research : on Procedures or mechanics, present it like research procedure (maybe through items and explain each) or a diagram just like conceptual framework.
Table 1 Mean Count of Mosquito Larvae Before Treatment
Table 1 presents the mean count and mortality rate of common house hold mosquito (Cullex pipiens fatigan) second instar larvae before the treatment. The table reveals that the Mortality rate is Zero (0). All groups were the same in results and started with same number of larvaes. This result is expected since this is the inception stage and the sample larvae for the control and experimental groups in all three replicates were intact and alive since the treatment has not yet started. There were 20 larvae per sample set and a total of 300 larvae were used in the study. They were kept in a controlled temperature and were fed of the biscuit petit.
Culex pipiens fatigans larvae were chosen as experimental insect for this study, because it is the major vector for filariasis and is one of the most important biting nuisance mosquitoes, having high densities in nearly all residential areas of Pit-os, Talamban, Cebu City. Larvae of common house mosquito (Culex pipiens fatigans) were reared in the water source insectary (residence) and second instar larvae were selected for experimental work. Second Instar Stage is the second molting/shedding of the mosquito larvae developing from an egg as referenced by (Abirami, 2011). This is the most vulnerable stage of the mosquito life cycle.
Table 2-A Mean Count of Mosquito Larvae After Treatment (in 24 Hours)
Table 2-A presents the mean count of mosquito larvae and mortality rate after the treatment in 24 hours. The control group has a mortality rate of 53 (88%). This means that resmithrin aerosol brand is an effective larvecidal agent. The experimental group 1 (25% concentration) has a mortality rate of 18 (30%); the 50% concentration has 30 (50%) rate; the 75% concentration has 49 (82%) rate and the 100% concentration has 51 (85%) rate. This means that the neem extracts with deferring concentrations can potentially kill the larvae of the second instar stage of the common house hold mosquitos. The first 24 hours has significantly produced a noteworthy mortality rate of the larvae, especially the 75 and 100% concentrations of the neem extracts.
The result is strengthened by the study of Alburo (2007), when he experimented the neem extracts from the primary roots and used as larvecidal effect for the maggots of flies. The study found out tremendous mortality arte in the first 24 hours. Around 85% was killed.
Table 2-B Mean Count of Mosquito Larvae After Treatment (in 48 Hours)
Table 3 Difference in the mean count of dead mosquito larvae (mortality) before and after the treatments of the 2 groups in (24hours)
Table 3 presents the difference in the mean count of dead mosquito larvae (mortality) before and after the treatments of the 2 groups in 24hours. In control group, the difference of 53 from the pre-post treatment yielded a significant difference of the mortality rate. This is expected as the aerosol is a known larvecide. The experimental 1 (25% concentration) has a difference of 18 from pre-post treatment and did not yield a significant difference.The experimental 2 (50%) has a difference of 30 in pre and post treatments and yielded a significant difference. The experimental 3 (75) has a difference of 49 from pre-post treatments and significantly yielded a difference.The experimental 4 (100%) has a difference of 51 between the pre and post treatments and yielded a significant difference. Out of the 4 experimental groups, 3 groups (50%,75% and 100%) concentrations of neem extracts rendered significant difference in the pre-and post treatments in 24 hours.
Table 3-b Difference in the mean count of dead mosquito larvae (mortality) before and after the treatments of the 2 groups in (48 hours)
Table 4-a Difference in the mean count of dead mosquito larvae (mortality) after the treatments in the two groups in (24 hrs)
Table 4-b Difference in the mean count of dead mosquito larvae (mortality) after the treatments in the two groups in (48 hrs)
Table 5-a Difference in the mean count of dead mosquito larvae (mortality) after the treatments in the different concentrations of the experimental group 24 hrs.)
Table 5-b Difference in the mean count of dead mosquito larvae (mortality) after the treatments in the different concentrations of the experimental group (48 hrs.)
Table 5-b presents the difference in the mean count of dead mosquito larvae (mortality) after the treatments in the different concentrations of the experimental group (48 hrs). The F test (ANOVA) reveals that there is a significant difference in the mortality rate produced by the 4 different concentrations of neem extract in the experimental set up. The 75% and 100% concentrations were highly effective compared to 25% and 50% concentrations. This means that the different neem concentrations have different effects on the larvae. The lower is the concentration, the more effective it is as larvecide.
Azadirachtin as a potent chemical substance of neem is an effective larvecidal agent. In the conclusion of Nemenzo (2011), Azadirachtin is a use as strong aromatic inhalant that is lethal to the growing larvaes. However, based on the study, high concentration has tolerable effect to the larvaes. This could be due to composite amount which becomes ineffective in a high concentration that becomes an irritant to the larvaes and larvaes would not feed the treatment anymore. However in a small amount, the concentration becomes diluted and are absorbed by the larvaes due to its tolerabe strength of smell.
THE PROBLEM Statement of the Problem The main focus of this study was to determine the heptatoprotective effect of Azadirachta indica (Neem) leaves extract on the liver of male rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) with acetaminophen induced hepatotoxicity. Specifically, this study sought to answer the following queries:
1. What is the mean liver enzyme levels (Alanine Aminotransaminase (ALT) and Aspartate Aminotransaminase (AST)) of the male rabbits after induction of acetaminopen in the following groups before the treatments were induced: 1.1 Negative Control Group; 1.2 Positive Control Group; and 1.3 Experimental Group? 2. What is the mean liver enzyme levels (Alanine Aminotransaminase (ALT) and Aspartate Aminotransaminase (AST)) of the male rabbits in the following groups after the treatments were induced in the same groupings?
3. Is there a significant difference in mean liver enzyme levels (Alanine Aminotransaminase (ALT) and Aspartate Aminotransaminase (AST) ) of the male rabbits before and after the treatments were induced in the following groups: 3.1 Negative Control Group; 3.2 Positive Control Group; and 3.3 Experimental Group? 4. Is there a significant difference in mean liver enzyme levels (Alanine Aminotransaminase (ALT) and Aspartate Aminotransaminase (AST) ) of the male rabbits in the three groups based on the Liver Function Test results after treatments were induced?
The ALT and AST values of the 3 Groups before the Treatment