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PRODUKTIVITAS EKOSISTEM MATERI & NON-MATERIAL. Regina R.B, Ieke , W.A., dan Soemarno – Des 2012. Economics : Environmental economics There is an extensive disparity between the actual and perceived values of ecosystem services.
Economics: Environmental economics There is an extensive disparity between the actual and perceived values of ecosystem services. The reasons for such incongruence are probably related to society’s generally tardy and limited acknowledgment of our interrelatedness with the natural environment. Lahansuburdilereng G. Mahawumempunyainilaiekonomi yang tinggi, dapatdibudidayakanuntukanekajenissayuran yang nilaiekonominyatinggi. Namundmeikianusahatanisayuraniniberpotensimempunyaibiayalingkungan yang snagatbesarberupaerositanahdanlimpasan air dipermukaanlahan. Diunduhdari: foto Regina, LerengMahawu, Opt. 2012
DINAMIKA EKOLOGIS An especially challenging aspect of this process is that interpreting ecological information collected from one spatial-temporal scale does not necessarily mean it can be applied at another; understanding the dynamics of ecological processes relative to ecosystem services is essential in aiding economic decisions. Weighting factors such as a service’s irreplaceability or bundled services can also allocate economic value such that goal attainment becomes more efficient. Diunduhdari: ………22/12/2012
VALUASI EKONOMI The economic valuation of ecosystem services also involves social communication and information, areas that remain particularly challenging and are the focus of many researchers. In general, the idea is that although individuals make decisions for any variety of reasons, trends reveal the aggregative preferences of a society, from which the economic value of services can be inferred and assigned. DegradasiHutanTerusTerjadi Ekosistemhutansebagaipenyanggakehidupanmakhlukhidupdibongkar. AKIBATNYA manusiamenuaibumerang, mulaibencanatanahlongsor,banjir,dankekeringanmelandahsejumlahdaerahdi Indonesia. Sebenarnya, hutankonservasi,sepertitamannasional, cagaralamatausuakamargasatwa,didesainuntukmelindungikekayaanhayatibumi. Hutanlindungberfungsisebagaidaerahserapan air danpenyeimbangsegalaaktivitasmanusia yang cenderungmerusaklingkungan. Seiringdenganpertumbuhanmanusia,aktivitaseksploitasialam, kekayaan mineral, danperkebunandi Indonesia beberapawaktuterakhirmulaimerambahkawasanhutankonservasi. Besarkemungkinan,area yang membutuhkanizinberlapisuntukditurunkanstatusnyamenjadihutanlindunginikinijadidaerahtersisa yang masihmemilikikandunganbahantambangtinggi. Hal yang membuatseakan-akansemuaperusahandanpemerintahdaerahmembabi-butamengeksplorasihutankonservasi. Diunduhdari: http://www.otonomidaerah.org/degradasi-hutan-terus-terjadi/………22/12/2012
METODE VALUASI EKONOMI The six major classifications of economic value for ecosystem services include: Avoided Cost – services allow society to avoid costs that would have been incurred in the absence of those services (e.g. waste treatment by wetland habitats avoids health costs) Replacement Cost – services could be replaced with man-made systems (e.g. restoration of the Catskill Watershed cost less than the construction of a water purification plant) Factor Income – services provide for the enhancement of incomes (e.g. improved water quality increases the commercial take of a fishery and improves the income of fishers) Diunduhdari: ………22/12/2012
METODE VALUASI EKONOMI Travel Cost – service demand may require travel, whose costs can reflect the implied value of the service (e.g. value of ecotourism experience is sufficient that a visitor is willing to pay to get there) Hedonic Pricing – service demand may be reflected in the prices people will pay for associated goods (e.g. coastal housing prices exceed that of inland homes) Contingent Valuation – service demand may be elicited by posing hypothetical scenarios that involve some valuation of alternatives (e.g. visitors willing to pay for increased access to national parks) Diunduhdari: ………22/12/2012
PENGELOLAAN DAN KEBIJAKAN Although progress continues to be made on ecological and economic fronts with respect to the valuation of ecosystem services, the challenges in policy implementation and management are enormous. The administration of common pool resources is a subject of extensive academic pursuit. From defining the problems to finding solutions that can be applied in practical and sustainable ways, there is much to overcome. Considering options must balance present and future human needs, and decision-makers must frequently work from valid but incomplete information. Diunduhdari: ………22/12/2012
