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Explore the significance of Jesus in your life, discover assurance through faith, and reflect on sharing this experience with future generations. Delve into scriptures and personal reflections to deepen your relationship with Christ.
More About Jesus Assurance Galore
Assurance Galore: Survey • If a neighbor asked you to define a Christian, what would you say? • If you are killed later today in a car accident, will you be among the resurrected that go to heaven? If so, how do you know? If no, how do you know? • Would you want your children to have a religious experience like yours? Why or why not? • What does Jesus mean to you? What do you find attractive about Him? • T/F I spend some specific and special time each day alone with Jesus for the purpose of getting to know Him better.
1 Thessalonians 1:5 (NKJV) For our gospel did not come to you in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Spirit and in much assurance.
John 6:37 (NIV) Whoever comes to me I will never drive away.
Romans 5:1 (NKJV) Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.
1 John 5:11-12 (NKJV) And this is the testimony: that God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life.
Philippians 3:5 (NKJV) I was circumcised on the 8th day, of the stock of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrews of the Hebrews; concerning the law, I was a Pharisee; concerning zeal, persecuting the church, concerning the righteousness which is in the law, blameless.
Philippians 3:8,10 Yet indeed I also count all those things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them as rubbish, that I may gain Christ. That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings.
2 Timothy 1:12 (NKJV) I am not ashamed, for I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep what I have committed to Him until that Day.
Philippians 1:6 (NKJV) Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ.
Hebrews 10:14 (NKJV) For by one offering He has perfected forever those who are being sanctified.
1 John 2:28 (NKJV) And now, little children, abide in Him, that when He appears, we may have confidence and not be ashamed before Him at His coming.
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