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The Mini-Waste Faraday Partnership

The Mini-Waste Faraday Partnership. Novel technologies and processes for the minimisation of industrial waste. This presentation from 2002 explains the concept and goals of the partnership. What is a Faraday Partnership?.

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The Mini-Waste Faraday Partnership

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  1. The Mini-Waste Faraday Partnership Novel technologies and processes for the minimisation of industrial waste This presentation from 2002 explains the concept and goals of the partnership

  2. What is a Faraday Partnership? • A mechanism to exploit R&D effectively to create new products and processes • A means of using efficiently the support mechanisms already available • A way of linking many different organisations - each playing a part in delivering the objectives • Dedicated to delivering the four “Faraday Principles”

  3. The Four Faraday Principles • To promote active flows of people, industrial technology and innovative business concepts amongst the science and technology base industry. • To promote the partnership ethic in industrially relevant research organisations, business and the innovation knowledge base. • To promote core research that will underpin business opportunities. • To promote business relevant post-graduate training, leading to life-long learning.

  4. The Four Faraday Principles (abridged) • Technology and knowledge transfer • Partnership(s) • Research • Training

  5. Faraday Partnerships • The first Faraday Partnerships started in 1997 • Mini-Waste is one of six new Faraday Partnerships announced by the Secretary for Trade & Industry in 2002 • There are now a total of 24 Partnerships in existence

  6. What is the Mini-Waste Faraday Partnership? • Industrial waste minimisation - i.e. not commercial or domestic (municipal) • Waste reduction through technology and innovation - i.e. not through “good housekeeping” • Strategic research - medium to long term view

  7. Mini-Waste objectives Aim: • To deliver a strong and sustainable linkage between industry and the science & technology knowledge base that will lead to a significant reduction in the waste arising from UK industries. • Increases in profitability, efficiency and employment.

  8. Core Partners C-Tech Innovation Ltd University of Birmingham University of Cambridge Imperial College London Intellect Manage the Mini-Waste Faraday Partnership

  9. Mini-Waste Sponsors • Department of Trade & Industry • Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council • Natural Environment Research Council

  10. How is Mini-Waste funded? • Infrastructure (DTI) Core infrastructure management Employment of Technology Translators Industry Clubs Support of Faraday Associates • Research (EPSRC, NERC) Core strategic research programme Bids into other programmes CASE awards

  11. Five Key Sectors • Electronics and battery manufacture • Food processing industry • Metals and metal finishing industries • Construction industry • General minerals and inorganic waste • Environmental Technologies & Services

  12. Electronics & battery manufacture Key issues • Competitive industry (from overseas) • Waste costs represent 4-6% of manufacturing cost • 60% of industry are SMEs • Hazardous waste

  13. Food processing industry Key issues • 2.7 Mtonnes/yr landfilled • Pressure to reduce bio-degradable waste sent to landfill • Much food waste now “hazardous”

  14. Metals & metal finishing industry Key issues • 11 Mtonnes/yr of waste - 32% landfilled • Much waste is toxic • Potential to recover metals from waste streams

  15. Construction industry Key issues • C&D waste accounts for 70 Mtonnes/yr • 15% of construction costs - waste management • Real potential for new products from waste

  16. Minerals & inorganic waste Key issues • Large waste streams • Potential for new products from waste

  17. Research Themes New technologies, processes and strategies that: • Improve production efficiency - reduced resource consumption. • Convert waste streams to new product streams - value from waste. • Regenerate resources from waste streams on-site - resource recovery.

  18. Activities

  19. Mini-Waste “Members” • Companies, e.g: Arup Tarmac International Power Deans Foods United Biscuits Britannia Refined Metals Biffa Waste Services G&P Batteries • Non-commercial organisations, e.g: Environment Agency CIRIA Institute of Wastes Management Highways Agency Meat & Livestock Commission Envirolink NW Advantage West Midlands Envirowise

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