INTEGRASI BIOFISIK-SOSEK Existing legal policies are often considered insufficient since they typically pertain to human health-based standards that are mismatched with necessary means to protect ecosystem health and services. To improve the information available, one suggestion has involved the implementation of an Ecosystem Services Framework (ESF), which integrates the biophysical and socio-economic dimensions of protecting the environment and is designed to guide institutions through multidisciplinary information and jargon, helping to direct strategic choices. Diunduhdari: ………22/12/2012
PASAR JASA EKOSISTEM Novel and expedient methods are needed to deal with managing Earth’s ecosystem services. Local to regional collective management efforts might be considered appropriate for services like crop pollination or resources like water. Another approach that has become increasingly popular over the last decade is the marketing of ecosystem services protection. Payment and trading of services is an emerging world-wide small-scale solution where one can acquire credits for activities such as sponsoring the protection of carbon sequestration sources or the restoration of ecosystem service providers. Diunduhdari: ………22/12/2012
JASA-JASA EKOSISTEM Have you ever considered that the cereal you eat is brought to you each morning by the wind, or that the glass of clear, cold, clean water drawn from you faucet may have been purified for you by a wetland or perhaps the root system of an entire forest? Trees in your front yard work to trap dust, dirt, and harmful gases from the air you breathe. The bright fire of oak logs you light to keep warm on cold nights and the medicine you take to ease the pain of an ailment come to you from Nature’s warehouse of services. Natural ecosystems perform fundamental life-support services upon which human civilization depends. Unless human activities are carefully planned and managed, valuable ecosystems will continue to be impaired or destroyed. Diunduhdari: ………22/12/2012
APA SAJA JASA-JASA EKOSISTEM? Ecosystem Services are the processes by which the environment produces resources that we often take for granted such as clean water, timber, and habitat for fisheries, and pollination of native and agricultural plants. Whether we find ourselves in the city or a rural area, the ecosystems in which humans live provide goods and services that are very familiar to us. Agroekosistemsawah: Hasilekonomidanhasilekologi (foto - Karsono, Juni 2012)
EKOSISTEM MENYEDIAKAN JASA-JASA YANG: • moderate weather extremes and their impacts • disperse seeds • mitigate drought and floods • protect people from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays • cycle and move nutrients • protect stream & river channels and coastal shores from erosion • detoxify and decompose wastes • control agricultural pests • maintain biodiversity • generate and preserve soils and renew their fertility • contribute to climate stability • purify the air and water • regulate disease carrying organisms • pollinate crops and natural vegetation Diunduhdari: ………22/12/2012
APA SAJA JASA EKOSISTEM? Natural ecosystems and the plants and animals within them provide humans with services that would be very difficult to duplicate. While it is often impossible to place an accurate monetary amount on ecosystem services, we can calculate some of the financial values. Many of these services are performed seemingly for “free”, yet are worth many trillions of dollars, for example: Much of the Mississippi River Valley’s natural flood protection services were destroyed when adjacent wetlands were drained and channels altered. As a result, the 1993 floods resulted in property damages estimated at twelve billion dollars partially from the inability of the Valley to lessen the impacts of the high volumes of water. Diunduhdari: ………22/12/2012
• Eighty percent of the world’s population relies upon natural medicinal products. Of the top 150 prescription drugs used in the U.S., 118 originate from natural sources: 74 percent from plants, 18 percent from fungi, 5 percent from bacteria, and 3 percent from one vertebrate (snake species). Nine of the top 10 drugs originate from natural plant products.
