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EL CALENTAMIENTO. THE WARM-UP 1.- DEFINITION 2.- WHAT IS IT FOR? 3.- PARTS OF THE WARM-UP 4.- EXAMPLE. 1.- ¿Qué es el calentamiento? 2.- ¿Para qué sirve? 3.- Partes de un calentamiento 4.- Ejemplo práctico. WARM UP. ¿QUÉ ES EL CALENTAMIENTO?. DEFINITION.
EL CALENTAMIENTO THE WARM-UP 1.- DEFINITION 2.- WHAT IS IT FOR? 3.- PARTS OF THE WARM-UP 4.- EXAMPLE 1.- ¿Qué es el calentamiento? 2.- ¿Para qué sirve? 3.- Partes de un calentamiento 4.- Ejemplo práctico
WARM UP ¿QUÉ ES EL CALENTAMIENTO? DEFINITION A warm up is a series of exercises you dobefore physical activity. For example, before playing an intense sport you can run slowly to warm your muscles and your heart. Warm ups must prepare the muscles for the activity .There are very different warm ups, (high intensity, low intensity, for basketball, for tennis...) El calentamiento general son todos aquellos ejercicios que realizamos de forma general y suave, antes de la práctica deportiva para preparar nuestro cuerpo hacia un esfuerzo posterior.
WARM UP ¿PARA QUE SIRVE? WHAT FOR? Allow a greater range of movement of joints Increase temperature of muscles so they will react quicker. Increase the heart rate . Prevent injury to muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Aumentar la movilidad de las articulaciones para evitar lesiones. Aumentar la temperatura de los músculos para favorecer la contracción muscular. Aumentar el ritmo cardiaco. Prevenir lesiones en músculos tendones y ligamentos
WARM UP PARTES DE UN CALENTAMIENTO PARTS OF A WARM-UP JOINT ROTATION You must start from your toes and working your way up. You must perform circular movements, both clockwise and counter-clockwise. You must rotate the following joints: Ankles Knees,Hips,Shoulders,Wrists,Neck 2. AEROBIC ACTIVITY You should do any activity that would increase your HEART rate. STRETCHING You must stretch your muscles 1. Movilidad articular:En esta fase ejercitamos las principales articulaciones del aparato locomotor en sus diferentes posibilidades de movimiento . 2. Activación: Esta fase se compone de carrera suave, alternando distintos tipos de desplazamientos (carrera lateral, hacia atrás, cruzando piernas, con pequeños saltos...). 3.Estiramientos ;Se realizan ejercicios relacionados con el deporte a practicar
GAMES TAG One person (or possibly several people) is “it”. The class must run around the gym or court while the “it” tries to catch them. If the “it” catches you, you are out (i.e. you can’t play anymore and must sit at the side). The game ends when everyone is out
GAMES THE CHAIN This game is similar to Tag. One person (or possibly several people) is “it”. The class must run around the gym or court while the “it” tries to catch them. If the “it” catches you, you must hold hands and make a chain. The chain is the “it” and must catch more people to add to the chain. The chain can’t break (i.e. the people must hold hands at all times). The game ends when everyone is linked in the chain.