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NVODS and the Live Access Server (LAS)

NVODS and the Live Access Server (LAS). Steve Hankin , PI (NOAA/PMEL)

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NVODS and the Live Access Server (LAS)

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  1. NVODS and theLive Access Server (LAS) Steve Hankin, PI (NOAA/PMEL) Jon Callahan (U of WA/JISAO)Ansley Manke (NOAA/PMEL)Joe Mclean (U of WA/JISAO)Kevin O’Brien (U of WA/JISAO) Richard Rogers (U of WA/JISAO) Roland Schweitzer (U of CO/CIRES)Joe Sirott (contractor)NVODS National Workshop, Sep. 10-12, 2003

  2. Our goal: • Providea uniform, minimum guaranteed level of geo- and time-referenced on-line browse access for all NVODS data

  3. Why is this important to NVODS? • On-line browse is the bridge to desktop access:discover  browse  access • Broadens the reach of the data • educators, recreationalists, policy makers … • Increases visibility and tangible success

  4. LAS is an “Information Product Server” • Metadata (XML) contains the “intelligence” • Back end applications do the real work • OPeNDAP provides remote data access

  5. Tour of NVODS on-line browse via LAS …

  6. e.g. convert to Fahrenheit

  7. (new in v6.2) customizableinterfaces

  8. basic transformations

  9. “Sequence” (in-situ) data

  10. configurable constraints

  11. OPeNDAP output

  12. discover  browse  access

  13. discover  browse  access

  14. Scalability and robust comparison LAS “sisters” share metadata to form a unified (virtual) site.OPeNDAP allows LAS to difference distributed fields.

  15. FDS – Ferret DODS (“Data”) ServerUnder development (NOAA/HPCC funded) • Supplies OPeNDAP output from LAS (via Ferret) • Based upon COLA’s “anagram” (GDS) • Acts as an OPeNDAP “AIS” (e.g. fix mangled coordinates) • Inputs include (tab-)delimited, OPeNDAP, FORTRAN, … • “Constraint-free” server-side data transformations

  16. “Batch” access to products Query available data sets: Query variables in data set “model_1”: Query space-time domain: Request a subset of data as a file: (“asc” for ASCII format) >lasls http://cpu/LAS >lasls http://cpu/LAS  model_1 >lasls http://cpu/LAS  model_1  sst >lasget  -x 20:60  -y 20:60 -t 11-Dec-2000  -f asc        http://cpu/LAS  model_1 sst

  17. “Web Service” access to products • XML request protocol implemented and documented • XML “package” out implemented and documented • XML query protocol under development • formal SOAP interface under development

  18. Summary: LAS has gone a considerable way towards achieving its goal of providing on-line browse access to all NVODS data Pressing Challenges • Use new OPeNDAP aggregation capabilities(GoMOOS, NDBC and NAVO are in our development server now) • Use OPeNDAP Translation to access add’l HDF data • Use v6.2 configurability (esp. clickable map interfaces) • Easier configuration of new data sets (AIS!) • Improved sychronization(real-time updates and sister servers) • Fusion of Sequence and gridded data • Incorporation of FDS – full bi-directional OPeNDAP

  19. Questions?

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