JASA PENYERBUKAN ALAMIAH Over 100,000 different animal species - including bats, bees, flies, moths, beetles, birds, and butterflies - provide free pollination services. One third of human food comes from plants pollinated by wild pollinators. The value of pollination services from wild pollinators in the U.S. alone is estimated at four to six billion dollars per year. Diunduhdari: ………22/12/2012
BAGAIMANA JASA EKOSISTEM BISA HILANG ? • Ecosystem services are so fundamental to life that they are easy to take for granted and so large in scale that it is hard to imagine that human activities could destroy them. • Ecosystem services are severely threatened through: • growth in the scale of human enterprise (population size, per-capita consumption, and effects of technologies to produce goods for consumption); • a mismatch between short-term needs and long-term societal well-being. Diunduhdari: ………22/12/2012
HUTAN LINDUNG Daerah yang lerengnyacuramdanrawanlongsorharusdijadikankawasanhutanlindung. Lerengdibagianbawahnyadikembangkanmenjadikebunmanggadnegantanamanselajagung. Diunduhdari: fotosmnoPonorogoJuli 2008
PERSYARATAN POHON ESTETIKA (BEAUTIFIKASI). Mempunyaitajukdanbentukpercabangan yang indah; Bungadanbuahnyamemilikiwarna, bentuk yang indah Ekosistempantaidenganjasaamenitasnya (fotosmnojuli 2009)
BERAGAM AKTIVITAS MANUSIA MEMPENGARUHI EKOSISTEM Runoff of pesticides, fertilizers, and animal wastes Pollution of land, water, and air resources Introduction of non-native species Overharvesting fisheries Destruction of wetlands ErosiTanah PenebanganHutan Perkembanganpermukimankota 17 Juni, Hari Penanggulangan Degradasi Lahan Dunia Sejaktahun 1994, PersatuanBangsa-Bangsamendeklarasikantanggal 17 JunisebagaiHariPenanggulanganDegradasiLahandanKekeringanSedunia (The World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought) melaluiResolusiSidangUmum PBB No. A/RES/49/115. Deklarasiinipentinguntukmeningkatkankesadaranmasyarakatduniaakanbahayadegradasilahanbagikeberlangsunganhidupmanusia. Diunduhdari: http://lemfktugm.wordpress.com/2012/06/19/17-juni-hari-penanggulangan-degradasi-lahan-dunia/………22/12/2012
EKOLOGI & JASA-JASA EKOSISTEM Ecologists work to help us understand the interconnection and interdependence of the many plant and animal communities within ecosystems. Although substantial understanding of many ecosystem services and the scientific principles underlying them already exists, there is still much to learn. The tradeoffs among different services within an ecosystem, the role of biodiversity in maintaining services, and the effects of long and short-term perturbations are just some of the questions that need to be further explored. The answers to such questions will provide information critical to the development of management strategies that will protect ecosystems and help maintain the provisions of the services upon which we depend. Diunduhdari: ………22/12/2012
APA SAJA JASA-JASA EKOSISTEM ? Ecosystem Services are the processes by which the environment produces resources that we often take for granted such as clean water, timber, and habitat for fisheries, and pollination of native and agricultural plants. Whether we find ourselves in the city or a rural area, the ecosystems in which humans live provide goods and services that are very familiar to us. LAHAN KRITIS Lahankritisadalahlahan yang tidakproduktif. Meskipundikelola, produktivitaslahankritissangatrendah. Bahkan, dapatterjadijumlahproduksi