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Being in the right place at the right time. Psalm 37:23-24. God was listening, He was paying attention, He was answering, Just had to get me into the right place at the right time. Psalm 37: 23-24. “good” not in the original—steps of a person Ordered: Hebrew-made firm, adjust, to direct.
Psalm 37:23-24 • God was listening, He was paying attention, He was answering, Just had to get me into the right place at the right time. • Psalm 37: 23-24. “good” not in the original—steps of a person • Ordered: Hebrew-made firm, adjust, to direct. • V 24. Upholds = after a person falls, whether it be from misfortune or error or both! Jehovah’s upholds you with His hand.
Genesis 22: 1-14 • V:1 God asks Abraham to offer his son Isaac as a sacrifice, He replies Here I Am. • V:2 Take your only son whom you love to Mt Moriah offer him as a burnt offering • V:3 Took wood prepared it for a burnt offering • Vs:6-7 Isaac asks a question, Where is the lamb? Abraham replied God will provide a lamb (Not only was Abraham on trial, God’s word to Abraham in Gen 15 was on trial)
Vs: 9-10 Abraham took the knife in his hand to slay Isaac • Vs: 11-12 Abraham hears the angel of The Lord calling him by name, tells him not to lay a hand on Isaac or do him no harm • V:13 Abraham sees a ram caught in the thicket, he took the ram and offered it as a sacrifice to God instead of Isaac • V:14 ABRAHAM CALLS THE NAME OF THE PLACE JEHOVA JIREH=THE LORD WILL PROVIDE.
JEHOVA JIREH • We know one of the Hebrew names of God so JehovaJireh. No where in scripture is He called that. In this instance it is a PLACE. When we are in the right place at the right time=that place becomes JEHOVA JIREH • PLACE=Hebrew=MAQOM=your place of standing • When we are in the right place at the right time, something significant happens.
If Abraham had of gone to another mountain nothing would have happened • Being in the right place is your place of provision • Nahum 1:3 KJV. God has His way in the whirlwind and in the storm • Hebrews 13:5 He never leaves us or forsakes us • It is the timing of God
Ecclesiastes • Ecclesiastes 3:11 God has made everything beautiful in its time • Ecclesiastes 9:11 Time and chance happen to them all. CHANCE-today opportunity • Proverbs 16:9 A mans heart plans his ways but The Lord direct his steps • 1 Kings 17:8-16 Elijah brook Cherith, Go to Zarapheth • 1 Samuel 16:11-13. David forgotten by man but not by God. Prophet Samuel tells his dad Jesse that he will be king over Israel
Ruth • Ruth 2:13. Ruth’s husband died, renounced her Gods, followed Naomi her Jewish mother in law back to Israel. Both were poor, took a job as a gleaner, back breaking dirty job • Ruth 2:1. KJV. Boaz a man of great wealth • Ruth 2:2 KJV. Let me go to the fields and glean heads of grain, after him in whose sight I might find favor. • Ruth 2:3 KJV. She went and came and gleaned in the fields after the reapers and her HAP=English=Happening. Was to light on part of the field belonging to Boaz. HAP=Hebrew=Qarah=right or correct happening. • A God happening= a God connection, right place at right time.
Ecclesiastes 9:11 • Ecclestiastes 9:11. “Time and chance” Opportunity happen to them all • In OT God places His signature next to a few phrases and words. • 2 Hebrew letters are placed next to each other and appear after the word “HAPPEN” Aleph and Tav (Means God is the 1st and last word in all our situations. • He will make everything beautiful in its time by putting us in the right place at the right time. He has signed His signature that He guarantees it.