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The Climb A towering, treacherous threat, His snowy peak glistened like diamonds,

The Climb A towering, treacherous threat, His snowy peak glistened like diamonds, Above us all, The mountain disappeared into a blanket of cloud, I knew he was looking down upon us all, This mountain wasn’t any old mountain. Standing on top of the world,

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The Climb A towering, treacherous threat, His snowy peak glistened like diamonds,

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  1. The Climb A towering, treacherous threat, His snowy peak glistened like diamonds, Above us all, The mountain disappeared into a blanket of cloud, I knew he was looking down upon us all, This mountain wasn’t any old mountain. Standing on top of the world, It’s Everest. Ryan

  2. My Achievement As I climb up, I remember this is not a dream, Come on. As I take a breath, I look at the snow, Come on. As I perch on top of the mountain, it is peaceful, Come on. As I see the clouds blend with the rocks, Come on. As I see the earth stay stock-still, Come on. As I breathe fresh air in, Come on. This is Everest. Shannon

  3. Clink! Clink! I’ve conquered Everest Clink! Clink! Clink! Stones fall as I head for the top of the unclimbable Everest. Clink! Creak! Rumble! Almost there, dreading the last mile. The thought of death was there in my mind. Suddenly, light and the freshest of air that I’ve had in a long time. The peak is wrapped in a thick layer of clouds. No noise, no people, no cares, Just me and my taken breath! I have climbed the unclimbable. I have conquered Mount Everest! Kaitlin

  4. Amazing! Glistening snow-caps, Solid rock stood stock-still, I see a shadowy distance followed by a wind whistling by, A dark sky, Day dream, Inspiring, Relief! I will always remember this. Will you? Jenna

  5. Looking Down Looking down from the top of the world, Looking down to see a blanket of clouds, Looking down at the snowy rocks, Looking down thinking I’ve done it. Looking down. Looking up at the breath-taking tower, Looking up at the monstrous terror. Looking up! Tori

  6. Climb Me Climb up my jagged rocks, My dangerous steep paths, See my snow-covered rocks, Reach the top of me, See the beautiful world, Touch the darkness of the sky, See how tall my peak is. I am Everest! Jasmine

  7. Mountain view Upon the mountain so tall, the vast open space, looking at us all. The mountain, persuaded me to climb and see, so I did it anyway because it wanted me. When I made it to the top, the wind blew on my face. It was a challenge-like race. I felt an experience, a feeling I’ve never felt. It was peace. Leon

  8. Will I make it? I’m standing under Everest, Where a slippery wall awaits. My family are waiting for me, I must make them proud. A snowflake falls before me, So beautiful, clear and white. The top of the world awaits, As I am one step away! Finally, I reach the top, Where the rocks are smothered with snow. But … I hear a blizzard, Will I make it back down? Olivia

  9. Conquering yourself Stood at the peak, Soaring the clouds, Gazing at the speechless view, Waving your hand through the misty puffs of air, Whilst breathing a whirl of success, Feeling cold whooshes of air brush your skin, The smell of victory appears, As you have conquered yourself. Gabriel

  10. Soaring the world Snow-covered peak, Seeing nothing but mist, Seeing rocky mountains as far as the eye can see, Breathing the freshest of air, Seeing the freshest of skies, Gazing into the world, Feeling success and fulfilment, As I’ve climbed the world. Euan

  11. Everest is inside me I stand at a snow-covered peak, Staring at slowly moving clouds passing by, The air fills my lungs with the freshest air on earth, The rocks started to crumble like ripping bark as I climb down, The roof of the world is something I will never forget, It’s a death trap. Rhys

  12. I’m always Everest Snow-capped summit reaching into the clouds, Breath-taking, life-threatening, heart-pounding, Steep, solid, slippery, Crashing avalanche of rocks, Crackled death trap of fear, A blanket of clouds. Still, calm, peaceful, I’m always Everest. Alex

  13. The vast mountain The mountain, stood so tall, So vast and unaware of what’s happening below, His snow-capped peak glistening in the sunlight, All alone, holding the sky up, His summit so high, It reaches for the sky, At last I reach the top, I am standing on the roof of the world. Zoe

