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Intelligent Transport Systems in emerging markets – drivers for safe and sustainable growth. ITU - Inland Transport Committee/UNECE joint workshop Eva Molnar 2 7 June 201 3. UNECE - Centre for Transport Agreements. UN Transport Conventions and Agreements per country .
Intelligent Transport Systems in emerging markets – drivers for safe and sustainable growth ITU - Inland Transport Committee/UNECE joint workshop Eva Molnar 27 June 2013
UNECE - Centre for Transport Agreements UN Transport Conventions and Agreements per country
Lukewarm political will and limited public understanding Lack of or limited ITS training Different speed of the public and private sectors Lack of infrastructures Gaps and stumbling blocks in ITS deployment No commonly agreed definition Question of liability Inter-operability - Fragmentation of technical standards Protection of Private data Lack of harmonized policies Unresolved frequency allocation VMS not harmonized
UNECE Road Map: What actions - I • Reaching common definition for ITS • Harmonizing policies • Forging international cooperation • Facilitating inter-operability and the ITS architecture • Ensuring data security • Scaling up the work on ITS in all Working Parties of the UNECE Inland Transport Committee • Promoting vehicle to infrastructure communication • Promoting vehicle to vehicle communication • Fighting the road traffic safety crisis • Addressing the liability concerns
UNECE Road Map: What actions, 2 11. Harmonizing Variable Message Signs 12. Making Transport of Dangerous goods less dangerous 13. Integrating with rail transport 14. Integrating with inland water transport 15. Enhancing the modal integrator’s role of ITS 16. Developing Cost-benefit assessment methodologies 17. Contributing to climate change mitigation 18. Launching analytical work 19. Contributing to capacity building, education and awareness raising, with special attention to emerging economies 20. Organizing the United Nations Annual Round Table on Intelligent Transport Systems
Conclusions • The growth challenge for transport – ITS can bring solutions • Many obstaclesto the use of ITS solutions • To unblock impediments • political support is needed • Concrete issues to be solved (e.g. liability) • ITS to be mainstreamed in policy making and in technical work • UNECE will facilitate the use of ITS solutions