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The Acquisition of a Foreign Language Brings with it Countless Possibilities. “ To have another language is to posess another soul .” ~ Charlemagne.
TheAcquisition of a ForeignLanguageBringswithitCountlessPossibilities “Tohaveanotherlanguageistoposessanothersoul.” ~Charlemagne “By focusing on strategies such as getting the main idea, scanning a text before reading it, answering inferential questions about a text, etc., we can all promote better literacy skills that will transfer back to English.” ~Terry Caccavale “You are giving them the gift of a lifetime, and they will be better off even if they never study Spanish in the future.” ~Terry Caccavale “When one speaks another language, one's mind… is on "overdrive," not only deciphering the message that we hear in that language, but also applying that message to what we already know and/or are learning about our new language.” ~Carolyn Rubensteino “My FLTeachproject has helped me realizetheimportant role of foreignlanguageteachers in helpingstudentsdeveloplife-longskillsbeyondtheabilitytospeakanotherlanguage. Theopportunities and benefits are trulyendless.” ~StephanieLeger