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Creeks. By: Dylan& Kayleon & Alex. Where the Creeks got their name.
Creeks By: Dylan& Kayleon & Alex
Where the Creeks got their name • The white settlers called them Creek Indians after Ocmulgee Creek in Georgia. They originally called themselves Isti or Istichata, but began to identify themselves as Muskogee soon after Europeans arrived. Source:http://www.bigorrin.org/creek_kids.htm
Confederacy was made out of the remains of the several separate tribes that occupied Georgia and Alabama in the American Colonial Period Were the Creek indians lived
The Creek Indians, sometimes referred to as the Muskogee, are Native Americans originally from the southeastern United States in present-day Georgia, Alabama and northern Florida. They were several tribes or groups of people with a similar dialect referred to as the Muskogean or Muskhogean. The Creek were included among what white settlers termed The Five Civilized Tribes, along with other Native American groups in the eastern United States including the Cherokee, Choctaw, Seminole and the Chickasa Information about the Creek Indians http://www.ehow.com/about_4566001_the-creek-indians.html
Most Creek people speak English today. Some people, especially elders, also speak their native Muskogee Creek language. If you'd like to know a few easy Muskogee words, hesci (pronounced heese-chee) is a friendly greeting, and mvto (pronounced muh-toh) means 'thank you.' You can also read a Creek picture glossary here ,. The language the Creek speak?
Here is a link to the Muscogee Creek Nation of Oklahoma, where you can learn about the Creek people past and present. You can also read simple articles about the Creek Indians here and here. Thay lived by lakes