yang diterimajauhlebihsedikitdaripadabiayapengelolaannya. Lahaninibersifattandus, gundul, tidakdapatdigunakanuntukusahapertanian, karenatingkatkesuburannyasangatrendah. Faktor- Faktor yang menyebabkanterjadinyalahankritis, antara lain sebagaiberikut: Kekeringan, biasanyaterjadididaerah-daerahbayanganhujan. Genangan air yang terus-menerus, sepertididaerahpantai yang selalutertutuprawa-rawa. Erositanahdanmasswasting yang biasanyaterjadididaerahdatarantinggi, pegunungan, dandaerah yang miring. Masswastingadalahgerakanmasatanahmenurunilereng. Pengolahanlahan yang kurangmemperhatikanaspek-aspekkelestarianlingkungan. Lahankritisdapatterjadididatarantinggi, pegunungan, daerah yang miring, ataubahkandidataranrendah. Masuknya material yang dapatbertahan lama kelahanpertanian (takdapatdiuraikanolehbakteri) misalnya plastic. Plastikdapatbertahan ± 200 tahundidalamtanahsehinggasangatmengganggukelestaiankesuburantanah. Pembekuanair,biasanyaterjadidaerahkutubataupegunungan yang sangattinggi. Pencemaran, zatpencemarsepertipestisidadanlimbahpabrik yang masukkelahanpertanianbaikmelaluialiransungaimaupun yang lain mengakibatkanlahanpertanianbaikmelaluialiransungaimaupun yang lain mengakibatkanlahanpertanianmenjadikritis. Diunduhdari: ………22/12/2012
EKOSISTEM MENGHASILKAN JASA-JASA YANG: • moderate weather extremes and their impacts • disperse seeds • mitigate drought and floods • protect people from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays • cycle and move nutrients • protect stream and river channels and coastal shores from erosion • detoxify and decompose wastes Diunduhdari: ………22/12/2012
EKOSISTEM MENGHASILKAN JASA-JASA YANG: Mengendalikangangguanhamapertanian Melestarikanbiodiversity Generate and preserve soils and renew their fertility Contribute to climate stability Purify the air and water Rgulatedisease carrying organisms Pollinate crops and natural vegetation Bukit Menoreh Seiringdenganpertambahanjumlahpendudukdantekananpembangunan yang eksploitatif, kawasanhutanpentingdiMenorehperlahanmulaimengalamidegradasi. Hutan-hutanalamtelahbergantidengankebunmonokulturdanhutanpinus yang rakus air. Selainancamandegradasihutan, disisi lain kawasaninijugamerupakanwilayah sub-urban yang cenderungrendahtingkatperekonomiannya. Wargadesadiusiaproduktiflebihbanyak yang memilihuntukbekerjadikotadibandingkanmeneruskantradisipertaniandanmembangunkampunghalamannya. Diunduhdari: http://menorehwood.wordpress.com/tag/menoreh/………22/12/2012
APA ITU EKOSISTEM ? An ecosystem is a community of animals and plants interacting with one another and with their physical environment. Ecosystems include physical and chemical components, such as soils, water, and nutrients that support the organisms living within them. These organisms may range from large animals and plants to microscopic bacteria. Diunduhdari: ………22/12/2012
MANUSIA ADALAH BAGIAN EKOSISTEM: Ecosystems inlcude the interactions among all organisms in a given habitat. People are part of ecosystems. The health and wellbeing of human populations depends upon the services provided by ecosystems and their components - organisms, soil, water, and nutrients. Diunduhdari: ………22/12/2012
APA MANFAAT JASA EKOSISTEM? Natural ecosystems and the plants and animals within them provide humans with services that would be very difficult to duplicate. While it is often impossible to place an accurate monetary amount on ecosystem services, we can calculate some of the financial values.
