3. Agenda Michael Paff Introduction
Phil Ruthven Life Insurance into the 2nd Decade
Bernadene Gordon Service Enhancements
Chris Kirby Product Enhancements
Dan Powell Summary
5. Topics The Economic Scene
The Political Scene
The Social Scene
Life Insurance, Planners & Success
6. Facilitator: FP SME
Facilitator: FP SME
13. Facilitator: FP SME
Facilitator: FP SME
Big deficit in F2010 , a year without a recession!
Gave households $17 billion as a stimulus in F2009 (they already had $60 billion more discretionary income anyway!)
Tried to enact ETS legislation before Copenhagen and instead of a direct Carbon tax system !
Conducted “comprehensive” Taxation Study, leaving out GST !
Wasted billions on insulation and education infrastructure
No meaningful action from expensive 2020 Conference
15. GST excluded from review (ours 10%, OECD 17.5% average), so not a serious review and not the “most comprehensive ever”
Very few recommendations to be pushed by Rudd government
Super levy up to 12%, but again to be paid by employers (better to have 15%, with 5 of that by employee)
Super tax on super mining profits (but how defined and for how long?)
ETS deferred (forever?)
Vast majority of over 100 reforms shelved
16. Facilitator: FP SME
Facilitator: FP SME
24. Facilitator: FP SME
Facilitator: FP SME
Ability to effectively communicate and negotiate
Having a loyal customer base
Having a good reputation
Market research and understanding
Qualified work force in a unique organisational culture
30. What’s important to you?
40. Income Protection – the challenge
41. Income Protection – the solution
42. Income Protection – the challenge
44. Income Protection – the challenge
45. Income Protection – the solution
46. Total & Permanent Disablement – the challenge
47. Total & Permanent Disablement – the solution
48. Trauma – the challenge
49. Trauma – the solution
50. Trauma – the solution