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The Blackwell version of the contamination, will be aired on Sunday night or Monday night at 6:30. The Blackwell presentation was put on by Don Shandy, who has billed over $555,000.00 for legal services in just the past 2 years.
The Blackwell version of the contamination, will be aired on Sunday night or Monday night at 6:30
The Blackwell presentation was put on by Don Shandy, who has billed over $555,000.00 for legal services in just the past 2 years.
Phelps Dodge/Freeport pays for all his expenses. not the citizensSo who does he represent?
He claims lead paint caused the lead levels to be high in Blackwell, and in the kids tested.
He disagrees that every time they find high levels of lead, that they find a proportionately lower level of arsenic and cadmium. He claims that the three elements deposited by the smoke have nothing to do with one another.
This means that as the smoke came over your property, it left behind all three elements equally throughout town.
What changes these results are the properties that had direct dumping of Connie sand and debris.
The lead paint from the house paint is not an issue because they do not test anywhere close to your home.
We all know that there are exceptions to the rules, but overall, if you have cadmium you have arsenic, if you have either you have lead.
He says the kids tested in Blackwell have a lower average lead level then anywhere in Oklahoma.
He disagrees that studies show 5ug/dl in kids is harmful, and that 10ug/dl is ok also, he says the lead came from the pottery or toys from china.
He says the city has been as through as it can be, but they have refused to take EPA’s advice. EPA told them to start testing and monitoring in 1993. They did not do it. They have no real data! WHY
The OSDH was unaware of the high lead levels in our yards, because they were not told. Just like we were not told!
Shandy says he and the city are very concerned about the contamination in the waterways that the kids play in. So IF You Are SO Concerned, WHY ARE THERE NO WARNING SIGNS?
Bechtel, Cordell, and Wirtz did sign the agreement to settle with Phelps Dodge for basically nothing.
This would of strapped the citizens and every household for $40,000.00
blackwelluncovered.comNow has a Open Forum so you can speak your mind!and a link to the entire “Freedom of Information Request” from the EPA!
The Leslie Interview and the City’s Special Meeting on the Contamination is on this link as well.