BANYAK JASA EKOSISTEM DINIKMATI MANUSIA SECARA GRATIS, PADAHAL NILAI EKONOMINYA SANGAT TINGGI: • Much of the Mississippi River Valley’s natural flood protection services were destroyed when adjacent wetlands were drained and channels altered. As a result, the 1993 floods resulted in property damages estimated at twelve billion dollars partially from the inability of the Valley to lessen the impacts of the high volumes of water. • Eighty percent of the world’s population relies upon natural medicinal products. Of the top 150 prescription drugs used in the U.S., 118 originate from natural sources: 74 percent from plants, 18 percent from fungi, 5 percent from bacteria, and 3 percent from one vertebrate (snake species). Nine of the top 10 drugs originate from natural plant products. Diunduhdari: ………22/12/2012
JASA-JASA EKOLOGI & EKOSISTEM Ecologists work to help us understand the interconnection and interdependence of the many plant and animal communities within ecosystems. Although substantial understanding of many ecosystem services and the scientific principles underlying them already exists, there is still much to learn. Rorak Rorakmerupakanlubangpenampunganatauperesapan air, dibuatdibidangolahatausaluranresapan. Pembuatanrorakbertujuanuntukmemperbesarperesapan air kedalamtanahdanmenampungtanah yang tererosi. Padalahankeringberiklimkering, rorakberfungsisebagaitempatpemanen air hujandanaliranpermukaan. Dimensirorak yang disarankansangatbervariasi, misalnyakedalaman 60 cm, lebar 50 cm, danpanjangberkisarantara? 50-200 cm. Panjangrorakdibuatsejajarkonturataumemotonglereng. Jarakkesampingantarasaturorakdenganroraklainnyaberkisar 100-150 cm, sedangkanjarak horizontal 20 m padalereng yang landaidanagak miring sampai 10 m padalereng yang lebihcuram. Dimensirorak yang akandipilihdisesuaikandengankapasitas air atausedimendanbahan-bahanterangkutlainnya yang akanditampung. Diunduhdari: http://bio06hunter.blogspot.com/2009/02/kelestarian-lahan-potensial-di-pantai.html………22/12/2012
PERANAN BIODIVERSITAS DALAM MEMELIHARA JASA EKOSISTEM The tradeoffs among different services within an ecosystem, the role of biodiversity in maintaining services, and the effects of long and short-term perturbations are just some of the questions that need to be further explored. The answers to such questions will provide information critical to the development of management strategies that will protect ecosystems and help maintain the provisions of the services upon which we depend. Diunduhdari: ………22/12/2012
References Vitousek, P.M., J. Lubchenco, H.A. Mooney, J. Melillo. 1997. Human domination of Earth’s ecosystems. Science 277: 494-499. Daily, G.C. 1997. Nature’s Services: Societal Dependence on Natural Ecosystems. Island Press, Washington. 392pp. Marsh, G.P. 1864 (1965). Man and Nature. Charles Scribner, New York. 472pp. Osborn, F. 1948. Our Plundered Planet. Little, Brown and Company: Boston. 217pp. Vogt, W. 1948. Road to Survival. William Sloan: New York. 335pp. Leopold, A. 1949. A Sand County Almanac and Sketches from Here and There. Oxford University Press, New York. 226pp. Sears, P.B. 1956. “The processes of environmental change by man.” In: W.L. Thomas, editor. Man’s Role in Changing the Face of the Earth (Volume 2). University of Chicago Press, Chicago. 1193pp. Ehrlich, P.R. and A. Ehrlich. 1970. Population, Resources, Environment: Issues in Human Ecology. W.H. Freeman, San Francisco. 383pp. - see p.157 Ehrlich, P.R. and A. Ehrlich. 1981. Extinction: The Causes and Consequences of the Disappearance of Species. Random House, New York. 305pp. Daily, G.C. 2000. Management objectives for the protection of ecosystem services. Environmental Science & Policy 3: 333-339. Chichilnisky, G. and G. Heal. 1998. Economic returns from the biosphere. Nature 391: 629-630. Kremen, C. 2005. Managing ecosystem services: what do we need to know about their ecology? Ecology Letters 8: 468-479. Guo, Z.W., X.M. Xio and D.M. Li. 2000. An assessment of ecosystem services: water flow regulation and hydroelectric power production. Ecological Applications 10: 925-936.