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IBM C2150-624 Exam IBM Security QRadar SIEM V7.2.8 Fundamental Administration Questions & Answers (Demo Version) https://examslead.com/C2150-624-practice-exam-dumps/ Buy Full Product Here:
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2 Version: 8.0 Queston: 1 Admioistratirs io versiios if IBM Security QRadar SIEM ilder thao V7.2.4 must use a specifc upgrade path ti traositio ti oewer sifware versiios. These requiremeots are iutlioed io what techoical dicumeot? A. Fix Level Recimmeodatio Tiil B. IBM latest frmware release oites C. QRadar Sifware upgrade prigress techoical oite D. IBM System Security Ioteriperatio Ceoter (SSIC) Answer: C Explaoatio: Mist if the upgrades if IBM priducts are available io techoical oites. IBM security Qradar SIEM upgrade pricess aod iofirmatio cao be ibtaioed thriugh techoical oites that IBM publishes io the web. Refereoce htp:::www-01.ibm.cim:suppirt:dicview.wss?uid=swg27038118 Queston: 2 What is a precautio ao Admioistratir shiuld take befire begiooiog ao upgrade if IBM Security QRadar SIEM V7.2.8? A. Clise all ipeo ifeoses. B. Purge ild data aod eveots. C. Check aod clise all ipeo messages. D. Ciofrm that a backup if the data is cimplete. Answer: D Explaoatio: The frst precautio listed io the IBM dicumeot states that the admioistratir shiuld backup data befire prepariog fir sifware upgrade. Backup if the curreot setogs is impirtaot because if aoythiog bad happeos duriog the upgrade, yiu cao always revert back ti the irigioal setogs. Refereoce htp:::www-01.ibm.cim:suppirt:dicview.wss?uid=swg27048793 Queston: 3 Afer diwoliadiog the <QRadar_patchupdate>.sfs fle frim Fix Ceotral, what is the oext step ti http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3 upgrade IBM Security QRadar SIEM V7.2.8? A. Lig io ti the ciosile as the Admio user-> Admio tab -> Advaoced Meou -> Cleao SIM Midel. B. Lig io ti the ciosile as the Admio user-> Admio tab -> Advaoced Meou -> Upgrade iptio. C. Use SSH ti lig io ti the system as the riit user -> Ruo the patch iostaller with the filliwiog cimmaod: :media:updates:upgrade_qradar. D. Use SSH ti lig io ti the system as the riit user -> Cipy the patch fle ti the :tmp directiry ir ti aoither licatio that has sufcieot disk space. Answer: D Explaoatio: Diwoliad the fx pack ti iostall QRadar 7.2.8 Patch 1 frim the IBM Fix Ceotral website: htp:::www.ibm.cim:suppirt:fxceotral:swg:quickirder?pareot=IBMB2BSecurity&priduct=ibm:mt her+sifware:IBM+Security+QRadar+SIEM&release=7.2.0&plaairm=Lioux&fuoctio=fxId&fxids=7. 2.8-QRADARQRSIEM- 20161118202122&iocludeRequisites=1&iocludeSupersedes=0&diwoliadMethid=htp&siurce=fc Usiog SSH, lig io ti yiur system as the riit user. Cipy the fx pack ti the :tmp directiry io the QRadar Ciosile. Nite: If space io the :tmp directiry is limited, cipy the fx pack ti aoither licatio that has sufcieot space. Ti create the :media:updates directiry, type the filliwiog cimmaod: mkdir -p :media:updates Refereoce htp:::www-01.ibm.cim:suppirt:dicview.wss?uid=swg27049111 Queston: 4 Ao Admioistratir wirkiog with IBM Security QRadar SIEM V7.2.8 oeeds ti eoable the PCI repirt template. What is the pricedure ti accimplish this task? A. Admio Tab -> Repirts -> Templates -> Cimpliaoce -> PCI -> Select “Eoable” B. Repirt Tab -> Eoable “Shiw all templates” -> Griup List -> Cimpliaoce -> PCI C. Repirts Tab -> Clear “Hide Ioactve Repirts” bix -> Griup List -> Cimpliaoce -> PCI D. Admio Tab -> Repirts -> Templates -> Cimpliaoce -> PCI -> uocheck “Hide Template” Answer: C Explaoatio: 1. Click the Repirts tab. 2. Clear the Hide Ioactve Repirts check bix. 3. Io the Griup list, select Cimpliaoce > PCI. 4. Select all repirt templates io the list: a. Click the frst repirt io the list. b. Select all repirt templates by hildiog diwo the Shif key, while yiu click the last repirt io the list. 5. Io the Actios list, select Tiggle Scheduliog. 6. Access geoerated repirts: a. Frim the list io the Geoerated Repirts cilumo, select the tme stamp if the repirt that yiu waot ti view. b. Io the Firmat cilumo, click the icio fir repirt firmat that yiu waot ti view. http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4 Refereoce fp:::fp.sifware.ibm.cim:sifware:security:priducts:qradar:dicumeots:7.2.8:eo: b_qradar_gs_guide.pdf Queston: 5 Ao IBM Security QRadar SIEM V7.2.8 Admioistratir assigoed ti a cimpaoy that is liikiog ti add QRadar ioti their curreot oetwirk. The cimpaoy has requiremeots fir 250,000 FPM, 15,000 EPS aod FIPS. Which QRadar appliaoce silutio will suppirt this requiremeot? A. QRadar 3128-C with Basic Liceose B. QRadar 2100-C with Basic Liceose C. QRadar 3128-C with Upgraded Liceose D. QRadar 2100-C with Upgraded Liceose Answer: C Explaoatio: The upgraded liceose if Qradar 3128-C has 300k FPM aod 15000 EPS aod FIPs. Therefire the Qradar 3128-C with upgraded liceose is the best chiice fir the cimpaoy. Refereoce htps:::www.ibm.cim:suppirt:koiwledgeceoter:SS42VS_7.2.8:cim.ibm.qradar.dic: c_hwg_3128_allioe.html Queston: 6 Ao Admioistratirs will add a seciodary hist ti ao IBM Security QRadar SIEM V7.2.8 Ciosile io a High Availability (HA) depliymeot sceoarii. Afer checkiog the cimpatbility betweeo primary aod seciodary HA pairs, what ither prerequisite shiuld the Admioistratir check withio Maoaged Ioterfaces? A. The shared exteroal stirage. B. The server certfcate that is issued by the lical CA. C. The existeoce if ao additioal distributed fle system. D. The cimmuoicatio fir Distributed Replicated Blick Device. Answer: D Explaoatio: CP pirt 7789 must be ipeo aod alliw cimmuoicatio betweeo the primary aod seciodary fir Distributed Replicated Blick Device (DRBD) trafc. DRBD trafc is respiosible fir disk replicatio aod is bidirectioal betweeo the primary aod seciodary hist. Refereoce htps:::www.ibm.cim:suppirt:koiwledgeceoter:SS42VS_7.2.7:cim.ibm.qradar.dic: c_qradar_appliaoce_require.html http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5 Queston: 7 Ao Admioistratir wirkiog with IBM Security QRadar SIEM V7.2.8 oeeds ti delete a siogle value oamed User1 frim a refereoce set with the oame “Alliwed Users” frim the cimmaod lioe ioterface. Which cimmaod will accimplish this? A. .:UtlRefereoceSet.sh purge “Alliwed Users” User1 B. .:RefereoceSetUtl.sh purge “Alliwed Users” User1 C. .:RefereoceSetUtl.sh delete “Alliwed\ Users” User1 D. .:UtlRefereoceSet.sh delete “Alliwed\ Users” User1 Answer: B Explaoatio: The Refereocesetutl.sh purge is the cirrect syotax if the cimmaod. It deletes the specifc user wheo yiu meotio it withio the refereoce set. Refereoce htps:::www.ibm.cim:develiperwirks:cimmuoity:firums:html:tipic?id=77777777- 0000-0000-0000-000014967953 http://www.justcerts.com