  14. The vast mountain The mountain stood alone and tall, Looking down on everyone, Everest stands there calling for others, I am at the top of the world, His snowy land glitters like diamonds in the sun, I am Everest. Molly B

  15. Everest View Standing steadily on my feet and looking down at the world, I touch the sky with my bare hands. As I look further into the world of white, Boulders of snow and ice crumble beneath me. Standing on top of the earth’s roof, I hear Everest call out for others. Breathing the thinnest air there is, The journey down has yet to come. George

  16. Journey up Everest Walking steadily up the jagged skin Of the ferocious predator, Slipping on every piece of ice on the ground, The clouds seem so near that I could almost touch them, I know I’m nearly there but it seems miles until my trek is over. This is Everest! Tirzah

  17. What would you feel? Walking the ragged skin of the mountain, Rocks that crumble below your feet, Devastation at every turn, But then you make the climb, Looking down at the cloudy landscape, Feeling proud. What would you feel? Logan B

  18. Top of the world I’m standing on top of the world, Standing on its roof, All I see is snow and clouds. I’m resting on top of the world, I’m on top of the house of snow. I’m eating on top of the world, I’m at the entrance of the palace of gods. I’m packing on top of the world, There’s no noise because no-one’s around, I’m leaving the top of the world, But I will always remember. Dylan

  19. The Mountain Horror A slippery cloud of horror is waiting beneath me, The thought of falling going round and round in my head, My family at home debating if I’m alive, I wish my family could see the beauty of the white snow, Falling softly on the ground. I need to get home. But … I am Everest. Lilly

  20. Horrifying Adventure As you walk up the slippery slope, You then slide back, you do a quick recovery. Phew! The peak seems so close but yet far away. You just want it to end. You soon come up above the clouds, You feel so special. But you still have to get down. Are you going to make it? Rachel

  21. Bleeding Spirits As the mountain bleeds with snow, I know I will reach my goal. Halfway up, I’m freezing cold And I can see the peak. Going down, I would die then, I will let my spirit fly. Andrew

  22. Mountain Death-trap The loud, jagged summit trying to be as tall as the Himalayas, A silent, snowy and slippery mountain of death is calling us for a challenge, A challenge of death. Joe

  23. The soundless wilderness The soundless heartbeat, Of the sharp-pointed peak, Rising to the top, A rocky road of ice, Lies across the peaceful snow, Above the lonely clouds I hear no sound. I am Everest. Logan BH

  24. The soundless mountain The soundless mountain, The towering, sharp peak, Loneliness all around, White clouds looking like snow, Rocks, jagged and hard, I am looking at Everest. Molly J

  25. The tower of history I was astonished and amazed, The snow smothered the gigantic rocks, Clouds floated below the peak, Everest stands tall and proud, Reach for the skies. Jake

  26. Looking down! If you were a mountain climber which one would you climb? If I was a strong man I would climb the biggest mountain of them all. It is very snowy, the disguised mountain is like being at the top of the world. You won’t be able to breathe, It feels like you are in space. Joshua

  27. Misty, mysterious trap! Its peak is as tall as the Eiffel Tower, Its peak looks as if it can touch the moon. Come and climb my jagged slopes, I’m waiting, Take my challenge, Reach my summit, Look down upon the world, Take the opportunity, To be on top of the world. Please I’m the biggest mountain. I’m Everest! India

  28. Death Drop Mountains are rocky and dangerous, Mountains are snowy and icy, Mountains are cloudy and wet, Mountains are muddy and dirty, Mountains are big and small, Mountains are misty and cool, Mountains are damp and warm, Mountains have water running down from the sun, All you can hear is the wind and the water, All you can feel is the fresh snow and cold mist. Chelsea

  29. The towering death trap A blanket of cloud mysteriously floats across the snow-capped summit. Climbing up to its icy spine, Humongous slabs of snow fall to the ground and break into a million pieces. The thought of reaching the bottom gushes through your head, whirlpooling to the tips of your toes. You are its next victim! It’s taken you by the hand, Lured you in with its peaceful innocent-looking peaks, There’s no way out. Fresh smelling air strikes at your face, At the top of the world! It’s not the mountain you conquer but yourself. Mighty Everest! Also known as the death trap! Year after year devouring people of the world. Waiting for you to make your next move! Emilie

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